
Andrew Pherson

Representation: Rome Flynn
On Series Since: 2017 - Present
Full Name: Andrew Pherson
Profession: Gambler
Martial Status: Sex with Daisy
Previous Relationships: Ex-Girlfriend, Paige Claus
Family Ties: Mother, Savannah Pherson [deceased]; Guardian, Frederick Richardon



Andrew is Savannah's son with Dave Victors. When he was first born, Andrew was believed to be Trenyce and Chris' son, but Dave planned a baby switch. Following Savannah's death, Frederick gained custody of the boy and sent him to boarding school. He returned in Santa Barbara as an young man. He lashed out at Chris and Trenyce and accused them of killing Savannah. He then returned to Twin Peaks, telling Trenyce that he arrived because he wanted to be close to Frederick. Andrew then overheard Frederick admit to Chris that Savannah's death was an accident; Andrew was gutted that Frederick lied to him. Andrew also overheard Chris threaten Frederick. Andrew confronted Frederick on the night Frederick was shot and was later questioned by the police. Andrew visited Savannah's grave on Christmas and seemingly shared a close moment with Trenyce.

Andrew was upset when Frederick was killed on New Year's Eve. He was then questioned by Simona Lopez, as he was a suspect. He managed to derail himself from being a suspect when he told the detective that he heard Chris threaten Frederick last November before Frederick was shot. It worked: Chris was arrested for killing Frederick. Trenyce was shocked when Andrew confessed what he had done; Andrew maintained that he just wanted justice for Frederick. Andrew, meanwhile, had a few awkward run-in's with Paige; she thought he was arrogant and he thought she was stuck up. Paige, later, changed her mind about him when she found out that Andrew was with Leah in Santa Barbara. Andrew was slightly miffed when Chris was able to prove his innocence and was released. The ice storm hit, and Andrew was at the hospital during the storm. He supported Paige, who was there supporting Tyler with the crisis with Blake. Paige encouraged Andrew to reach out to his family. She was touched when he did; he visited Jemma, who fell into a coma following the accident. Andrew pleaded with Jemma to wake up. Andrew, however, still didn't want to support Chris. Following the storm, Andrew showed up at Blake's memorial service to support Paige. She was touched. He asked her out on a date, which didn't go as planned. However, they continued to grow closer. Andrew, then, learned that Chris and Trenyce were looking for their biological child and was upset. After the way Chris treated Savannah and Frederick, he didn't believe that Chris deserved to find happiness. While he was upset that he would have to hurt Trenyce, Andrew set out to ruin their plan. He broke into Meggan's office but realized that they didn't have a good lead. Paige was upset when Andrew was late for their date and called him out on it. They soon made up, but Andrew then learned that Chris was going to break up with Helen to be with Trenyce. On the night of the break up, Andrew broke into Chris' house and drugged his wine. As soon as Chris and Helen were passed out, he took their clothes off and put them in bed together. In the morning, Trenyce arrived and assumed that they had made love. Trenyce was devastated and slapped Chris. Andrew, meanwhile, was on cloud nine that his plan worked. Paige wondered why he was in such a good mood, and Andrew told her that life was good. Later, though, Andrew felt guilt pains when Trenyce told him how hurt she was.

Andrew slowly began having guilt pains over drugging Chris and Helen last fall, especially seeing how upset Trenyce was. He and Paige quickly befriended Cheresa, whom he admitted to that he was ready to take the next step with Paige. Cheresa told him to talk to Paige about sex, but not to pressure her. Paige admitted to him that she wasn't ready, but she did become increasingly curious about why Chris nor Helen could remember that night. Andrew got more defensive with her until she wondered if he had something to do with it. He told her no, and she agreed to drop it. Abby, meanwhile, developed a crush on Andrew. Once Abby and Paige got accepted to the Gen Next House, Andrew and Cheresa applied and they got in. Andrew then invited Paige over a date night and they made love for the first time. In the wake, Paige was going to take a shower but she found the pills that Andrew used to drug Chris & Helen and she confronted her boyfriend, who finally confessed what he did. Paige was horrified and she made Andrew tell Chris, Trenyce and Helen the truth. Chris was livid and filed a restraining order against Andrew, and Paige dumped him right before they went into the Gen Next House for the summer. Andrew entered the Gen Next House with Abby, Cheresa, Paige and Max. Tensions ran high between Paige and Andrew as they still had feelings for one another. Abby, meanwhile, convinced Max to pursue Paige so she could have a chance with Andrew. Max and Paige grew closer, but Andrew rejected Abby's advances because of his feelings for Paige. At the Summer Send-Off Dance, the kids got drunk and passed out. Andrew slipped on some water, hit his head and was knocked unconscious into the pool. Cheresa saved him from drowning; the Gen Next House ended and Andrew was rushed to the hospital, where he made a full recovery. The tragic accident, however, allowed Chris and Trenyce to forgive him. They cancelled the restraining order and agreed to move forward. It also allowed Andrew and Paige to reunite, which upset Abby and Max. Andrew and Paige made love, unaware Max and Abby were plotting to break them up.

Andrew and Paige continued to grow closer and they even had sex. They didn't realize, however, that Max and Abby were working together to break them up. Soon after, Abby visited Andrew and confessed that she was thinking of going back to school to give herself direction. Andrew admitted he was doing the same thing. Abby admitted that she felt bad for coming on to him and Andrew told her that they were friends and always would be. Abby purposely spilled water on her shirt and took it off to dry. She texted Max that she was about to seduce Andrew, so Max took Paige to Andrew's apartment. When Paige arrived, she saw Abby, only in her bra, kissing Andrew. Paige rushed away. Andrew told Abby that they could only be friends and nothing more. Abby left dejected. Andrew was then confused when Paige dumped him without reason. He told Cheresa, Chris and Trenyce that he didn't understand. Chris told him that school might be a good idea as there would be a lot of girls there to help him forget Paige. Andrew and Abby were both accepted to TPU. Chris then confessed that his sister is a professor at the university. Andrew and Abby happened to get Chris sister, Albertinah, as their world history teacher. Andrew had an instant attraction to his teacher. Andrew was upset to see how close Paige & Max were growing. He went to school, with Abby, who was still trying to get together with him, and met his teacher, Albertinah, who is Chris' sister. Andrew was instantly attracted to Albertinah. He went to her for extra help on an assignment and they grew closer. Abby noted that Andrew got a very good grade on his paper, while she did not. He agreed to help her study for the midterm, even though his mind was on Albertinah. He kissed his teacher, who told him that it couldn't happen again. Shortly after, however, they ended up in bed together. Albertinah immediately regretted it and told Andrew it could never happen again as she could lose her job. Andrew agreed, but struggled to get over his new found feelings for her. Abby noted that Andrew seemed distant; he finally confessed his affair but made her promise not to say anything. Abby was stunned and realized she could use this to get Andrew, who was supporting her during Cheresa's ordeal. Andrew was then cornered by Albertinah, who told him that Abby threatened her if she didn't agree to stay away from him. Andrew was stunned and confronted Abby, warning her to stay out of his business. Andrew and Albertinah shared a close moment on Christmas and soon, Andrew overheard Abby and Max talking about their plan to break up Paige and Andrew and realized what they had done. On New Year's, Andrew exposed them to Paige, who was crushed.

Andrew lashed out at Abby and Max for breaking him and Paige up the year before. Andrew admitted to Chris that he didn't know what to do now. Chris suggested that Andrew seek out Paige. Andrew and Paige met but realized that their time in the sun had pasted and agreed to be friends. Andrew, then, told Albertinah about what happened. They shared a close moment but she maintained that they couldn't be anything but friends as well. Andrew agreed. Shortly after, Abby told Andrew that she still knew about his affair with Albertinah and threatened to tell the dean unless he gave them a chance. He told her he wouldn't be blackmailed into a relationship. At his graduation, Andrew got his diploma with Chris and Trenyce there and Albertinah won an award of excellence. Following the ceremony, Abby told the dean about the affair! Andrew lost his diploma and Albertinah was fired. Andrew lashed out at Abby for all the pain she caused; Albertinah said her goodbyes and left town. Abby was upset that her plan backfired and showed up on Andrew's doorstep. To get back at her, Andrew had sex with her and then told her he used her! Abby was crushed. Soon after, Abby told Andrew that she was pregnant! Andrew didn't believe her but she claimed it was true. He told Chris he made a mistake and didn't know how to fix it; Chris told him every mistake can be undone. Andrew told Abby to have an abortion, but she refused. Andrew then realized he was an ass and apologized. They seemingly grew closer as Abby decided to give the baby up for adoption as she was thrilled with how Andrew was treating her now. Andrew agreed to support her decision unaware Max was really the baby's father. Andrew told Vinny that he wasn’t ready to be a father which is why he is happy that Abby agreed to an adoption. Without Andrew knowing, Vinny secretly made a phone call to a doctor. Andrew and Abby, then, revealed to the Lawson’s that she is pregnant but they were giving the baby up for adoption. Brooke and Greg supported Abby. Max, however, told Andrew that being a father shouldn’t be taken for granted. Abby continued to start to bond with the baby as she felt the baby kick a few times, which concerned Andrew that she might change her mind about the adoption. Andrew was then surprised to see Albertinah back in town and they ended up in bed together. They agreed to try to make their relationship work as they didn’t have the school drama to deal with. Abby, meanwhile, was furious with Andrew for missing a doctor appointment because he was with Albertinah. They had a fight which resulted in Abby falling down some stairs. Both Abby and the baby were fine, but the accident made her realize that she wanted to keep the baby. Andrew was not amused and told Abby that he didn’t want to be a father. She claimed she would raise the child on her own. Shortly after, Abby went into labour and Dr. Bryce Barty, the doctor Vinny hired, told her she would need a c-section. Bryce, then, helped another woman give birth, even though her child was stillborn. Bryce gave Abby the stillborn child and gave Abby’s baby to Chantel, who gave her child up for adoption to Donovan and Lukas. Abby and Andrew were devastated by their “loss”, even though Andrew never wanted the child. Albertinah supported Andrew, who blamed himself for the loss. Shortly after, Donovan invited Andrew and Abby over to see his son, Olly, thinking it would help them get over the death of baby Sonny. They went and Abby immediately felt a connection to the child, not knowing that it was really her baby.


Andrew continued to receive support from both Albertinah and Abby on the death of baby Sonny. Abby continued to tell him that she felt close to baby Olly, but he warned her about getting too close to the child. Andrew and Albertinah continued to grow closer, but she was unnerved when he suggested that Trenyce move in with them after Brad was found dead on New Year's Eve. Shortly after, Andrew got a call from Abby telling him that she was with Trenyce when she fainted! At the hospital, they learned that Trenyce was pregnant; Andrew realized Chris couldn't be the father. He was then worried when he couldn't reach Albertinah. Abby suggested they search for her; they found her dead body on the pier with the killer standing over her! Andrew chased the killer and got his arm slashed but they got away. Andrew was devastated by the loss of Albertinah. Trenyce and Andrew told Chris that his sister was dead. Andrew moved in with Trenyce and they learned that Chris was getting out of jail on good behavior. Andrew encouraged Trey to tell Chris the truth about the baby; she did and Chris ran out on her. Andrew vowed to support Trenyce and the two seemingly grew closer. Trenyce was told that she needed to remain calm because she was experiencing a high risk pregnancy. She told this to Chris and Andrew, who agreed to support her. Andrew and Trenyce continued to grow closer and Chris witnessed a moment between them. He immediately assumed that something was going on between the two of them and he confronted Andrew, who denied it. Chris even asked Cheresa, who said nothing was going on. Trenyce and Andrew, however, ended up sharing a couple of kisses, including one that was witnessed by Cheresa. Neither one knew what was pulling them together and they agreed not to pursue it. Trenyce and Chris reunited while they were worried about Cheresa, who had been kidnapped. Chris planned on proposing to Trenyce and told her that he had to talk to her. Thinking that he knew about her and Andrew, Trenyce panicked and went into labour, while the power was out! Chris delivered a baby boy but Trenyce fainted. In her delirious state, Trenyce mumbled Andrew's name, which gave Chris concern. At the hospital, Trenyce and baby BJ (Brad Junior) were both healthy. Cheresa was also returned safely, so the family united. Trenyce and Andrew, however, couldn't stop thinking about their kisses. Cheresa confessed to her mother that she saw her kiss Andrew and demanded that he tell Chris the truth. Trenyce agreed but wanted to wait until after Christmas. On Christmas Day, Chris proposed and Trenyce accepted. Andrew tried to act happy for them but he couldn't stop thinking about Trenyce.

Cheresa confronted Andrew about his kiss with Trenyce; he admitted to her that nothing was happening, so Cheresa agreed not to tell Chris that she saw them kissing. Andrew, however, couldn't stop thinking about Trenyce. Trenyce told him that they had to focus on their futures, and he agreed. At the Roboto gala, however, Andrew and Trenyce ended up having sex! Aftewards, Trenyce said that it couldn't happen again because of Chris. Andrew agreed but couldn't forget her. He started to gamble a lot at the casino, which lead to Dawn and Cheresa being concerned but he asked everyone to butt out. Dawn, however, went to Trenyce and Chris. Trenyce asked Andrew if he was okay, and he told her to stay out of his life, unaware that Cheresa heard them talk of their affair! Chris, meanwhile, told him not to throw his life away. Shortly after, Andrew saw Daisy with Antonio and wondered what was going on, unaware she was having sex for money at the casino. He and Daisy started talking and having drinks together as they both realized that they were running from something to trying to numb their pain. Andrew continued to gamble as a way of trying to forget his feelings for Trenyce. Soon, however, he realized that he needed more money to support his habit. Antonio used the opportunity to offer Andrew a loan as he wanted the good-looking young man to continue to gamble as he believed that Andrew brought more people to the blackjack table. Andrew accepted the loan and quickly burnt through it. The thought of having to pay back the loan, however, scared Andrew and he refused to take more money from Antonio. At the same time, Andrew and Daisy grew closer as they both admitted that they were running from something. Their friendship grew and they shared some kisses. Andrew stayed away from Trenyce on her wedding day, and told her to keep her distance when she returned from her honeymoon. Daisy, meanwhile, continued to sell her body for money and gave Andrew some money to help pay back Antonio. Antonio, however, told Andrew that interest was owed, and that there will always be interested owed. Andrew and Daisy felt like they were trapped by Antonio and they grew closer as a result. Shortly after, Trenyce went into labour and gave birth to a baby girl named Albertinah, Tinah, for short. Andrew was touched that they named the girl after his previous lover. Cheresa was uneasy about seeing Andrew with the baby. Later, Andrew and Daisy made love on Christmas Day.


Andrew was put off when Daisy suggested that she return to being a hooker at the casino to help pay off their loan to Antonio. He told her that they needed to find another way out. One evening, they even tried to leave the casino, but Antonio's goons stopped them. Antonio told them that they wouldn't leave until the loan was paid in full. Trenyce, then, suggested to Daisy that she might be entitled to some of Vinny's money since they were married. Daisy and Andrew went to Lois Kam, who admitted that Vinny's estate had been in the courts since he had so many criminal activities, but both Daisy and Andrew were listed as beneficiaries. Shortly after, they both received a large settlement and they made love. They were both distracted, however, when Albertinah got ill with severe aplastic amenia. Chris and Trenyce worried about their daughter, but Andrew was able to donate bone marrow to save her, which was surprising considering parents are usually the ones that are the most likely to be able to donate. Antonio, meanwhile, heard Trenyce and Cheresa talking about her affair with Andrew, and he realized that Andrew fathered Albertinah. Andrew's donation to Albertinah worked, and she got better. Once she was sent home, Daisy told Antonio that she and Andrew had the money to leave the casino for good. He blackmailed her into staying at the casino - and back into being a prostitute - by threatening to reveal her job at the casino to her family, and by threatening Andrew's secret. Daisy pressed Andrew for the secret, but he was stumped. He summoned Antonio to get the truth, and Antonio announced that he knew that Andrew slept with Trenyce and that he fathered Albertinah! Daisy was mortified when Andrew admitted he slept with her niece. Andrew, then, confronted Trey, who claimed Chris was the father. Andrew told Daisy that he had to get to the truth one way or another. Trenyce agreed to meet with Andrew on the pier, unaware that Chris overheard about their plans. On the pier, Chris listened as Andrew asked Trenyce if he fathered Albertinah; finally, Trenyce admitted that he could be the father! Andrew and Chris was stunned, and they came to blows when the truth came out. Trenyce and Chris were unnerved when Andrew wanted to spend time with Albertinah. Daisy was also rattled by the truth and the four of them didn't know what to do next. At Robin and Antonio's masquerade engagement party, all four of them blamed Antonio for interfering in their lives and they vowed revenge. Shortly after, Antonio was shot to death! The four met and all claimed innocence, however, Daisy was arrested after Andrew was grilled by Simona. Andrew and Chris agreed to put their differences aside while Daisy stood trial. Andrew took the stand and revealed how Antonio got him to gamble. In the end, Daisy was found guilty and was sentenced to prison, leaving the family gutted. Andrew, then, learned about the baby switch and he was stunned to learn that his son, Sonny, was alive and well, and was baby Olly. He visited Daisy in jail and admitted that he never felt a connection to Sonny. While talking to Trenyce about it, they almost shared a kiss.

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