Episode 937
Crossed on my Heart Forever
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: May 14, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Passive Aggressive" Charlotte Cardin

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Abby walked in after Frederick knocked Dominick unconscious! He told Abby that Eva was alive, so if she wanted her marriage to last, she would have to drug Dominick
- Victoria and Eva realized they had to get out of the room that Frederick locked them in
- Trenyce told Andrew she was worried about his gambling
- Andy and Nicholas got engaged
- Will had another vision of Eva
- Traci continued to snoop at the Lawson Estate
- Antonio continued to be taken with Robin

Dominick's Townhouse

Abby paces back and forth in the main bedroom of the townhouse that she lives in with Dominick. Her mind is racing about what has happened over the last few hours. She had learned that Dominick went to the Victors mansion to stop Felicia from marrying Frederick; under Cheresa's advice, she went to the mansion to see if her husband needed any help. When she arrived, however, she saw Frederick knock Dominick out cold by hitting him on the head with a candlestick.

To her shock, Frederick went on to explain that Dominick learned that Barbara Mills isn't alive, despite Felicia's claims that her friend had been visiting her. In fact, Eva is alive and was pretending to be Barbara to help get Felicia back in Frederick's life. The doctor warned Abby that unless she agreed to help him, by drugging Dominick, her marriage would be over as Eva is still technically married to Dominick.

She looks over at the and sees Dominick laying there with his eyes closed. Before she left Frederick's, he gave Dominick a healthy dose of the medication and informed Abby that when he wakes up, he shouldn't have a clear memory of what happened.

"It's up to you to ensure he never remembers tonight," Frederick's voice replays over and over in Abby's mind.

"What am I going to do?" Abby asks herself as she looks at Dominick with a worried look on her face. "Can I really drug my husband?"

Before she can ask herself anything else, she hears Dominick make a few noises.

"Dominick?" she asks as she moves over to the side of the bed and sits next to him. "Dominick, can you hear me?"

Dominick's eyes slowly open and he tries to focus on Abby. "Abby? What, what happened? How did I get home and why does my head hurt so much?"

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I didn't even realize that you were looking for another job?" Madeline asks Will as he opens the door to the restaurant for his lover and they both move inside. Madeline just heard from Will that he got another nursing position at Raven's Meadow, to go along with the position he has at General Hospital.

"I almost forgot I had applied at Raven's Meadow," Will tells her as they continue to move into the restaurant. "They took a while to process their applications, I guess."

"Do you think you're going to be extending yourself too thinly?"

"Nah," Will shakes his head back to her. "Both positions are part-time, so by having two jobs, it's like I'm working full time, which means I can have more money and savings, all that fun stuff."

"Well, then I'm happy for you," Madeline stops and gives him a quick kiss.

"So, any idea what this meeting with Andy and Nicholas is all about?" he asks her as they part lips.

"I have a pretty good idea, yup," she smiles as they move towards the table where Andy, Nicholas and Kim are already seated. "Hey everyone, sorry we are late."

"You're not late," Andy stands up to give her a hug. "Nicholas just ordered a bottle of champagne, and a sparkling cider for me."

"A celebration?" Will asks as he sits next to Kim. "What's going on?"

Andy looks over at Nicholas with a smile on his face. He then shows his ring finger to his friends and family. "Nicholas proposed and I accepted! We are getting married!"

Kim stands up and rushes over to hug her brother. "I am so happy for you, both of you," she says before she hugs Nicholas back.

"Thanks Kim, we really appreciate your support."

"Hey, are you okay?" Will asks Madeline, who gulps heavily.

"Yea, I'm fine," she forces a smile on her face as she can't help but wonder how Clayton will feel about this if and when he ever hears about the news of the engagement.


Robin collects her belongings and throws them into her large purse. She was having dinner earlier with Cory but he got called away, so she finished her meal and is now about to leave for the evening. Being pregnant, she finds herself getting exhausted earlier than normal, so she is looking forward to returning home and relaxing in bed.

"Did you enjoy your dinner tonight?" Antonio asks as he moves up to her table. He had secretly been watching her and Cory dine as he is rather smitten with her and once he saw her companion leave, he decided to come and introduce himself as he has been wanting to do so since he first saw her.

"I did, thank you," Robin nods back to him. "You're Antonio right? I believe we casually introduced ourselves the night of the Roboto party?"

"Ah yes, we did, good memory," Antonio winks back to her. "I've wanted to say hello again, so I took my chances tonight."

"That's very kind of you," Robin replies to him. "In my current condition, I'm afraid I get tired pretty quickly," she says as she puts her hand on her belly.

"That's understandable, I hope all is well with the baby? The start of a new life is always a wonderful thing."

Robin giggles back to him. "Baby is well, and yes, I agree. I am excited to his or hers arrival so I can get back to my new normal."

"I hope that new normal includes many more meals here so I can say hi often," he tells her. "Anyways, enjoy your evening, Robin."

"You too Antonio, and thank you for always being so hospitable."

Antonio watches as Robin exits the restaurant. He can't help but get a smile on his face as he knows that he made good inroads with the woman that has captured his eye. He looks over at his office door and happens to see Donovan and Isabelle talking to one another. He moves over to interact with his family.

"Well, isn't this a nice sight?" he chuckles as he pulls Donovan into a hug. "How is my nephew?"

"I am good," Donovan looks back at him. "Out of my wheelchair, finally."

"I was so happy to see that," Isabelle tells her cousin. "I know Dad and I were worried to hear that you had that accident."

"Ah, I'm all good now," Donovan replies to them. "You two will have to come over and see Olly, my son, he's getting so big."

"I'd love that," Antonio tells him. "Maybe with Victoria?"

"Yea," Donovan nods. "If only she'd reply to my texts."

"That doesn't sound like her not to reply?" Isabelle tells him. "Do you think everything is alright?"

"I hope so," Donovan sighs. "But I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."


Trenyce waits close to the blackjack table in the casino where she has seen Andrew gambling lately. She is hoping to run into him, again, so she can continue to convince him that she is worried about him. She had thought about going to his suite but she remembers what happened the last time she went to his room the night of the Roboto gala: they ended up making love, and now she is pregnant. While she has announced that Chris is the father of her child, she knows that it could be Andrew's baby.

Finally, she looks up and sees Andrew slowly moving towards the blackjack table. "I'm glad I ran into you," she says as she moves up to her lover.

"What the hell?" Andrew asks her in shock. "Are you stalking me now?"

"Of course not," Trenyce shakes her head back to him. "You have to understand that we are just worried about you, that's all."

Andrew chuckles back to her quickly. "So worried that after our night together, you threw me out like a piece of trash? Yea, I get it."

"It's not like that you and you damn well know it!" Trenyce huffs back to him. "I am engaged to Chris, you know how long we've been fighting to be together."

"I know, I know, I know," Andrew rolls his eyes. "And it's like I told you, I just need you to butt out of my life. You made your choice and all I'm trying to do is to move on with mine."

"I can respect that," Trenyce tells him. "But that doesn't mean that I will stop caring, Andrew. I never will."

The Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home

Traci opens the door to the kitchen and takes a deep breath once the door has closed. She looks at her phone, which has a new email notification. She opens it and realizes it is from the hospital.

"Final payment was received." she reads to herself, thinking about the money from Roboto came into good use. She closes her phone, and then starts to feel her heart race as to what just happened.

"Damn it! That was close," she whispers to herself as she pounds her first into the counter top.

She shuts her eyes and tries to collect herself as she can feel her heart racing inside her chest. While she has her eyes closed, she thinks back to what happened just a short time ago.


Traci looks around the living room of the Lawson mansion and gets a sly grin on her face when she realizes that she is alone. Immediately, she moves over to the bookshelf and starts looking for anything that could help her get more information on the family.

She finally sees a book that looks like it could be a journal and starts to pull it from the shelf.

"Traci? What are you doing?" Greg's booming voice asks her, which causes her to freeze.

She puts the book back and turns to look at her employer. "I…uh…I am a book worm, and I saw a book that I've always wanted to read. I'm…I'm sorry Mr. Lawson."

Greg arches his eyebrow back to her. "Listen Traci," he moves closer to her as he folds his arms over his chest. "If you want to read a book, it's fine, I would just appreciate you asking first, otherwise it seems like you are hiding things from me. You're in my home, and so I need to trust you, alright?"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Greg looks back at her. "Now, you can take the book when you're done your shift and I'll expect it back in a week. And, don't let this happen again, okay?"


"Damn it!" she opens her eyes and comes back to the present. "These people continue to get in my way. But, I have to be careful. I have to play this very carefully or they will learn my plan. I have to make sure that no one catches me looking around for the next little while. I have to make things right and pretend that I am a good employee. But how?"

Suddenly she gets an idea. "That's it!" she grins. "I know exactly how to smooth all of this over."

The Tower's; The Penthouse; Cory's Home

Cory gets a sly grin on his face as he makes himself a gin and tonic as he thinks about his dinner earlier with Robin. After everything that has happened the last few months, he is pleasantly surprised by how he has reconnected with his ex-wife. He and Robin have always been close but since he and Leah broke up and Robin ended things with Shane, they have seemingly been growing closer and he couldn't be happier about it.

"The world works in mysterious ways," he chuckles to himself. "Robin is pregnant with another man's baby and I just ended a relationship with her half-sister, but here we are, enjoying each other's company again."

He takes a sip of his cocktail as he continues to think about past times between him and Robin. They have been through so much together, he almost can't believe that they are still in a good place again.

He sets his cocktail down when he hears a knock on his front door. He wonders who could be stopping by since it is rather late in the evening. He moves to the door and his opens in shock when he sees his teenage daughter, Sophie, standing there.

"Sophie?" he asks in shock. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at boarding school?"

"Hi Daddy," Sophie purses her lips together as the blonde moves into the penthouse. "I think we have to talk."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

Frederick finishes his scotch before he sets his glass down on the bar. He looks up and hopes that Abby is following his instructions within regards to Dominick; he knows that if she doesn't, Dominick will remember that Eva is alive and his entire plan will be ruined. He has worked far too hard to let that happen, he realizes.

"Abigail, you better do what I say or this will not end will for you," he whispers to himself. "I can still convince Felicia that everything is alright. I know I can. But Dominick is the damn wild card."

He arches his eyebrow when he realizes that he has two more wildcards in his house: Eva and Victoria.

"I have to take care of those two," he tells himself. "They will pay for what they have done! They could have ruined this plan! Damn them!"

He moves over to the bookshelf, where he sees a small vase. He twists the vase to the left, which causes the bookshelf to side on it's side, revealing one of the secret passages of the mansion. He takes one step in before he sees a utility box on the wall. He opens the box and flicks a switch.

"There," he gets a grin on his face. "I turned the gas on in the bedroom where they are. Within 30 minutes both of them will be knocked out cold and I will be able to transport them accordingly."

Dominick's Townhouse

"You don't remember coming home?" Abby asks Dominick back quickly as he shakes his head no to her. "Okay, what is the last thing you remember?"

"I…" Dominick struggles to think about what happened. "I met with Victoria, but I don't remember the details of our conversation. And then…Felicia! I had to stop her from marrying Frederick? But…everything is a blur."

"You did stop the wedding," Abby reveals to him. "You and Frederick had a fight and that's when I arrived to take you home. I don't want you to go to that mansion anymore. You and Frederick do not like each other."

"That might be the understatement of the year," Dominick chuckles. "Thank you for helping me, Abby."

"You're my husband," she grabs his hand and squeezes it. "I will do everything I can to help you and be your wife, Dominick."

"If you mean that, you'll get me an aspirin? My head is killing me."

"Of course," Abby nods back to him, as she secretly breathes a sigh of relief that Dominick doesn't remember anything. She moves to the dresser and opens the pill bottle that Frederick gave her. She puts a pill in her hand before she walks back to the bed. "Here, take this with your water. You should feel better in no time."

Dominick takes the pill and quickly swallows it down with some water. "Thanks my love, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You will never have to find out," she winks back to him. "I'll make sure of that."

Next on One Day at a Time

- Trenyce tells Chris she's worried about Andrew
- Tyler is floored by Eva's admission
- Lukas confronts Donovan

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