Episode 931
Diamond in the Dark
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: May 02, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Rings a Bell" Allie X

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Victoria raced to tell Dominick that Felicia was going to marry Frederick and that Eva is alive and posing as Barbara
- Felicia told Leah that she was going to marry Frederick
- Natasha, Dale, Tyler and Ethan set up a meeting to discuss the lawsuit
- Nicholas planned a romantic evening for Andy
- Andrew turned to gambling to try to forget Trenyce
- Traci continued to snoop around the Lawson Estate

Dominick's Townhouse

Dominick paces back and forth in the living room of his townhouse that he shares with Abby. His mind is racing over the fact that Victoria has sent him a message telling him that they needed to talk urgently. He hasn't seen much of Victoria since Eva's passing the previous year, so he is curious as to what she could need to talk to him about.

"What is going on with you Victoria?" he asks himself before he moves to the bar to pour himself a scotch. "What is so urgent that you need to speak to me? Could be something about Eva's estate? I thought we settled all of that?"

He takes a sip of his drink as he moves to the fireplace, where he sees a picture of Eva. He picks up the picture frame and looks at his deceased wife.

"I still miss you each and every day," he says as he looks at the picture. "I just hope that Victoria's news doesn't have anything to do with you. I want you to rest in peace my love."

He puts the picture back on the mantel and takes another sip of his drink. He arches his eyebrow when he hears the doorbell ring. He sets his glass down on his desk as he starts to move towards the front door. When he opens it, he sees Victoria standing on the other side.

"Thank God you're here," Victoria says as she moves into the living room of the house. "We have to talk and it can't wait, Dominick."

The Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home

Traci slowly moves out of the kitchen of the Lawson estate and freezes when she sees Kim and Greg sitting next to one another on the sofa. She, slowly, has been getting more and more information on the family that she is working for. While she hasn't tried to make it obvious, she does like being around when the family is talking so she can obtain more details on them.

She slowly moves closer to Greg and Kim and tries to listen in to their conversation.

"So, you ran into Robbie earlier?" Greg asks his friend as he passes her a glass of wine. "How did that go?"

"As well as to be expected," Kim replies to him quickly. "We both found out that our divorce was finalized today, so it was rather bitter sweet."

"That was fast," Greg tells her. "The other day you were just telling me that you had hoped there'd be no more delays after Robbie signed the paper work."

"And there wasn't," Kim purses her lips together. "I am officially a free woman again."

"I know that is what you wanted but I am sure that on some level you are upset," Greg says. "It is never easy ending a marriage, especially because I know how much you loved Robbie."

"A part of me still does love him," Kim admits to him. "I just can't get over what happened, you know? I don't know that I will ever be able to see him and not think of my baby."

"I get that," Greg tells her. "But you will have to see him at the office, won't you?"

"No," Kim shakes her head as she looks back at him. "He quit working at Roboto because of the lawsuit Tyler filed against the company. So, I really will have a clean break from Robbie."

Greg smiles back to her, as Traci scurries back into the kitchen as she doesn't want to be seen by Greg or Kim. "I guess that is a good thing," he tells Kim. "Maybe a clean break is exactly what you need right now."

Kim uneasily nods back to him. "I think it will do me a world of good. Now I can focus on rebuilding my life…without Robbie."

The River Rock Casino

Andrew looks over at the blackjack table and wonders when one of the four players currently sitting will call it quits and leave the table. He has been eager to get back to his favorite table to play some hands; he has been playing on a more regular basis as a way to forget the mess that he is in with Trenyce right now. The two of them made love the night of the Roboto gala after months of sexual tension between them; in the aftermath, she told him that it was a mistake because of her engagement to Chris. He accepted this but he was further put off when he learned that she was pregnant. Immediately, Trenyce told him that Chris is the father of her unborn child because she took the pill after they had sex. He is trying to be happy for Trenyce - and Chris - but he is having a hard time trying to get Trenyce out of his mind.

He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees someone leave the blackjack table. He moves over to the table immediately and sits down.

He looks up at the dealer with a gin on his face. "Deal me in," he tells him as he throws some chips down.

"You're good for the money you're putting down?" the dealer asks him quickly.

"Of course," Andrew gulps back to him. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't have the money. Now, deal me in."

The Tower's; Floor One; Andy & Nicholas Home

Nicholas slowly paces back and forth in the living room of the condo that he shares with Andy as he waits for his boyfriend to return home from work. As he looks at the evening he has prepared, which includes soft jazz music playing, a table set for dinner for him and Andy, candles and flowers, he can't help but feel a little nervous as he wants to propose to Andy by the end of the evening. He just hopes that everything will go off as planned. He feels his heart skip a beat when he hears the key enter the lock and the door slowly opens.

"Ugh, I am so glad to be home," Andy groans as he moves into the apartment and drops his bag in the foyer. "What a day this has been."

"I'm glad you're home," Nicholas replies to him.

Andy's eyes open wider in surprise when he sees the setup in the living room. "What is all of this?"

Nicholas chuckles back to him. "I set up this for you, for us," he replies to him quickly. "I wanted to have a nice, romantic evening with you."

"You're so sweet," Andy moves up to his boyfriend and kisses him on the lips. "I wish you would have told me, I would have asked for a rain cheque. I am so exhauted today."

Nicholas gulps back to him. "Does that mean you want to have a bath and go to bed early?"

Andy chuckles back to him. "Would you hate me if I did that?"

Nicholas giggles back to him. "No, but I would be disappointed. I put a lot of energy into this evening for us, Andy. What if you go have a hot shower and see how you feel? We could, at least, have dinner first?"

"Okay that sounds like a good compromise," Andy tells him. "But I'm not sure how much longer I'll make it after dinner."

Nicholas nervously nods back to him. "We will see how the night unfolds, okay? Now, go shower and I'll get dinner ready."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"My client and I want to start by thanking you both for agreeing to meet us tonight," Dale says over to Ethan and Tyler as he sits next to Natasha at a table in the restaurant. They four have agreed to meet to discuss the lawsuit that Tyler and Robertson Enterprises has filed against Roboto; Dale knows that he has Natasha to come up with a dollar figure that they could present to Tyler in hopes of settling the case outside of court, but he has not seen the dollar amount yet as Natasha waited until the last minute to come up with the figure. "We are hoping that we can settle this all outside of court as it would be the best interest of both companies."

Tyler chuckles back to him before he looks over at Natasha. "Well, we both know that Roboto will be the one that looks bad if we go to court. But for the sake of saving us money and time, I am interested in possibly ending this before we have to go to court."

"That being said, any offers would have to be reviewed by myself and my client," Ethan chimes in. "We won't settle for anything less than what we know we are deserved."

"Before we go any further," Natasha puts her hands up in the air. "I do think it's important that you both know that there have been some changes at Roboto that are a direct result of the lawsuit and everything that has happened."

Tyler arches his eyebrow as he looks at Ethan before he returns his attention to Natasha. "What type of changes?"

"My brother Robbie," Natasha replies to him. "He was the co-CEO with me; he was appointed that position by my father in his will after he passed away. Robbie and I, we have been running the company together for years."

"And? He's no longer the CEO?" Ethan asks her as he wonders what she is getting at.

"No, he's not," Natasha informs them. "He has left the company. He realized that his presence was only going to hurt Roboto and so, earlier today, he packed all of his belongings and he has left the company. I want you both to remember that when I present the rest of the offer because losing Robbie is a huge loss to the company."

Tyler smirks back to her. "I'm glad he's out of the company," he admits to her. "After everything he did to ruin my campaign with Cheresa, losing his job is the very least that Robbie could lose."

"Alright, it seems like that is some good news in hopes of ending this without going to court," Dale chimes in. "Now, we do have more for this settlement. Natasha are you ready?"

Natasha takes a deep breath and looks over at Tyler. "I am ready, but I have a few things to say first. And I won't present any other offers until you've heard me out."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

"I almost can't believe that this is happening," Lukas stands in the main bedroom of the Victors mansion and watches his father put his tuxedo jacket on. Lukas had been at home when Frederick called him and told him that he was going to be marrying Felicia that afternoon; stunned, Lukas agreed to come and support his father as Lukas has known for years that Frederick has been in love with Felicia. He just has no idea that Frederick was going to marry Felicia so quickly; he didn't even realize that Felicia and Frederick had reconnected since Frederick returned. "You're going to marry Felicia? It almost seems surreal."

Frederick chuckles back to him. "I can't tell you how long I have wanted this, Lukas," he admits to his son. "For months, I have wanted to get back into Felicia's world. The fact that she has agreed to marry me so quickly is a blessing."

"You've been wanting to get back into Felicia's world?" Lukas asks him. "Tell me, how did you get back into her orbit? She is usually in Twin Peaks and not out at the mansion, Dad. So, how did Felicia end up here?"

Frederick uneasily chuckles back to him, knowing that he can't reveal that Eva is alive and has been posing as Barbara Mills because chaos would errupt. He wants to ensure that he is married before the truth comes out.

"She came here because I asked her to come," Frederick tells him. "You have to remember that Felicia and I have a very long history together. Despite Dominick not trusting me, Felicia and I have a very different relationship."

"Well regardless, I am happy for you," Lukas replies to him. "I know how happy Felicia makes you, so if this is what you both want, I am happy to be here for the occasion."

"I appreciate that Lukas," Frederick turns and smiles at him. "I know you and I have had our ups and downs but now that I am back, I want us, all of us, to be a strong, united family. Having Felicia as my wife is definitely the first step in accomplishing that."

Lukas smiles back to him. "Alright, you need help with that bowtie or what?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Frederick chuckles back to him as Lukas moves closer to his father to help him finish getting ready for the wedding.


Meanwhile, in the room where Felicia is getting ready, Leah stands in shock as her mother just revealed to her that she is marrying Frederick and she wants Leah to stand up for her as her maid of honor. Leah can't believe that her mother, and biological father, are about to get re-married. She didn't even realize that Felicia had been seeing Frederick since his return and now, Felicia is marrying him.

"You're marrying Frederick?" Leah asks her in confusion. "How did this happen?"

Felicia smiles back to her, hoping to bring a sense of calm to Leah. "It's like I told you," she begins to explain to her. "I saw Barbara again; Barbara told me that Frederick saved her life and she wanted me to come here to thank him. And so I did."

"How does thanking him translate into you marrying him, Mom? This is moving way too fast for my liking!"

"Again, it was Barbara's idea," Felicia nods back to her. "You know how close Barbara and I grew while we were in Raven's Meadow together. She's my dearest friend and I owe her life to Frederick. She suggested that we get married and when I was talking to Frederick, oh Leah, it is so clear that he loves me. I deserve to be loved that way, don't I?"

"Of course, you do, Mom," Leah sigs back to her. "I'm just concerned about all of this. I wish you'd take more time, what is the rush?"

"After I said yes to Frederick, he started making the plans to marry today," Felicia replies to her. "I mean, I'm not getting any younger Leah, why not just get married so Frederick and I can spend our lives together?"

"I need to look into my eyes and tell me that you're okay," Leah moves up to her mother. "I don't want you to be forced into anything or, I don't even know, Mom. I just want to know that you're okay because I am concerned that you're moving too fast."

Felicia chuckles back to her as she grabs Leah's hands and looks into her daughter's eyes. "I promise you that I am okay, I have never been better. I am going to get married today, this should be a joyous occasion. Please, please tell me Leah that you will stand up for me? Tell me that you'll be my maid of honor?"

Leah gulps back to her. "If you're sure this is what you want then I will stand up for you Mom," Leah nods back to her as the women hug. "I would never leave you when you need me the most, so yes, I will stand up for you."

Felicia lets a tear fall down her cheek as she and Leah continue to embrace. "Oh thank you Leah, I am so grateful for that."

Dominick's Townhouse

"Well, you certainly have my attention," Dominick tells Victoria as he moves into the living room to follow his former step daughter, who arrived at his house with some urgent news to tell him. "What is that is so urgent?"

"My head is spinning," Victoria admits to him. "Everything has happened so quickly."

"Okay, okay, start at the beginning," Dominick tries to calm her down. "What does this have with?"

"Felicia, Eva, Barbara," Victoria spills out the three names quickly as Dominick arches his eyebrow. "I…I started to suspect that my mother was alive," she reveals to Dominick.

"What? How is that possible?"

"I saw this note in Daisy Davenport's purse," Victoria continues to explain to him. "I thought the writing looked like Eva's and it said something like that she was at Frederick's and needed help. So, I went to the Victors mansion today to see if I could find Eva."

"My God," Dominick gasps back to her. "Is it true? Did you see Eva?"

"I saw Barbara Mills and Felicia talking," Victoria tells him. "So, Felicia's claims that she saw Barbara are true. Barbara was telling Felicia to marry Frederick."

"This keeps getting worse," Dominick shakes his head in disbelief. "But how did Barbara survive and where has she been all these years?"

"I went to follow Barbara after she spoke to Felicia; I wanted to see if she had any information on where Eva could be because that mansion is so huge."

"You spoke to Barbara? What did she say?"

"I didn't speak to her," Victoria tells him. "I followed her to her bedroom and saw something…something I will never forget."

"What did you see?" Dominick eagerly asks her. "What was Barbara doing?"

"It wasn't Barbara," Victoria reveals to him. "It was…it was Eva! She's alive but she was wearing this…mask… that made her look like Barbara! Don't you understand? Barbara is dead, this entire time it has been Eva pretending to be Barbara!"

"But why?" a confused Dominick asks her quickly.

Victoria shrugs her shoulders back to him. "My guess?" she replies to him. "Is that Frederick put my mother up to this in hopes of getting Barbara to convince Felicia to…"

"Marry him?" Dominick finishes her sentence as Victoria nods back to him, as Abby creeps down the stairs and finishes listening to Victoria and Dominick's conversation. "My God, if it's true, then we have to stop Felicia from marrying Frederick! We have to get back to the mansion before it's too late!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Natasha presents Tyler with an offer
- Will Nicholas get to ask Andy to marry him?
- Victoria and Dominick return to the mansion

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