Episode 995
Your Biggest Enemy
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 15, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Spiral SZN" Jojo

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Greg found Kim at home after Tara shot her twice
- Nicholas learned that Clayton isn't a Wilkins from Melissa. He returned to Twin Peaks and had sex with Andy
- Paige and Ethan agreed to go to Vegas together
- Donovan asked Antonio to help find Olly
- Daisy continued to sell herself for money so she could pay back Antonio
- Isabelle and Jacob's wedding day arrived
- Robin was left the majority of Cory's estate

Twin Peaks General Hospital

The clock in the waiting room ticks loudly as Greg, Cheresa, Abby and Andy all sit in the room. The seconds feel like minutes which feel like hours to all of them as they are waiting for an update on Kim's status. After Greg discovered his fiancé, who had been shot twice, he called 9-1-1 and rushed her to the hospital, where she went in for emergency surgery to remove the lodged bullets but also to stop the bleeding.

"I just can't believe that this is happening," Cheresa finally says something, breaking the silence in the room. "Just when Dawn takes a turn for the better, this happens? What is going on around here?"

"I wish I knew," Andy tells her. "But I will tell you one thing, my sister is a fighter. I have to believe that she will pull through this."

"I agree with you," Abby nods back to her. "Kim will pull through this; I just hope that Dominick pulls through and comes out of his coma."

"See, another person dealing with a medical issue," Cheresa shakes her head back to him. "When will this madness end?"

"Greg, you're a doctor, what was your take on Kim when you found her?" Andy asks him as Greg snaps out of his daze and looks over at Kim's brother.

"Honestly?" he asks with a hoarse voice back to him. "She lost so much blood…I…I know I should be used to see that being a doctor but…my God, it was everywhere."

"What are you saying? You don't think Kim will make it?" Cheresa asks him in surprise.

"Answer the question Greg," Andy looks at him with intent. "Do you think my sister is going to die?"

Las Vegas International Airport

"I can't believe that we were able to get such a quick flight to Vegas," Ethan tells Paige as they walk through the airport terminal in Las Vegas with their suitcases dragging behind them. They had been at the Sugarbowl earlier in the day when they both realized that they wanted to have a getaway as they felt like they needed a change of scenery after everything that has happened in the last few weeks, and Paige suggested that they come to Vegas.

"I suspected it would be easy to come here," she replies to him quickly. "It's such a tourist hotspot."

Ethan chuckles back to her. "And, we are staying right in the middle of the strip, which is amazing."

"I've never actually stayed at the Bellagio before," Paige admits to him. "I want a room with a view of the fountains."

"I'll make that happen when we check in," Ethan smiles back to her. "Thanks for doing this for me, Paige. When I said I needed a break, I didn't think you'd jump on the chance to get away with me, especially to Vegas!"

Paige chuckles back to him. "Like I said in Twin Peaks, I needed a break too; after everything that's happened with my family, this is the escape that I needed."

"Good, then let's go have the best time," he winks back to her, hoping that this trip will help him move past his lingering feelings for Abby, who has told him that they have to stay away from one another moving forward.

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"You've been pretty quiet since I told you what I did last night," Donovan says to Lukas before he picks up his cup of coffee and looks over at his husband. He recalls how the previous night he went to see his uncle, Antonio, to see if he could use his connections to help try to find Olly. However, since he told Lukas about his actions, his husband has been quiet.

Lukas puts his fork down and finishes chewing the piece of his mushroom-spinach omelet and looks back at his husband. "Well, I guess I wish you would have discussed this with me first."

"Why? You didn't discuss going to Meggan before you asked her for help."

"Meggan is a trained professional!" Lukas hisses back to him. "I…I am worried about these connections that your Uncle has."

"What does that matter if it means getting our son back?" Donovan asks him, stunned that Lukas is taking issue with him asking for more help to find Olly.

"It matters if we are in trouble, somehow, with the law once we get Olly back. Wouldn't it be ironic if we get our son back only to end up in hot water with the police?"

"I don't think it will come to that," Donovan admits to him. "All I want is our son back, Lukas. At this point, I don't care what we must do to get Olly back. And if you can't accept that, then that's on you. You can sit there and be miserable, but I am going do whatever it takes to get my son back."


Meanwhile, upstairs in Andrew's suite, Daisy opens her purse as she sits on the sofa that is in the room. She looks over at Andrew, who is pouring two cups of coffee before he moves back to the sofa and sits next to her.

"This is for you," she says as she passes him a stack of money. "Now you should have enough money to pay back the interest on that damn loan from Antonio and you can stop owing him anymore money."

Andrew gulps heavily back to her as he recalls that she admitted that she was selling her body to get money at the casino. He feels bad that she has had to sleep with men to help him get out of his financial difficulty, which all started because he was having a hard time staying away from the blackjack table.

"I don't think I can accept this," he admits to her quickly. "You also need this money to pay back Antonio; you should use that so you can stop this job that you're doing for him."

"Don't worry about me, I will be able to handle Antonio in due time," she replies to him. "Right now, your loan needs to be paid and this will help you do that."

"I can't believe that you've been … you know … for money," Andrew looks back into her eyes. "You deserve better than that, Daisy."

"I know I do," she nods to him. "It took me a while to remember that, but I will do what I have to do to get out of this jam. And once that happens, we can leave this place together, forever."

He looks back into her eyes and wonders if she could be the way that he is able to forget Trenyce, since has been struggling with feelings for her for months now. But as he looks at Daisy, he can't help but realize that she is a beautiful woman and he does have an attraction to her.

"Thanks Daisy," he licks his lips back to her. "I don't know how I will ever repay you."

The Calimo Mansion

"Coming," Isabelle says as she rushes towards the door of the bedroom that she is standing in within the Calimo mansion. She had been with Jacob earlier in the day, but since it is their wedding day, she has moved to another bedroom so she can get ready for the big event. She had heard a knock on her door, so she is eager to see who could be visiting her. "Max, hi."

Max stands on the other side of the door with a sly grin on his face. He knows that he had hoped that he and Isabelle could have had a relationship, but it was very apparent that she always had more feelings for Jacob then him.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," he says as he moves into the bedroom.

"Not at all, I was just slowly getting ready for the wedding," she tells him as she closes the door behind him. "What brings you by?"

Max turns to face her with a chuckle. "Well, I had to see you. I couldn't let this day pass without seeing you before you married Jacob."

Isabelle gulps back to him. "I hope you know that I never meant to hurt you, Max."

"I get that," he tells her quickly. "But I still wanted to ensure that this is what you want? You really do want to marry Jacob?"

Isabelle nods back to him. "I want to marry him more than anything else in the world," she admits to him. "I don't know what it is about Jacob, but I have a pull to him, and I think it will only get stronger as time goes on."

"Well, there's my answer," he chuckles back to her. "I had to make sure you that you were happy; and since you are, I will give you my blessing. While it didn't work out between the two of us, I just want to see you happy. And I hope we can call each other friends."

"Of course, we can," she moves up to him and hugs him. "We will always be friends, Max."


Meanwhile, Jacob opens the door to his mother's bedroom and moves inside. He sees Natasha laying in her bed as she still on death's door because of the rare blood disease that she has. He just hopes that his wedding day brings his mother one final piece of happiness before she goes since it was her wish for him to be with Isabelle.

"Good morning," he says moving closer to Natasha's bedside. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"All things considering, pretty good," she replies to him. "I am worried about Sophie and how she is coping with the news about Cory, but I think today will help her a lot."

"You know," he says back to her as he sits on the edge of her bed. "Isabelle suggested that we postpone the wedding after we found out about Cory; she was thinking about Sophie, and you, but I told her that we needed to go ahead with the wedding."

"You did?" she asks him in surprise.

"I did," he nods back to her. "I thought that a joyous occasion, like a wedding, would be good for the family; it would give us hope and a sense of love and life."

"I am so proud of you Jacob," Natasha tells her son as she gets tears in her eyes. "Not only for marrying Isabelle today, but for the young man that you have become. You are the best son I could ask for."

Jacob smiles back to her before he leans in and pulls her into a hug. "I just hope today makes you happy, Mom, because I'm doing this for you. I really want you to leave this world a happy woman."

"Today, you are making me the happiest woman on earth," she tells him. "Now, you go get ready to become a husband!"

The Towers, The Penthouse; Cory's Home

"Thanks for letting me stay here last night," Sophie announces to Robin as she moves down the stairs from the second level of the penthouse. Sophie looks at the new owner of the penthouse as Cory left it for Robin in his will and is grateful that she let her stay; being in the penthouse, where Cory lived for years, made her feel closer to her father, whom she is still struggling to accept that he is gone forever. It still doesn't seem real that Cory is dead to her. "I don't think I could have stayed at the mansion."

"Of course," Robin stands up from the sofa and moves to the bar. "Can I get you a coffee or orange juice?"

"No, I'm okay," Sophie replies to her. "I shouldn't stay too long; I have to get back to the mansion since Jacob is getting married to today."

"Are you sure you're up to the wedding?" Robin turns and looks at her as she takes a sip of her juice. "You are allowed to not feel up to it, considering you just found out about your father."

"I will be there," Sophie tells her. "I want to be there for Jacob and Isabelle; Jacob is my brother, and he has always supported me. And Isabelle, well, she has been so nice and sweet to me since I started my internship at Roboto. It's the least I can do to be there for their wedding."

"I am proud of you," Robin smiles back to her. "And, I know that your father would be proud of you too."

Sophie feels her eyes swell with water. "Thanks for saying that. I needed to hear it."

"You're welcome," Robin tells her. "And please know, that you're welcome to stay here anytime you need an escape from the mansion or just to feel closer to Cory. I…I can feel his presence here still."

"Me too," Sophie replies to her as a tear falls down her cheek. "I don't know when this will start to feel real, but it certainly doesn't feel real yet."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Clayton's Home

"You were out all night," Clayton huffs over to Nicholas, who moves into the living room of the mansion that he is living in with his husband. Clayton is furious that Nicholas didn't come home the previous night; he has no idea where he was, but he wants to ensure that he wasn't with Andy because he knows that he can take all of Andy and Madeline's money if he needs too. "Where the hell were you?"

Nicholas chuckles back to him as he moves to the bar to grab a cup of coffee. "Well, not that it's any of your business but I went to Boston to see my mother."

Clayton arches his eyebrow back to him. "You went to seem Melissa? Why? You two aren't exactly close."

"She told me something," Nicholas turns to Clayton as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Something very interesting."

Clayton gulps heavily back to him, wondering what Melissa would have revealed to him. "That still doesn't explain where you were all night?"

"Once I got home, I went to see Andy," Nicholas reveals to him. "We made love all night long, Clayton. You and I, we are over. I will get all the proof I need to end this shame of a marriage once and for all."

Clayton feels his blood boil. "You have no idea the mistake you have made," he whispers back to him. "Have you forgotten about the clause in Olivia and Preston's will?"

"No, I haven't," Nicholas winks back to him. "But like I said, I am going to get the proof to end this once and for all and then, your sorry ass will be on the street like the rat you are!"

Clayton grunts back to him before he rushes out of the house. Nicholas smiles when he hears the front door slam shut behind Clayton.

"Perfect, I was hoping he would leave," Nicholas whispers to himself. "Because now, I can go and steal a toothbrush to see if his DNA actually matches Madeline's; if I can prove that Clayton isn't really Olivia and Preston's son, then he won't have any ammunition left."

The Calimo Mansion

"You slept in," Madeline notes to Robbie, who stirs in the large king size bed that is in his bedroom of the mansion. Madeline looks over at her husband and smiles over to him. "Between the storm, Cory's passing and making love, you must have been tired."

"Ugh, I was," Robbie yawns as he sits up in the bed and looks over at her. "What time is it?"

"Late morning," she replies to him. "Don't worry, we haven't missed Jacob and Isabelle's wedding, but we should start to get ready."

"Oh man, I almost forgot about that," he admits to her. "This wedding seems…rushed?"

"Like ours?" she giggles back to him. "Sometimes when two people know that they are meant to be together, they know and want the entire world to know about it."

"That's fair," he chuckles back to her as he grabs his phone to check his message and immediately he feels the blood drain from his face. "Oh my God."

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's Kim," he says as he looks over at Madeline. "She's been shot! I…I have to get to the hospital!"

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Answer me, Greg," Andy demands as he looks at his sister's fiancé as they continue to wait for word on Kim's surgery. "Do you think my sister is going to die from these gunshot wounds?"

"I…I don't know," Greg admits to him. "I'm trying to stay positive but…there was so much blood," he says as he gets choked up. "I just need her to be okay. I need my fiancé to make it!"

Andy moves up to him and hugs him. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you; I am just scared; we are all just scared."

"We have to remember that we are in this together," Cheresa comes up to her family and joins the hug. "We all want the same thing; for Kim to make it through the other side. We just have to keep praying."

"And in the meantime," Abby chimes in. "We need to start thinking about who could have done this? Who shot Kim and why?"

Greg and Andy uneasily look back at one another, realizing that they hadn't even thought about who did this to Kim as they've been so focused on her health, but now the know that they have to find the person that tried to kill Kim.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Robbie arrives at the hospital
- Adam learns the truth about Dale
- Sophie makes a decision

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