Episode 972
Now the World is Turning
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 03, 2023

Episode Theme song: "A Second to Midnight" Kylie feat Years & Years

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas stunned Andy by revealing he married Clayton on their wedding day, unaware Clayton blackmailed him into the marriage
- The Robertson's learned that Dominick suffered a stroke and Madeline believed he would never wake up from his coma
- Robin went into labour while she was with Cory
- Jacob announced that he and Isabelle are engaged, which delighted Shane and Natasha but left Cassie furious
- Sophie secretly crushed on Max
- Jeff decided to propose to Meggan

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"How are you feeling?" Jeff asks Leah as he pours two cups of coffee from the cafeteria of the hospital. Jeff is worried about his ex-wife as they just found out that Dominick suffered a stroke and that he is in a coma; accordingly to Madeline, he may never wake up again due to the lack of oxygen and blood flow to his brain and heart during the stroke. This is the latest piece of horrific news that Leah has been dealt with the last few months after she learned that Frederick, not Dominick, is her biological father and that she gave birth while she was in Santa Barbara years ago, and now, they have no idea where their son is.

Leah sighs as she takes the coffee and Jeff sits across from her. "To be honest, I don't know. I just feel like I'm put through the ringer, you know?"

"I get it," Jeff nods back to her. "You've been through a lot, that's why I am asking how you are. I don't want you to keep anything bottled in Leah; you need to get your feelings out."

Leah feels her eyes swell with water. "I…I don't know how I feel, Jeff. That's the thing," she reveals to him. "I feel…numb. I feel dead inside. And…well, never mind."

"No, finish what your thought. What were you going to say?"

Leah looks up at him as a tear falls down her cheek. "Hearing that you're going to propose to Meggan, I guess it's not helping. I don't know why but it bothers me."


"No," she cuts him off quickly. "You told me to be honest and I am. You don't have to say anything. I am just telling you, please don't do this Jeff. Please don't add something else to my overloaded plate."


"What did you make of Jacob's announcement earlier?" Max asks Sophie as they move into the main office at Roboto together. Max is still reeling from the news that Jacob proposed to Isabelle and they are going to be married because Natasha asked him to be with her as her dying wish. Max knew that he and Isabelle had been growing closer, but the truth is, she was always interested in someone else, and that person was Jacob. He is, however, concerned with how Cassie is doing. He knows that she must be devastated by Jacob's decision; however, she claimed that she wanted to be alone so he returned to the office.

Sophie moves a piece of hair behind her ear before she looks over at Max. Immediately, she feels her heart skip a beat at the sight of the man that she finds very attractive.

"I am not sure," she admits to him. "I mean, I want him to be happy, but this is out of left field. I had assumed he was happy with Cassie, I mean, your Mom."

Max chuckles back to her. "Well, I think it's because your Mom told Jacob it was her last wish to see him with Isabelle."

Sophie's eyes open wider in surprise as she didn't realize that had happened. "Are you sure? My Mom really asked Jacob for that?"

Max nods back to her. "Yea, she did. Did she ask you for anything before she…uh…passes?"

"No, not a thing," Sophie replies to him. "I hope Jacob knows what he's doing. How are you doing with this? It can't be easy for your Mom?'

"I will be there for her," Max tells her. "I just need to give her some space right now."

"You're a good son," Sophie smiles back to him. "I hope your Mom knows that."

"Thanks Sophie, it's kind of you to say."

The Calimo Mansion

"I can't tell you how pleased you've made me," Natasha smiles to Jacob as she lays in the large bed in her bedroom as Jacob sits next to her. She is still on cloud nine that Jacob has proposed to Isabelle and they are going to be married. She knows that her plan to pretend to be dying is extreme, but she had to do something to ensure Jacob stayed away from Cassie. Using the illness to her advantage, she told him that it was her dying wish for him to be with Isabelle and now, Jacob has proposed to the model. She realizes that her and Shane's plan is very close to succeeding.

"I can tell," Jacob smiles back to her. "I haven't seen you this happy in a very long time, Mom."

"It is because this is what I wanted before I died," Natasha replies to him. "I know that you and Isabelle are perfect for each other. So for me, to get to see you this happy before I go, it's all I ever wanted."

"I know," Jacob nods back to her. "That's why I proposed to Isabelle. I really want you to be as happy as you can be before we lose you. I still hate that this is happening to you."

"Don't worry about that," Natasha tells her son. "Just make sure the wedding is soon; I want to see you marry Isabelle before I go, okay?"

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised to get an invitation for drinks from my beautiful daughter," Antonio smiles over to Isabelle as they sit across from one another in the restaurant in the casino that he owns. On the table, Isabelle is sipping on a margarita while he has a bourbon.

"You know what's funny about that?" Isabelle asks him before she takes a sip of her drink. "It's that you never refuse to meet with me when I want to see you."

Antonio chuckles back to her. "I suppose that's true. You're my daughter, I always want to see you."

Isabelle blushes back to him. "I love you Daddy, but I do have something to tell you. And, I hope you will hear me out on this."

Antonio arches his eyebrow back to her. "Alright, I'm listening. What is this all about?"

"Well," Isabelle gulps back to him knowing that he has warned her about getting involved with Jacob. But now, she has to tell him that she is engaged to him and she just hopes that he is understanding. "It's about me and Jacob."

"You and Jacob?" Antonio asks her quickly. "I thought you were going to continue to see Max?"

"No, I told you Daddy, Max and I are just friends. The feelings that I have for Jacob, they are undeniable."

"So, you're seeing Jacob? Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

Isabelle moves a piece of hair behind her ear before she takes another sip of her drink. "We…we are engaged, Daddy. Jacob and I are going to be married."

"What?" Antonio asks her in surprise. "You barely know him, Isabelle!? What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I am in love and that I want to be with him, Daddy. Oh please, please tell me that you will support me."

"I don't like this Isabelle," Antonio sternly tells her. "Not one little bit."

The Tower's; Floor One; Andy's Apartment

"I can't believe that this is happening," Trenyce tells Andy and Kim as she sits across from them in the arm chair in the living room of Andy's condo. She, and Kim, just learned that the reason Nicholas didn't show up to the church to marry Andy on their wedding day is because he was marrying Clayton. They are both shocked by Andy's admission to them. "Nicholas really married another man? That seems fucked up," she says before she looks down at her pregnant belly. "Oops, sorry little one."

"I know it's weird," Andy shakes his head back to his friend and sister. "He said that a part of him always loved Clayton and he realized that when Clayton visited him."

"I don't understand why he wouldn't have come to you," Kim tells her brother. "Talking this through would have made more sense then leaving you at the altar."

"Alright," Trenyce waves her hand in the air. "Enough talk about that man. Andy, how are you doing? And be honest with us?"

Andy feels his eyes swell with water. "I…I'm devastated," he admits to them. "I thought I was going to be married again. What a fool I've been."

"No, uh-uh, you ain't doing that!" Trenyce tells him. "You are not to blame for this."

"Trenyce is right," Kim tells her brother. "This is on Nicholas, not you."

"I know," Andy lets a tear fall down his cheek. "I just wish I understood what happened, that's all."

"Can I ask you a question, and be honest with me?" Kim asks him next.

"Of course."

Kim looks over at Trenyce and gulps before she looks at Andy. "Is there any alcohol in the house?"

Andy looks back at her as he wipes his eye. "There was a bottle of Nicholas' vodka. And the day of the wedding, I will admit I was tempted to drink. But, I dumped it down the drain yesterday. I didn't have a drink of it, I promise."

Kim pulls her brother into a hug. "I'm proud of you, Andy."

"Thanks," he tells his friends. "I am hurting but I don't want Nicholas to take my sobriety too. He's taken enough from me, he won't take that too."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Clayton's Home

"I had no idea that we'd be living here after we got married," Clayton chuckles as he moves into the large lavish living room of the Young mansion, which he and Nicholas have moved into since they got married.

After Andy threw Nicholas out of his condo, Nicholas sent for his belongings and had them sent to Melissa's mansion, which he has stayed in before. He hates that he is back in the house where his mother gaslighted Andy with Clayton to begin with, but he had no where else to go. And, he knows that there is more than enough room in the house for him and Clayton.

"Well, we had to be somewhere. We surely couldn't stay with Andy or Madeline's as the condo's are too small," Nicholas replies to him.

"You sound grumpy," Clayton says as he moves next to Nicholas on the sofa. "We are newlyweds, you should be on cloud nine."

Nicholas rolls his eyes back to him. "Very funny," he tells him. "You didn't have to break the man's heart that you love, Clayton."

"True but now you have me," he winks back to Nicholas. "You will be happy with me, I'll make sure of it."

"You don't get it, do you? I don't love you, Clayton! I am in love with Andy!"

Clayton smirks back to him before he leans in and kisses Nicholas on the lips. They part and Clayton looks into his eyes. "I know you love him right now, but in time, I know you will love me. We are meant to be together, Nicholas. You'll see."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Okay, keep breathing like you practiced in Lamaze class," Cory tells Robin as he has his hand wrapped around her and they are moving from the parkade of the hospital. They had been at the penthouse discussing the fact that Cory saw Antonio kiss Robin's hand when Robin went into labour. "We will be upstairs in no time and the doctor can see you."

Robin continues to breathe as she looks over at Cory. "Thank….you…for…being…here…with….me," she tells him as she speaks in-between her breathes as they reach the elevator.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else Robin," Cory says as the elevator doors open and they move inside. Once the door closes, Cory pushes the button for the general floor of the hospital.

The elevator starts moving while Robin continues to keep breathing. "Good, just keep breathing," Cory encourages her.

Suddenly, however, the lights flicker and the elevator stops.

"What…happened?" Robin asks in concern as Cory starts pushing some of the other buttons on the elevator panel.

Cory looks back at her with worry on his face. "It looks like we are stuck; I can't get any of the elevator buttons to work."

"Stuck?" Robin gasps. "No! Cory…I'm….in….labour! Please…get….me to…the…doctor! Please!"


Meanwhile, upstairs in the hospital, Abby slowly moves up to a hospital room door and she peers through the small window, where she sees Dominick laying in a hospital bed with many tubes going into him. She hates seeing her husband this way, so she takes a deep breath and then opens the door and swiftly moves up to his bedside.

"I'm here, Dominick," she whispers to him as she grabs his hand. "You have to wake up, okay? Please, please wake up so I can see your eyes again."

Abby looks at him as he remains unconscious. She can't help but remember their fight before he collapsed; Dominick had confronted her about her kissing Ethan and her drugging him so he wouldn't remember that Eva was alive. She hates that they were at such odds when he collapsed. And, if Madeline's diagnosis is correct, he may never wake up again, which would devastate her.

"You have to get better Dominick," she tells him. "You have to come back to me, okay? So please, use this time to rest and recover but you have to open your eyes again."


"We brought you guys some coffee," Leah says as she and Jeff move back into the waiting room and pass coffee cups to Paige and Tyler. "Did we miss any updates on Dominick?"

"No, nothing," Tyler takes the coffee cup and takes a sip of it. "And Abby went to see Dad."

"Ugh," Paige groans back to her family. "This is all her fault!"

"Paige, come on, let's not do this," Jeff tells his daughter. "No one could have expected Dominick to have a stroke."

"I want to know what the hell Abby was telling him when he collapsed," Paige replies to her family. "I still think that she did this."

"This was an accident," Tyler tells his niece. "How could have Abby have done this?"

"I don't know," Paige shakes her head back to him. "But I don't trust her, not one little bit. And, I'm going to continue to think that Abby is responsible for this happening until I know, exactly, what happened leading up to the stroke. Abby is ruining this family and she has to be stopped!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Abby gets a second opinion on Dominick
- Dale questions Helen
- Will finds the secret study!

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