Episode 967
Punched in a Wall
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 23, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Boy" Maisie Peters

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Clayton revealed to Nicholas that Melissa sent him a document that would prevent him from marrying Andy
- Dominick revealed to Abby that he knew Eva was alive, she was drugging him and that she had kissed Ethan and demanded explanation
- Tara told Greg that Robbie and Kim shared a close moment
- Sophie saw Natasha and Shane making love. Natasha told Jacob to be with Isabelle as a part of her dying wish, which infuriated Cassie
- Bryce demanded to know what Frederick did with Victoria

One Day House

"I don't believe what I am reading," a stunned Nicholas admits to Clayton as they continue to stand in the main office at the One Day House. Nicholas was about to leave work and head to the church to marry Andy when Clayton showed up and revealed that he knew of a way to stop Nicholas from getting married. Nicholas tried to walk away but Clayton told him that Melissa sent him a document that he could use to prevent the wedding. Not sure what Clayton was talking about, he looked at the document and is floored by what he is reading.

Clayton chuckles back to him. "Do I have your attention now? I told you, that this document could change everything."

"It looks like it is …"

"A provision to my parents will? Yes, it is," Clayton smirks to him. "As you can see, Preston and Olivia knew about me and they wanted to ensure that I was taken care of."

"But…" Nicholas looks back at him. "This is crazy, Clayton. What are you saying?"

"Well, it's simple," Clayton looks back at him. "The will is very clear; if I were ever to be found and came back to my family, then I would be left the majority of the Wilkins estate to make up for the fact that I was lost to the family for so long."

"That means, Andy and Madeline, they'd lose some of their inheritance."

"Exactly," Clayton says with a wicked grin on his face. "I'm about to be a very rich man."

Dominick's Townhouse

Dominick continues to look at his wife with furry on his face as he has just learned that not only has she been kissing Ethan behind his back, but she has also been drugging him to ensure he didn't remember the events leading up to him interrupting Felicia and Frederick's wedding. He can't believe that the woman he has loved and trusted has been back stabbing him, almost the entire time of their marriage.

"Well, I'm waiting," Dominick grits his teeth back to her. "Start talking, Abigail! I mean it! You owe an explanation to all of this madness! What the hell is going on?"

Abby takes a deep breath and tries to control her sobbing as she can't believe that this is happening to her. She only hopes that she can get Dominick to understand why she has done what she has done.

"This… this is all a mess," she replies to him. "And none of, not one single piece of it, is what you think."

"So, you haven't been kissing Ethan? Did you fuck him too?"

"No! Of course not!" Abby squeals back to him in frustration. "Ethan and I…we are friends…that's all, I promise you that!"

"Do you kiss all your friends?"

"No," Abby shakes her head back to him. "Look, I'll be honest, Dominick; Ethan and I, we have kissed, yes. I won't deny that. It all started when you started to pay a lot of attention to Felicia. I know it's not an excuse, but that is the truth. He has been a good friend and has listened to me."

"All the while, he has been working for me? That son of a bitch!" Dominick yells back at her.

"Please, don't me mad at him; this is all on me. And, it will never happen again. I promise you that."

"You're damn straight it won't happen again," Dominick tells her. "Because you will never see him again, I'll see to that."

"What does that mean? What are you going to do to Ethan?"

"Never mind that," Dominick sneers. "I need to know how and why you decided to drug me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

St. Joseph's Church

"We can go for a walk through the garden, but we don't have a lot of time before the ceremony is going to begin," Kim tells Greg as they move towards the large garden on the southside of the church. Kim was surprised when Greg arrived for the wedding and immediately wanted to take her for a walk. She hopes that everything is okay because she could hear some worry in his voice.

"It's fine, we don't have to be long, but I did want some time alone with my fiancé," Greg replies to her, as he thinks about how Traci recently told him that she saw Robbie and Kim share a close moment at the Lawson estate. While he knows that they are recently divorced, he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy hearing that she was with Robbie.

"It is a beautiful day out here," Kim says back to him. "The perfect day for a wedding."

"How is Andy? Is he ready for the big moment?"

"He's been emotional," Kim admits to him. "After he lost Reese, he never believed that he would be in this position again. I am just so happy for him."

"Good, I am happy for him too," Greg stops walking and looks at her. "And next, it will be our wedding. If that's still want you want?"

"Of course it is what I want," Kim arches her eyebrow in response to him. "Why would you even question that?"

Greg sighs back to her. "Traci was at the house the other day," he reveals to her. "And she saw you with Robbie in the foyer. She told me that you and Robbie seemingly shared a close moment."

Kim shuts her eyes for a moment and recalls how her ex-husband drove her home from the Calimo mansion after she was visiting Natasha. They did share a close moment as he revealed that he felt like he had to move on with Madeline after she pushed him away for so long. It is why Robbie ended up marrying Madeline, Kim learnt.

"Robbie drove me home from seeing Natasha," Kim tells him quickly. "And, we ended up talking about his marriage to Madeline. It was closure, in some way."

Greg uneasily chuckles back to her. "I trust you Kim, but after I saw you and Robbie embrace on the pier, you told me that was a goodbye. How many times do you have to say goodbye to your ex-husband?"

Kim bites her lower lip. "I am ready to move on with you, Greg," she says. "But, you have to accept there will be a part of me that will always love and care for Robbie. Our marriage didn't work out, but that doesn't erase all the years that we did spend together. That being said, I am in love with you and want to be your wife. More than anything else in the world."

Greg smiles and pulls her into a hug. "I am sorry for questioning you, I appreciate your honesty. And I love you too."


Jacob opens the door to the main office at Roboto and quickly moves inside as he makes a beeline to the bar. He pours himself a brandy and takes a healthy sip of it as he is trying to calm his racing mind. He just came from another visit with Natasha and she pressed him to be with Isabelle before she passes away. He wants to fulfill his mother's dying wish, but he also knows how furious Cassie is that Natasha is butting into their relationship.

"If I am with Isabelle, Cassie will lose her mind," he whispers to himself before he takes another sip of his drink. "But what harm would it be to be with her until Mom dies? Once she's gone, I could get our marriage annulled and go back to my family with Cassie and Carter. Maybe that is for the best? I don't know."

He turns when he hears the office door open and he sees Isabelle moving inside. "Jacob, hi," she says to him with a smile on her face ."Is everything okay? It seems early to have a drink?"

Jacob looks at her for a moment and is, suddenly, taken by how beautiful she is. Immediately, he feels like he knows what he has to do. He puts the drink down and moves up to Isabelle, caressing her face as soon as he reaches her. "Jacob, what are you doing?"

"This," Jacob says as he leans in and kisses her passionately on her lips. They part ways for a moment before she kisses him again, this time even more passionately then last time.

The Sugarbowl

Sophie sits at the window bar with a latte in front of her. She is trying to stay excited about the fact that Natasha gave her a position at Roboto because she will get to spend time with Max; Isabelle noted that she was looking at Max earlier in the day and Sophie can admit that she thinks Max is a very attractive man. He is a bit older than her, but that isn't the biggest issue since age is just a number. She has no idea if Max even thinks of her that.

What's really on her mind, however, is the fact that she saw her mother and Shane having sex the other day. The image hasn't been able to leave her mind and she has so many questions about it; like, if her mother is dying, why is she having sex with her ex-husband? And, when did Natasha and Shane get back together? She doesn't know if she will ever get any answers because Sophie doesn't how to bring it up to her mother, and she has no idea how much longer Natasha has to live.

"You look a million miles away, is everything okay?" a voice calls out as they approach Sophie.

Sophie snaps back into reality and gulps heavily when she sees Cassie standing next to her. "Cassie…everything is fine."

Cassie chuckles to her as she sits next to Sophie. "I can tell that you just lied to me," she tells her. "You know that Jacob and I are grown closer, Sophie. You can talk to me if something is bugging you. Heck, maybe I will be able to help?"

Sophie looks back at her and wonders if she can trust Cassie. "You went to see my Mom last night; what was that about?"

Cassie recalls how when she showed up to confront Natasha about her dying wish for Jacob, Sophie was visiting her mother with Max and Isabelle. "Oh, you know, your mother and I just know how to push each other's button's, even in her current status."

Sophie nervously chuckles back to her. "Just do me a favor? Don't do anything that will expediate her demise. We want as much time with her as possible."

"I will do my best," Cassie tells her. "Now, what is going on with you? Is it just your mother's health?"

Sophie nods to her. "Yea, I guess I just have so many questions and I don't think I will get the answers anytime soon, if ever."

"Questions? Like what? I thought Shane was giving you and the family all the answers you require?"

"Shane …" Sophie starts to say quickly. "He and my Mom are very close right now, so I'm not sure if he's sugarcoating the news or what."

"Very close?" Cassie asks her. "I mean, Shane and Natasha have always been close, Sophie."

"Not like this," Sophie reveals to her. "They…they are lovers again…"

Cassie opens her mouth in shock at the news and quickly realizes that she has to keep her cool or she will blow her cover. "I can understand how that would come as a shock, Sophie. I think all you can do is try to remember that adults make decisions sometimes that we all don't understand but it's not for us to grasp, it is just that we have to be there for each other when we need one another."

"That's good advice," Sophie smiles back to her, not realizing she gave Cassie some information. "Thanks Cassie."

"Of course," Cassie replies to her. "And come see your nephew soon, okay? Carter would love to see his Aunt Sophie."


Raven's Meadow

Bryce looks through the small window on the door that leads into Felicia's hospital room and sees the red-headed woman laying on her bed, fast asleep. He had just come to give her some medication but he doesn't want to wake her up, besides, he has realized that he is going to make a powerful move against Frederick, who has refused to tell him where Victoria is. He knows that Frederick has done something to his wife because while Dominick was under hypnosis, he admitted that Victoria told him that Eva was alive and, together, they went to the Victors mansion the day that Dominick stopped Frederick's wedding to Felicia.

"I will find out what you did to Victoria," Bryce whispers to himself as he heads towards Frederick's office. He knows that the sooner he gets this over with, the better it will be. "I won't let you hurt my wife anymore."

He arrives at the office door and moves inside. "Have you decided to tell me where my wife is yet?" Bryce asks him, not caring that Frederick is busy behind his desk.

"Hello to you too," Frederick stands up and looks at the younger doctor. "I told you, Bryce, I have no idea where Victoria is."

"And I'm tired of your bullshit," Bryce replies to him immediately. "So, I've made a decision."

Frederick arches his eyebrow back to him. "And that would be?"

"Felicia," Bryce smiles back to him. "You have to stay away from her because of the restraining order that Dominick filed against you; that's why I'm her doctor."

"Yes, and you're following my orders with her drugs," Frederick reminds him.

"Well, that ends today," Bryce reveals to him. "I am not giving Felicia another pill until you tell me where your wife is. And if that happens, Freddy, Felicia will remember that Eva is alive and you will be exposed regardless. So, it's up to you, tell me where Victoria is, or lose everything once Felicia remembers the truth. What's it going to be?"

Dominick's Townhouse

"Dominick, please," Abby pleads with her husband, who is still grilling her for the truth about why she has been drugging him to ensure he didn't remember the events leading up to Felicia and Frederick's wedding. "You have to understand that I was between a rock and a hard place!"

"Is that so?" Dominick asks her with a chuckle. "You had to decide between drugging me or not to drug me and you choose to pump full of medication! And for what? So I wouldn't remember that Eva is alive? What was your angle?"

"Don't you understand?" Abby says as more tears flow from her eyes. "If you remembered that Eva was alive, I would have lost you, Dominick! I did this because I didn't want to lose you or our marriage!"

"Lose me? Why the hell would you lose me?"

"Because," Abby gasps through her tears. "Eva being alive means…it means our marriage isn't legal! Eva is still your wife, Dominick! I'm not married to you, not legally!"

St. Joseph's Church

Kim and Madeline finish double checking Andy's suit in the mirror in the small room where he getting ready for the wedding. Both women turn to him with smiles on their faces.

"I think you're ready to get married," Kim tells her brother, full of pride. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than earlier," Andy sighs back to her. "I think the nerves are finally settling down and now, I'm just excited."

"We are so happy for you," Madeline says to him. "This is going to be the most beautiful wedding; you and Nicholas, you deserve that."

"Thanks," Andy smiles back to her. "I know that this could be awkward for you because of Clayton…"

"It's fine," Madeline shakes her head back to him. "My brother has to realize that you and Nicholas belong together. It might hurt at first, but he will get over it in time. I'll be there for him while you and Nicholas start your lives together."

"I couldn't have done this without you, without either of you," Andy tells them as he tears in his eyes. "I love you both so much."

"We love you too," Kim says back to her brother. "Now, let's go get you married!"

One Day House

"So, you're going to take away Andy and Madeline's money?" a dumbfounded Nicholas replies to Clayton as they continue to face each other in his office at the One Day House. "You realize that Madeline used some of that money to go to medical school? And, Andy, he's used a lot of that money to invest in his future! You can't just swoop in and take all of that away from them!"

Clayton nods back to him. "Alright, I won't do it. But I have a condition on that."

"What do you want?" Nicholas asks him.

"I want you," Clayton replies to him as Nicholas looks back at him in shock and horror. "I want you to give us a real chance at being together. What do you say, Nicholas? Be with me and be happier than you've ever been in your life or go and marry Andy, and I'll take everything last dime Andy has."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Tara continues to plot
- Daisy comes to a conclusion
- Shane and Natasha celebrate

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