Episode 961
Yesterday was Black & Blue
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 06, 2023

Episode Theme song: "24 Hours" Agnes

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Dawn told Cheresa not to miss Chris and Trenyce's wedding over a misunderstanding
- Clayton plotted to get Nicholas back before he married Andy
- Greg saw Abby kiss Ethan
- Bryce put Dominick under hypnosis to see if he could remember the events leading up to Felicia and Frederick's weddin
- Donovan and Lukas struggled to come to terms with Olly's disappearance. Jasper, meanwhile, was in Mexico City with the baby
- Cassie demanded to know from Jacob what Natasha has done to interfere in their relationship

St. Joseph's Church

The sun is beaming through the stain glass windows of the church as the guests for Chris and Trenyce's wedding are sitting the pews waiting for the ceremony to begin. At the front of church, Chris stands in his tuxedo with Cory, his best man, behind him. He takes a deep breath as the back doors open and Andy appears.

Andy slowly walks down the aisle towards Chris and Cory with a grin on his face. He turns and looks at Nicholas, who smiles back to him. As Nicholas watches Andy, he can't help but realize that their own wedding day is very soon; the next time they will be at the church, will be for their big day. He licks his lips for a moment as he thinks back to the previous day when Clayton kissed him. He didn't tell Andy, and he doesn't plan on it, because he made it clear to Clayton that they were over and he had to move on.

Andy reaches the aisle and hugs Chris. "You're going to do great," Andy smiles to him.

"Thanks Andy, you're such a great friend to both Trey and I," Chris replies to him, as Andy moves to his spot.

Then, Trenyce, arrives at the back of the church and the guests slowly rise as the wedding march plays. Trenyce walks down the aisle towards her groom. She finally arrives at the altar and looks at Chris.

"You look stunning," Chris beams to her.

"I love you so much," Trenyce tells him. "I can't wait to be your wife."

"Then let's get this started," Chris chuckles to her as they take their places and look at the minister, who clears his throat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…" the minister begins.

Meanwhile, the church doors open slowly and Cheresa emerges in the foyer. She takes a deep breath and moves closer to the entry way, where she sees Chris and Trenyce at the altar. Her mind is racing about the fact that she knows that her mother slept with Andrew and that Dawn just told her not to let a minor misunderstanding stop her from being at the wedding.

"If only sleeping with Andrew was a minor misunderstanding," she whispers to herself as she watches the wedding unfold, wondering what she is going to do.

The Sugarbowl

Clayton sits at the window seat of the coffeehouse with a latte and a muffin in front of him. He smiles to himself as he takes a bit of his breakfast as he thinks about the previous day when he kissed Nicholas at his office at the One Day House. He knows that Nicholas told him that they couldn't kiss again because he was going to marry Andy, but Clayton still believes that deep down he and Nicholas are meant to be together.

"Once I get the full ammunition, I will be able to proceed with my plan," he whispers to himself before he takes a sip of his latte. "I guess I should contact Melissa and let her know that I need the documentation."

He pulls out his phone and sends Melissa a text that reads, "I'm ready for the document. Time is of the essence."

He puts his phone down and takes a deep breath. "My little bombshell will stop their wedding, I know it will," he says as he gets a sly grin on his face.


Kim opens the door to the main office at Roboto and pauses for a moment when she sees Robbie standing inside. She can't help but recall the previous evening when she and Robbie discussed his new marriage to Madeline and how he felt like she pushed him into a new relationship because of her engagement to Greg. She and Robbie have such a long, heated, history that she can't help but wonder where things truly stand with them now that they have both, seemingly, moved on.

"Morning," she finally says as she catches Robbie's attention. "Are those the latest figures on Roboto's sales in your hand?"

Robbie smiles to his ex-wife as he nods to her. "Yea, they are. And, they are still on the rise. I believe that Natasha's illness is still helping the company get some revenue. Which, after the lawsuit, is the silver lining in this mess."

"I know we asked Shane yesterday for an update on Natasha; has there been any change?"

"No, there's not," he admits to her. "It is weird not having you at the mansion, you know? You would get all the information every morning if you still lived there."

Kim chuckles back to him. "I lived in that house for so many years, it is strange not being there. But, I am engaged to Greg, it only makes sense that I would be living with him now."

"It doesn't mean that it makes it any easier. The mansion feels like it is missing something without you there."

Before Kim can say anything, Madeline opens the office door and immediately feels the tension between the former spouses. "Am I interrupting anything?" she asks as she moves up to Robbie and kisses him on the lips.

"Not at all," he replies to his wife as Kim clears her throat. "Kim and I were just talking about the company."

"Well, I just stopped by to see if you wanted to do lunch today," Madeline looks back at him while Kim moves to the bar and pours herself a cup of coffee.

"I think that could work," Robbie smiles to her. "It will depend on Natasha and if she needs me."

"Alright, we keep me posted."

Before Robbie can respond, Tyler moves into the office and glares at Robbie. "So it's true, you're back at Roboto?" he asks in a huff. He knows that Ethan told him that Robbie was back at work because of Natasha's illness; part of the reason he agreed to the lawsuit settlement was because he thought Robbie wouldn't be at the company.

"My sister is dying," Robbie tells his rival. "So yes, I am back here to ensure my family company is run by just that, family."

"This is unbelievable!" Tyler huffs back to him. "You should be in jail for what you did."

"Tyler, please," Kim moves up to her former lover. "We can talk about this another time. Please, try to understand that we are coping with Natasha's illness as best we can."

"I get that, and I feel awful for Natasha," Tyler replies to her. "But Robbie working here again, I don't like it, not one bit."

The Lawson Estate; Greg, Cheresa & Kim's Home

"I don't want to stay too long this morning Daddy," Abby tells her father, who passes her a cup of coffee as she sits on the sofa in the large living room of the house that she grew up in. She was surprised to get a text from Greg asking her to come see him this morning. She hadn't see her father for a few days, so she agreed to come and visit him. However, she also knows that Dominick is at home going through another hypnosis session, so she wants to be there to see what happens because she is still worried that he will remember that Eva is alive and well. "Dominick is having some medical issues and I want to be there for him."

Greg uneasily looks back at her as he takes a sip of his coffee. He can't help but think back of the previous evening when he was walking through the park and he saw his daughter kissing Ethan. He just hopes that she isn't cheating on her husband because they are still newlyweds.

"I won't keep you too long but I had to see you Abby," Greg moves to the sofa and sits next to her. "But I needed to see you to see how you're doing, truly doing."

"Things are a little hectic right now," she admits to him. "There's a lot going on with Dominick and his family. Felicia has been committed back to Raven's Meadow because of some of her claims and they had to get a restraining order to ensure Frederick wouldn't be her doctor. It's been … a lot."

Greg uneasily nods back to her. "I see. How are you coping with all this?"

"To the best of my ability. I'm just trying to be there for Dominick."

"Is that so?" Greg asks her. "I saw you last night, Abby. I saw you with Ethan Alexander and it looked like you were doing nothing close to supporting Dominick."

Abby gulps back to him. "You saw me kissing Ethan?"

"I did, so you can understand why I'd be concerned, right?"

"Oh Daddy, I know it was wrong," Abby admits to him. "It's just…I feel like the walls are slowly closing in on me and I don't know what to do."

"You're a strong woman," Greg reassures her. "You need to talk to Dominick, your husband, about your feelings. Kissing another man will only make things worse in the long run."

Abby forces a smile on her face. "I know you're right, thanks Daddy."

Dominick's Townhouse

Dominick lays on his bed in his bedroom of the townhouse that he shares with Abby. His eyes are closed and standing next to him is Bryce, who has put Dominick back under hypnosis as he is trying to see if he can uncover the memories leading up to Frederick and Felicia's non-wedding.

"Dominick, it is Bryce," the doctor looks at the man on the bed. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can," Dominick replies to him while his eyes remain closed on the bed.

"Alright, good," Bryce tells him. "Now, I want you to go back to the day of Felicia's wedding. Do you remember that day?"

Dominick makes a frown on his face as he struggles to piece together the day. "I…I remember being at the Victors mansion and…and…I was trying to find Felicia…" Dominick explains to him as he tries to remember everything.

"Did you find Felicia?" Bryce asks him next, hoping that he can pull the truth out of Dominick.

"I…uh…" Dominick mumbles. "I did. She was about to marry Frederick! That son of a bitch!"

"Okay, let's stay calm," Bryce replies to him. "What did you say to Felicia next?"

"Uh…" Dominick strains his face again as he tries to remember the details of what happened. "I…I told her something. She … she was upset and ran off."

"Alright, good," Bryce nods to him. "Now, what did you tell Felicia? What caused her to rush off?"

Dominick's mouth opens in shock and horror as he gasps. "My God," he whispers. "No, it can't be!"

Bryce looks at him with intent. "What is it? What did you remember, Dominick?"

"Victoria, she told me about Eva," he says back to the doctor. "She's alive. I told Felicia that Eva is alive because Victoria had figured it out," he says as Bryce feels the blood drain from his face.

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home

"We are going to be late if we don't leave right away," Lukas tells Donovan as he moves into the living room and sees his husband, who has his phone to his ear. Lukas knows that they are thin close to missing Trenyce and Chris' wedding, so he wants to leave as soon as possible.

Donovan puts his finger up to Lukas to note to give him a minute. He sighs in frustration when the person he is calling doesn't answer the call. He hangs up and looks over at Lukas. "Damn it," he tells his husband.

"What? Who were you trying to call?" Lukas asks him urgently.

"Jasper," Donovan reveals to him. "I wanted to see if our former nanny would answer my call."

Lukas looks back at him in surprise as he didn't think that Donovan would actually call Jasper, but he is also upset at himself for not thinking of that himself sooner.

"I can't say that I'm surprised that he didn't answer to you," Lukas tells him. "But thanks for trying. I could try to call him too?"

"If he didn't answer to me, I can't imagine he would answer to you," Donovan replies to him. "But anything is worth a shot."

"I have more news on Olly," Lukas reveals to him as Donovan looks back at him intently. "I asked Meggan to open a search for him as well and she agreed. I just thought maybe she could find out more than the police since Simona hasn't turned up any leads."

"I appreciate that Lukas," Donovan uneasily smiles back to him. "I'm trying to remain positive, but I am worried we will never see our son again."

"I know," Lukas tells him. "Every day that passes, I lose more hope and I don't know what to do."

"I could kill Jasper for this," Donovan grits his teeth together. "If I ever come across him again, he will live to regret the day he crossed me and us."

Mexico City, Mexico

"Jasser," Olly rushes up to Jasper, who is sitting on the sofa in the small apartment that he has found in Mexico City. The small boy is still learning to speak correctly, so he is calling Jasper, "Jasser", which always brings a small grin to Jasper's face. "Who called you?"

Jasper looks back at the toddler and pats his head. He knows that he just got a call from Donovan, but he ignored the call. There's no way in hell that he was going to talk to the man that drove him to kidnap Olly; the silver lining in all of this, Jasper realizes, is that he and Olly already had a connection before he took him to Mexico. This would have been far more complicated had Olly not known Jasper because he would have been with a stranger.

"It was the wrong number buddy," Jasper lies to the boy. "Are you having fun with your toys over there?"

Olly nods back to him quickly. "When can I see my Papa's? Are they coming here too?"

Jasper uneasily smiles back to him. "We will see about that, Olly. We will see about that."

The River Rock Casino

Isabelle knocks on Antonio's office door before she moves inside and sees her father sitting behind his desk. "Good morning father," she announces as she enters the office and closes the door behind herself. "I came as soon as I got your message."

Antonio stands up and looks at his daughter with a smile on his face. "Good morning beautiful," he replies as he moves up to her and kisses both of her cheeks. "You look stunning today, as usual."

"Oh shucks, you have to say that since you're my Dad."

He chuckles back to her. "I wanted to see you because I saw Max Black yesterday," he reveals to her. "You didn't tell me that you stopped seeing him."

Isabelle blushes back to him. "I guess I hadn't. I didn't know that I had to run every detail of my personal life past you, Dad."

"You don't," he chuckles. "But I must admit, I am concerned that you ended things with Max; he's a good young man. You two, you could be great together."

"I agree, he is a good young man. I just…I can't help but feel something else for someone else."

"And that someone is Jacob Calimo?" Antonio asks her with a heavy sigh, as Isabelle uneasily nods back to him. "Oh my sweet Isabelle, I had hoped by warning you about the Calimo family that it would have made you realize that getting involved with Jacob would be a bad idea."

"I'm not involved with Jacob," she replies to him. "I mean, at least not yet."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know," she shrugs her shoulders, knowing that she can't reveal that Natasha's dying wish is for her and Jacob to be together. She doesn't even know what Jacob is going to do with that, so she's trying to not get her hopes up. "All I know, Dad, is that, what I feel for Jacob is stronger than any feelings I have for Max. So, you might have to get used to the fact that I am involved with Jacob, if that happens."

The Cascade Apartments; Cassie, Max & Carter's Home

"Alright, we are here," Cassie slams the door behind herself and Jacob as they move into the small apartment that she lives in. They had been at Roboto talking about why Jacob rejected her marriage proposal when Jacob revealed that his decision was because of Natasha. When she questioned him about it, he suggested that they go somewhere more private to finish the conversation instead of being at the company. "I need you tell me how and why your mother is influencing our relationship!?

Jacob turns to face her as he can feel some beads of sweat form on his forehead. "Cassie, please, just try to stay calm, okay?"

"Stay calm? You told me that you couldn't marry me and it's because of your mother! I need answers, Jacob, and I need them now!" Cassie huffs back to him.

"You know that my mother is dying," Jacob replies to her as she nods back to him. "Well, she told me that she has a wish before she goes."

"What could Natasha possibly want before she dies?"

"For me to be with a woman that she thinks is worthy of me," Jacob reveals to her. "She has never wanted you and I together."

Cassie shakes her head back in shock and awe. "She hates me, so I get that," she tells him. "But that's crazy! If you're happy, that's all that should matter! So tell me, who is it? Who does Natasha want you with before she dies?"

Jacob gulps back to her. "Isabelle," he reveals to her as Cassie gasps in shock. "My mother wants me to be with Isabelle."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Will Cheresa stop the wedding?
- Daisy makes a realization
- Sophie sees something startling

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