Episode 953
Seasons May Change
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: Jjne 25, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Yosemite" Lana Del Rey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Cheresa learned about Trenyce and Andrew's affair and as a result told Chris that marrying Trenyce would be a mistake
- Antonio offered to give Andrew a loan when he said he didn't have money to play the blackjack table
- Nicholas and Clayton came face to face
- Ethan filed a restraining order to keep Frederick away from Felicia
- Dominick asked Bryce to hypnotize him to see if it would help him remember the night of Felicia and Frederick's wedding
- Helen accepted Dale's proposal
- Donovan realized that Olly was missing
- Robin told Cory not to make decisions about her life when she learned that he told Antonio to say away from her
- Natasha learned that she has a rare blood disease that is killing her

The Sugarbowl

Clayton grabs his latte from the barista and moves towards the window seats where Nicholas is already seated. Clayton was pleased when he saw Nicholas in the coffeehouse and he said that they should talk. Clayton hopes that he is able to get through to Nicholas with the fact that he is still in love with him; if Nicholas is still open to the idea of them, maybe they could get back together, which is what Clayton wants.

"Thanks for waiting for me," Clayton says as he moves up to the window bar. "The lineup was longer than I thought it was going to be."

"It's all good," Nicholas looks over at him. "Besides, it's like I said, I wanted to talk to you. We have to get a few things straight."

Clayton nods back to him. "I have wanted to be open and honest with you too, Nicholas. I hope you know that the reason I came back is because of you."

"You came back after you learned that I was engaged to Andy."

"Yes," Clayton replies to him. "I wanted you to know that I am still in love with you, Nicholas. I never stopped loving you. And, I wanted you to know this before you married Andy. You deserve to know everything before you commit yourself to one person the rest of your life."

Nicholas chuckles back to him. "Well, I am in love with Andy. That's why I asked him to marry me, Clayton. I appreciate you telling me how you feel, but you need to deal with those feelings because nothing will stop Andy and I from being together."

The Sugarbowl

At the back booth, Dawn sits alone as she looks at her phone. She sees the clock in the upper corner of her screen and realizes that the person she is waiting for should be arriving at any time now. She looks at the doorway of the coffeehouse and takes a deep breath when she sees Dale enter and move towards the back booth.

"Good morning," he says as he sits across from her. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all," Dawn replies to him quickly as they lock eyes with one another. "Thanks for meeting me today."

"Sure," he nods to her. "I must admit, I was surprised that Helen's daughter asked me to meet, but I thought it would be good for us to get to know each other better."

"My mother told me that you proposed to her," Dawn cuts to the chase with him. "I want to know what you're up too, Dale."

Dale arches his eyebrow back to her. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Your mother and I, we have found love in a time when we didn't think we'd be happy again."

"You have to understand that my father and I have some concerns, especially since we found out that you're Mallory's father."

"I appreciate that," Dale replies to her. "But just know that I do love your mother, Dawn. And I won't do anything to hurt her."

"I'm holding you to that," Dawn looks back at him with intent. "Because, if you do hurt her, you will answer to me."

The River Rock Casino

Andrew slowly moves down the stairs of the casino and looks at the blackjack table, which has three open seats. He feels his palms become a little sweaty at the sight of the table; he knows that he has been spending more and more time gambling lately as a way to help him try to forget everything that happened with Trenyce, however, he is on a losing streak. When he saw Antonio, the owner of the casino offered to give Andrew a loan so he could continue to play poker.

He turns and looks at the Antonio's office door and moves towards it. Just as he is about to knock on the door, it opens and Antonio and Daisy appear with another man, who has some money in his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he quickly says. "I…I didn't realize you were with other people right now."

"It's fine," Antonio nods back to him. "Daisy and I were just finishing, isn't that?"

"Yes, that's right," Daisy gulps as she looks back at the john that she is about to have sex with. "Marcus and I were just heading upstairs. See you later, Andrew."

Andrew arches his eyebrow as Daisy and the tall man quickly walk away and up the stairs. Andrew looks back at Antonio, who breathes a sigh of relief that the younger man didn't catch on to the fact that Daisy was selling her body for sex.

"Andrew, now that we are alone, is there something that I can help you with?" Antonio asks him quickly.

"Uh, actually, yes," Andrew looks back at him. "The last time that I saw you…"

"Oh yes, the loan," Antonio smiles back to him. "Does that mean you'd like to take the loan? Cause I can give you the money now and you could go fill one of those empty chairs at the blackjack table."

Andrew uneasily nods back to him. "Yea, I'd like that a lot. Thanks again for this offer."

"My pleasure," Antonio replies to him. "My absolute pleasure."


Meanwhile, in the Pink Flamingo, Chris sits at a table with a coffee on the table in front of him. Across from him is Trenyce, who is eating some French toast for breakfast. While he watches his fiance eat her breakfast, he can't help but recall the previous day when he saw Cheresa told him that marrying Trenyce would be a huge mistake. He has no idea why his daughter would not want him to marry Trenyce, but he plans on getting to the bottom of it.

"How's the French toast?" Chris asks her, breaking the small streak of silence between the two of them.

"It's so yummy," Trenyce chuckles back to him. "I had the biggest craving for it, so I guess the little one wanted it too."

Chris smiles back to her. "I'm glad that you're having cravings; I think it is a sign that the baby is healthy."

"I agree and once the wedding is over, we will be able to really start planning for the arrival of the baby."

"About that," Chris looks back at her with intent. "I ran into Cheresa yesterday."

"You did? How did that go?" Trenyce asks him as she takes a sip of her water. "She was pretty cold to me the last time I saw her."

"But why?" Chris asks her quickly. "What's happened that Cheresa is suddenly giving you and us the cold shoulder?"

"I wish I knew," Trenyce admits to him. "What happened when you saw her yesterday?"

Chris shrugs back to her. "She, well, she told me not to marry you because it would be a huge mistake."

Trenyce feels the blood drain from her face after hearing what Chris just said. "What? Why would she say that?"

"That's what I want to know," Chris looks back at Trenyce. "What exactly happened that makes Cheresa think that marrying you would be a mistake?"

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"You guys didn't have to come to see me," a weak Natasha tells her brother and former sister in law as she continues to lay in a hospital bed because she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease that will shorten her life.

Robbie looks over at Kim and then at Natasha. He recalls how the previous day when he and Kim arrived at the hospital to check on Natasha's status and he ended up learning that Kim got engaged to Greg. After he learned that Natasha was dying, a gutted Robbie got drunk and ended up flying to Vegas with Madeline where they eloped. He knows that now is not the time to share the details of his marriage with his sister but he is wondering what will happen now that he is married, again.

"How can you say that?" Robbie finally asks her back. "You are my sister, my flesh and blood, after the news that we got, did you think I'd be anywhere else?"

"Robbie is right," Kim agrees with her former husband. "We wouldn't be anywhere else, Natasha. Can we get you anything, anything at all?"

Natasha uneasily smiles back to them. "I'm hoping that I will get to go home soon," she admits to them. "If I do only have a short time, I would rather spend the time in my home instead of this place."

"I'm sure that we can arrange that," Robbie replies to her. "We just want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"I need you guys to do something else for me," Natasha admits to her family. "And it can't wait."

"What is it? We will do anything," Kim says back to her quickly.

"You have to tell everyone at Roboto that I'm dying," Natasha tells them. "They have to do know and you two, even you Robbie, you have to start planning for what will happen when I'm gone."


"No Robbie," Natasha cuts him off. "You said you would do anything, so please tell me that you'll do this. I need you back at the company; we need the Calimo's to lead the company, it's what Daddy would have wanted."

Robertson Enterprises

"I heard from my grandfather and the restraining order has been instated," Paige announces to Ethan as she moves into the main office at Robertson Enterprises and she sees the lawyer sitting on one of the sofa's. She recalls how Dominick asked her and Ethan to come up with a way to prevent Frederick from being able to treat Felicia and so he prepared a restraining order, which was activated. Paige is pleasantly surprised that Ethan was able to get the restraining order so quickly.

"Yea, I heard that earlier," Ethan replies to her as he stands up from the sofa and looks over at Paige. "I knew that my contact that the court house would come through for me."

"Well, thanks for doing that," Paige nods back to him. "Dominick was desperate to ensure Frederick couldn't hurt Felicia again."

"I'm just doing my job, happy to help."

Paige looks back at him and can't help but think that he looks attractive in his suit. She knows that she has been fighting her attraction to him but the fact that the lawyer has remained good friends with Abby has been a pain point for her.

"I guess I am just realizing that you are a good lawyer," she chuckles back to him.

Ethan laughs back with her. "I guess me winning Tyler's lawsuit wasn't enough proof for you?" he winks back to her. "But thanks for the compliment, Paige. I'm glad that we were able to work on this together."

"Yea, so was I. I was worried at first when my grandfather suggested this but it worked out alright."

"See, I'm not all bad," he winks to her.

"No, you're not. Not at all."

Dominick's Townhouse

"I am so sorry that this took so long," Abby rushes into the living room of the house that she shares with Dominick holding a glass with green liquid inside of it. "It was my first time making you a smoothie and honestly, it's easier to just buy one," she chuckles as she passes him the glass.

Dominick takes the glass from his wife as he chuckles back to her. He takes a sip of it and tries to swallow it down. Abby watches him intently as she knows that she laced the smoothie with the drugs that Frederick gave her to ensure that Dominick doesn't remember the fact that Eva is alive and well.

"Oh, wow. Well, that's different," Dominick looks back at his wife.

"You don't like it?" Abby asks him back, realizing that he might not finish it now.

"I will drink it for you my dear," Dominick moves up and kisses her forehead. "But I agree, let's just go to the Sugarbowl and grab the smoothies in the future."

"Deal," Abby chuckles back to him. "I guess I need to work on my kitchen skills, huh?"

Before Dominick can respond, the doorbell to the house rings. "I'll grab it, you finish your smoothie," Abby tells him, as Dominick takes another sip. She scurries towards the front door and is surprised to see Bryce standing on the other side. "Bryce, hey. Come in, please."

"Thanks, is your husband home?" Bryce asks as he moves into the living room and sees Dominick standing there with the smoothie in his hand. "Oh Dominick, I'm glad you're home."

"Bryce, good morning," Dominick replies to him. "Has something happened with Felicia at Raven's Meadow?"

"No," Bryce replies to him quickly. "She's still getting settled and she has started some new medications but we are taking it easy for right now."

"Well that's good to hear," Dominick says back to him. "Has there been any word on Victoria?"

"I wish there was," Bryce sighs back to him. "I don't know where she is but I am getting worried. I'm actually here on another matter, though."

Abby arches her eyebrow as she listens to the conversation. "Does this have anything to do with my memories?" Dominick asks him quickly.

"Yea, I've decided that I will hypnotize you," Bryce reveals as Abby feels the blood drain from her face. "I'll put you under to see if we can uncover the events leading up to Felicia's wedding."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home

"I can't believe that we had to wait until the morning to call the police," a worried Lukas says as he paces back and forth in the living room of the lavish mansion that he lives with his husband. They are waiting for Simona to arrive as the previous night Donovan went to tuck Olly in, but he wasn't in his bed. They have no idea where their son is, and the waiting for the police to arrive has been incredibly difficult.

"Simona was already off last night," Donovan informs him. "I know the waiting is hard but I have to believe that Simona will be able to help us find out son."

"I just don't understand this," Lukas admits to him. "It's not like Olly could just disappear?"

Before Donovan can say anything, the doorbell rings. He quickly rushes to the front door while Lukas follows him. He opens the door and sees Simona standing outside.

"Thank God you're here," Donovan tells the detective.

"Of course," Simona nods back to him. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Our son," Donovan looks back at her. "He's missing. Someone kidnapped our child and you have to find him, and you have to find him now."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas and Robin catch up
- Bryce hypnotizes Dominick
- Victoria and Eva make a break through

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