Episode 938
Stabbed You in the Back
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: May 17, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Night Crawling" Mylie Cyrus

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Andrew told Trenyce to focus on herself instead of worrying about him as he continued to gamble in hopes of forgetting her
- Dominick stopped Felicia from marrying Frederick by revealing that Eva is alive and was posing as Barbara. Under Frederick's guide, Abby started to drug Dominick to ensure he didn't remember Eva being alive
- Adam thought Dale looked familiar and then realized who he thought he was
- Greg caught Traci snooping again but she covered
- Lukas realized he had to confront Donovan about his plan with Jasper
- Cory was stunned when Sophie showed up on his doorstep

Tyler's Townhouse

"How did you sleep last night?" Tyler asks his mother as he passes her a cup of coffee. "You were pretty riled up when you got here last night."

Felicia takes the coffee and has a long sip of it. She barely slept the previous night because her mind was racing of everything that happened. She recalls how she was, once again, visited by Barbara, who convinced her to visit Frederick as a way to thank him for saving her life. Once she got the mansion, she and Frederick shared a close moment, which included, a kiss. Barbara, then, suggested that she marry Frederick, which Felicia agreed too. At the wedding, however, Dominick stormed in and announced that Eva is alive and was posing as Barbara as a way for Frederick to get closer to Felicia! Stunned, Felicia ran off and ended up at her son's place.

"Yesterday was a long day," she finally replies to him. "I didn't have the best sleep, if I am honest with you."

"Do you want to talk about it? It might help to get, whatever happened, off your chest."

Felicia sighs back to her son. "I…I was about to marry Frederick," she reveals to him. "But your father, Dominick, he stopped the wedding."

Tyler's open wider in surprise. "Wow," he sits next to her. "What made you decide to marry Frederick?"

"Well," Felicia moves some hair behind her ear. "I saw Barbara again; she told me that I should marry Frederick because he saved her life. And, I don't know, I was caught up in the moment with him."

"That's fair," Tyler says back to her. "So, what did Dad say that made you not get married?"

"That's where it gets complicated," she tells Tyler. "Dominick announced that Barbara isn't alive at all."

Tyler arches her eyebrow back to her. "Alright? So, how did you see her? Did you imagine Barbara?"

Felicia wipes the corner of her eye from a tear. "No, I saw her. But it wasn't Barbara. Someone else was pretending to be Barbara."

Tyler nervously nods back to her wondering how much of this is true or if his mother is starting to suffer from a mental health relapse.

"Who was pretending to be Barbara? Someone we know?"

"Oh yes," Felicia looks back at him in the eyes. "It's Eva; Eva is alive and she was pretending to be Barbara."

The Tower's, The Penthouse; Cory's Home

"Alright Sophie," Cory looks at his daughter as he moves into the living room and sees his teenager sitting on the sofa. "You had a good night's sleep, you had breakfast and we've cleaned up. I think it's time that you tell your mother and I why you're in town and not in school."

Sophie looks back at Cory and then over at Natasha, who is pouring herself another cup of coffee. Natasha turns back around and smiles at Sophie.

"Your father is right," she says. "While I am happy to see you, we still need to know why you're not in school. What has happened?"

"Why do you both think something happened? Can't I come home and see my parents?" Sophie sighs back to them. "I thought you'd be happy to see me!"

"We are happy to see you," Cory moves closer to her. "But we also know that it's not spring or summer break yet. How are you going to make up your classes, Soph?"

"Ugh, fine," Sophie groans back to them. "I guess you're going to find out sooner than later anyways, so I'll tell you."

"Tell us what?" Natasha asks her daughter.

"I…well…" Sophie nervously looks back at her parents. "I…kinda got…kicked out of school."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I'm glad you suggested coming here for breakfast," Trenyce smiles over to Chris before she takes a bite of her eggs benedict. "I didn't want to make food this morning."

Chris chuckles back to her before he takes a sip of his orange juice. "It's nice to treat ourselves once in a while. Besides, you're eating for two now, so I want to ensure you have a good start to your day."

"I still can't believe that I'm going to have another baby," Trenyce admits to him. "BJ is still so young, we are going to have our hands full."

"That we are," he says. "But it will be worth it, Trey."

"I hope so," she replies to him."Oh, by the way, I saw Andrew."

Chris arches his eyebrow back to her. "Yea? Did you tell him that Dawn and Cheresa are concerned about him and his gambling?"

"I did," Trenyce replies to him quickly. "He brushed it off as nothing. I don't know, Chris, I still have my fears about this. I don't want him going down a dark path."

"You expressed your concerns, that's all we can do," Chris informs her. "He's old enough to make his own decisions, even those that we don't like."

"I guess that's true, I just don't anything bad to happen to him."

"You know what I think?" Chris asks with a sly grin on his face. "That you and I should focus on getting married. I want to be your husband before our child comes."

Trenyce smiles back to him. "Alright," she replies to him. "Let's plan our wedding Mr. Michaels."


Meanwhile in the casino, Antonio looks around and is pleased by the size of the crowd that is gambling to start their day. He knows that, at first, the casino was slow but it has seemingly since caught on and it is doing very well now. He looks over at the blackjack table and happens to see Andrew standing next to it, but he's not currently playing. Antonio arches his eyebrow as he recalls seeing Andrew playing a few days earlier and he wonders why the younger man isn't playing now.

"Morning, you're looking at the table like you wanna play," Antonio moves up to Andrew. "Why not sit down and the dealer can deal you in?"

Andrew looks back at Antonio. "Hey Antonio," he replies to him. "I was thinking about it but some of my friends have been worried about how much I've been playing lately, so I was thinking of heading out actually."

Antonio arches his eyebrow back to him. "Why would they be worried about you? Look around man, there are a lot of people here gambling. It's a great past time."

Andrew chuckles back to him. "That's what I thought too but…I don't know, I don't want to worry anyone."

"Tell you what? I'll give you one hundred dollars, on the house," Antonio puts his hands on Andrew's shoulders. "Once that's done, you can stop playing, but there's no harm in doing something you clearly enjoy."

Andrew sits down and looks back at Antonio. "I appreciate that, thanks a lot."

"My pleasure," Antonio smiles back to him.

The Sugarbowl

"So, she said she was just looking for a book to read but it still seems odd to me," Greg says to Kim and Cheresa as the three of them sit in the back booth of the coffeehouse. Greg just finished explaining about how he saw Traci going through a bookshelf at the Lawson estate and when he confronted her, she claimed she was looking for a book to read. While he knows the story could be true, this isn't the first time that he has seen her, in what appears, to be snooping around the mansion. "If this was a one-time situation, I wouldn't have concerns but I have seen her do similar things before."

"I am glad I'm not the only one who thinks this," Cheresa admits to him. "I've had my guard up since I caught her listening to a conversation between me and Dawn."

"Are you guys sure you're not reading too much into this?" Kim asks before she takes a sip of her coffee. "I mean, Traci is the maid, she's paid to clean the property. It makes sense that she would be looking at different things in the house to see if she needs to action them?"

"I suppose that could be true," Greg nods back to her. "But I guess that doesn't explain the eavesdropping?"

"Maybe she was just passing by?" Kim asks.

"I don't think that was it," Cheresa replies to her. "She was literally standing outside my door listening."

"I am not trying to take her side in this," Kim says before she looks at Cheresa. "I am just trying to be the devil's advocate. If you two think something is going on, you need to figure it out since Traci is in your house and your lives."

"I think we need to proceed with caution," Greg tells them. "If we see anything else that is suspicious, we need to let each other know so I can talk to her."

"Sounds like a plan Dad," Cheresa looks back at him, as Kim continues to wonder if they are just overreacting about the entire situation.

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Jeff, Logan & Olly's Home

Lukas moves up to the living room of the lavish mansion that he lives in with his husband and sister and pauses when he sees Donovan standing inside. He has been hoping to get his husband alone so he can ask him about the conversation he overheard between Donovan and Jasper, where Donovan told their former nanny that he would make him pay for everything he has done. Lukas just hopes that he can get the truth from Donovan because this situation is becoming worse by the minute.

"Morning," Lukas says as he moves into the living room, causing Donovan to turn and see his husband. "I just saw Olly off on that play date that he has."

"Oh great," Donovan nods back to him. "I guess that means we have the house to ourselves for a little while."

"Seems that way," Lukas replies to him. "I was hoping we could talk?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Lukas takes another deep breath. "Well, to be honest, Donovan, I need to ask you some questions and I need you to be honest with me. Do you think you can do that?"

Donovan arches his eyebrow back to Lukas. "Of course," he replies to him. "I'm always honest with you, Lukas."

"I was here the other day when you and Jasper were talking," Lukas reveals to him as Donovan gulps back to him. "You said that you were going to make him pay for everything that he had done to you. What did you mean by that? What has Jasper done to you?"

"How can you even ask me that?" Donovan snaps back to him. "I told you what he did to me when I was in my wheelchair! He sexually assaulted me, Lukas!"

"Is that all? Or was there something else?"

"Oh my God," Donovan huffs back to him. "Does there need to be something else, Lukas? For crying out loud, your husband tells that he was sexually assaulted and you think I should be, what, forgiving? Why are you not on my side in this?"

"I didn't say that I wasn't on your side," Lukas replies to him quickly. "I'm just trying to understand the situation, that's all."

"The situation is that Jasper sexually assaulted me and I want him to pay for that," Donovan tells him quickly. "So you can now choose to either believe me or believe the man that assaulted me. The choice is yours."

The Black House; Helen and Dawn's Home

Adam rushes up to the front door of the house that he lived in for years and rings the doorbell a few times. He hopes that Helen is still at home because the previous night, he realized why Dale looked so familiar to him. He still can't believe that it has taken him this long to put all the pieces together but now that he has, he knew he had to tell Helen as soon as possible.

"Come on," Adam impatiently presses the doorbell again, hoping that Helen is home. "Be home, be home."

"Adam?" Helen asks as she finally opens the door and then finishes closing her robe. "What has gotten into you? You were ringing the doorbell non-stop. "What's wrong?"

"I had to talk to you," Adam says as he moves into the foyer of the house. "Are you just waking up? Normally you're up by now?"

"Yes, I am just waking up," Helen replies to him. "If you must know, Dale spent the night with me and we were up a little later than usual."

"Oh God," Adam groans back to her. "He's here? Dale is in this house?"

"He's upstairs sleeping," Helen tells him. "What is this all about, Adam? What has got you in such a frenzy?"

"I know why I thought Dale looked familiar to me Helen," Adam informs her. "I know who Dale is and you're not going to believe it when I tell you."

The Tower's, The Penthouse; Cory's Home

"I don't think I heard you correctly," a stunned Natasha looks back at Sophie, who just admitted that she was kicked out of her boarding school. "The boarding school that I have been paying for, you got kicked out?"

"Yea, but I can explain. This is all a huge misunderstanding!" Sophie pouts back to her parents.

"You damn well better start explaining young lady," Cory crosses his arms over his chest. "What the hell happened?"

"Well, ugh," Sophie groans back to them. "I had this idea to get a scholarship," she tells them. "But to get it, I had to be on a sporting team."

"You don't play sports!" Natasha tries to not shriek back at her daughter.

"I know," Sophie nods back to her. "But my friends and I, we made it look like I was on the rowing team. We just took some pictures and stuff … and I submitted the application. They wrote me the cheque and everything but then they realized that I wasn't on the rowing team at all … and now, I'm here."

"You lied to get money?" a stunned Cory asks her before he looks over at Natasha. "Sophie, do you realize how serious this is?"

"But is it?" she asks him quickly. "I mean, no harm, right?"

"I can't believe this," Natasha looks back at her with intent. "You are going to have to make this right, Sophie. Because right now, this is completely unacceptable!"

Tyler's Townhouse

"Hey, I'm glad you're here," Tyler says as he opens the door to his townhouse and sees his father standing on the other side of it.

"Of course," Dominick moves into the house. "I came as soon as I got your text. What's going on?"

"It's Mom," Tyler replies to him immediately. "She's resting now but she told me one hell of a story this morning. I'm…I'm worried about her dad."

Dominick arches his eyebrow back to him. "What did she say? What is going on now? Another Barbara Mills sighting?"

"No, worse than that," Tyler gulps back to him. "She claimed that Barbara is dead but that Eva is alive. And Eva was the one posing as Barbara."

Dominick feels the blood drain from his face. He can't place it but he feels like he knew this but he doesn't know why. "What? That's…that's impossible! Eva isn't alive; she was stabbed?"

"I know," Tyler whispers back to him. "That's why I'm so worried about Mom. I…I think she's losing her grip on reality again, Dad. We have to do something to help her."

Dominick uneasily nods back to him. "I agree we do because there's no way Eva is alive. It's impossible."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Traci tries to smooth things over with Greg
- Madeline hears Will call out Eva's name
- Will Adam tell Helen about Dale?

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