Episode 927
My Fears Surround Me
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: April 19, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Can You Hear Me" Mariah Carey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Victoria arrived at the Victors mansion hoping to find Eva, who she believed was alive and being held by Frederick. Frederick and Felicia, meanwhile, shared a kiss
- Natasha and Tyler had heated words over the lawsuit
- Nicholas and Andy made love once Melissa left town
- Antonio whisked Daisy to Las Vegas, hoping to show her an employment opportunity and to allow her to let loose
- Meggan, Jeff, & Leah went to Santa Barbara in hopes of finding information on Leah's long lost child
- Jacob ripped into Shane and Natasha for running another DNA test on Carter
- Andrew gambled at the casino to try to forget Trenyce

The Victors Estate; Frederick's Lair

Victoria opens another bedroom door on the second level of the Victors mansion as she has been searching for a clue, any clue, that her mother, Eva, is alive and being held at the mansion by Frederick. Ever since she saw that note that Daisy had in her purse after the Frederick's dinner party, Victoria hasn't been able to shake the feeling that her mother is alive. The note indicated that they were with Frederick and they signed it with the letter E; Victoria knows that her mother was stabbed by Brooke, the Rose Peddle killer, but she can't help but wonder if Frederick, somehow, was able to fake Eva's death and he is holding her at the mansion. She knows that this mansion has a history of holding people against their will since there are so many secret passages.

She shuts the door to the empty bedroom and arches her eyebrow. "That's it," she whispers to herself. "What if Eva is in one of the secret passages? I have to back into the tunnels and see if mother is in a cage somewhere."


Meanwhile, Felicia opens the French doors and returns to the living room of the of the mansion. She and Frederick were just outside enjoying a walk through the garden, and even shared a kiss, when he got an urgent call. He told her that he would only be a few minutes, so she returned to the house to escape the sun.

"Well, this is turning out to be a nicer afternoon then I expected," she whispers to herself. "Frederick is still the same caring, charming man he always was."

"Felicia," a voice calls out from the entrance way of the living room. Felicia looks over and sees Barbara standing there. "Are you having a good time today?"

"Oh, Barbara, I am, yes, I am!"

"I told you," Barbara smiles back to her. "I told you that Frederick deserved your presence. Oh, you've made me so happy. Now, I have one more favor to ask of you, dear friend."

"Name it Barbara," Felicia smiles back to her. "I'll do anything for you, absolutely anything."


"Ugh, what a morning," Natasha groans as she moves into the office and slams the door closed behind her. Her presence alerts Dale Cunningham, who is sitting on the sofa in the office looking over some paperwork while he waited for his client.

"Looks like you need that coffee in your hand," he observes to her as she sets her coffee from the Sugarbowl down on the desk.

Natasha recalls how she was at the coffeehouse earlier in the day when she ran into Tyler and he warned her that she, and Roboto, would pay for everything that happened with Cheresa's kidnapping.

"Tell me that you've come up with something that will compete with this damn lawsuit?" she looks back at him.

"I'm afraid not," Dale shakes his head back to her. "It's like I told you the other day, Natasha, I believe that the best way out of this is to present Robertson Enterprises with a settlement offer. It would make this entire situation go away."

"I know, I know," Natasha sighs back to him. "I am just worried that a settlement would show a sign of weakness, and depending on the amount, really hurt the company. And, that is the last thing I want."

"How about this," Dale moves closer to her. "I'll draw up the initial paper work to present a settlement and you, Robbie and Kim come up with a reasonable figure that you think Robertson will accept?"

"A reasonable figure? That would be nothing!"

"Natasha," Dale chuckles to her. "This really is your best option, here."

"Fine," Natasha groans back to him. "You draw up the papers and we will talk about a figure. Because, I do need this to go away. The sooner, the better."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"Alright Nicholas, you have our attention, what is this meeting all about?" Kim asks her brother's lover while she sits across from him at a table in the restaurant while Madeline sits next to her.

"Yea, I hope everything is alright with you and Andy?" Madeline asks him before she takes a sip of her rose.

Nicholas smiles back to them. "Everything is fine, actually we have never been better," he tells them. "Now that Clayton has left town and my mother is out of hair, Andy and I are on solid ground."

Madeline gulps as she still is having a hard time accepting that her long-lost brother left town without cause recently; she had hoped that they would have the chance to get to know each other, but he just up and left town after he realized Andy and Nicholas were reuniting.

"Sorry Madeline, I know the subject of Clayton is touchy still," Nicholas can sense her discontent.

"It's fine," Madeline forces a smile on her face. "I have known Andy a very long time, I am glad that you two are in a good place."

"As am I," Kim nods back to him. "There was a time when I didn't think Andy would ever be this happy again."

Nicholas grins back to them. "That's why I asked you two here," he admits to them. "I wanted…I wanted to get your approval."

"Our approval?" Kim arches her eyebrow back to him. "About what?"

"About," Nicholas nervously gulps back to the women. "About asking Andy to marry me." He takes a deep breath while the women look back in surprise. "I want Andy to be my husband."

"I, uh, wasn't expecting this," Madeline chuckles to him. "I mean, I don't know why you'd want my approval, Nicholas, but I am happy to support you and Andy, if this is what you want."

"I want your approval," Nicholas looks back at her with intent. "Because you are the last connection Andy has to Reese and I would never, ever, want to cause anyone any hard feelings. I am not trying to replace Reese, I never could, but I do want Andy to spend the rest of his life happy."

Madeline gets tears in her eyes at his words. "You're so thoughtful," she says as a tear falls down her cheek. "I knew my brother better than anyone else; I know that he would Andy to be happy and, like Kim said, you have made him so happy. So yes, Nicholas, you have my full support."

"And you have mine as well," Kim reaches over and grabs his hand to squeeze it. "You and Andy are so perfect together, I hope this proposal goes exactly the way you want it too."

"Thank you both so much," Nicholas breathes a sigh of relief. "You don't know how much this means to me."


Dawn and Cheresa walk hand in hand towards the opening of the restaurant as they are going to grab a quick drink together now that Dawn is off her shift from the hospital. As the move towards the entrance, they chuckle as they talk about their respective mornings. Dawn, happens, to turn her head and she sees Andrew sitting at a blackjack table.

"Hey," she stops and pats Cheresa's arm. "That's Andrew; I don't recall him ever being a gambler before?"

Cheresa arches her eyebrow back at the sight in front of her. "Neither have I. Do you think we should go over and say something?"

"I mean, he's our friend," Dawn nods back to her. "I think we should go see what's going on? Maybe he's having a good time, or maybe…"

"Maybe?" she asks her girlfriend back.

"I don't know, sometimes people turn to vices when they need an escape. I just don't want anything bad to happen to him," Dawn tells her.

"Let's go," Cheresa storms towards the blackjack table as Dawn follows behind her. When she arrives at the table, she clears her throat. "Andrew, what's up?"

"Oh hey," Andrew looks back at Cheresa and Dawn. "I'm, uh, just playing a few hands? Why, what's up with you?"

"A few hands?" the dealer laughs back to him. "Man, you've been here all morning."

Andrew gulps back to him. "Are you ahead?" Dawn asks him quickly.

"I, I think I'm even," Andrew replies to them as the dealer nods. "You owe us about $30.00."

"Okay, I'll cash out, here's your money," Andrew replies to the guy before he stands up and moves into the aisle with his friends.

"Andrew, what is going on? It's not like you to gamble all morning," Dawn looks back at him in concern.

"Please tell us that you're okay, Andrew? What is this all about?" Cheresa asks him in concern.

"Nothing, I swear," Andrew lies to them quickly, knowing that he was trying to forget his night with Trenyce when he started to gamble. "You two have nothing to worry about, I literally sat down to play a few hands and time escaped me; that's all."

"Okay, just promise us you won't make a habit of this," Cheresa looks back at him as Andrew uneasily nods back to her.

"Yea, of course not," he grins to them. "Were you two headed for a drink? I could join you, unless I'm intruding."

"Not at all," Dawn tells him. "Come on, we need to catch up."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"So, you're positive that nothing is wrong with the baby?" Trenyce asks Shane as she lays in a hospital room bed with Chris next to her. They are at the hospital today as they are having a checkup on Trenyce's pregnancy; after all the turmoil they had with BJ's pregnancy, they are both hoping that this experience is calmer.

"Everything is absolutely fine," Shane smiles back to the couple. "The heartbeat is normal and the baby is growing as it should."

"That's fantastic news," Chris beams back to the doctor. "We just want our little bundle of joy to be perfect."

"We had so many scares with BJ," Trenyce continues to look at Shane. "We just don't want the same thing to happen with this baby."

"Well, from what I see, you are in for a smooth pregnancy," Shane tells the expected parents. "You two have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks doctor," Chris replies to him before he kisses Trenyce's forehead. "Did you hear that? Our little baby is perfect, just like you."

Trenyce smiles back to him. "I couldn't have done this without you, Chris."

"And I wouldn't be anywhere else," he looks back into her eyes. "I love you, Trey."

"I love you too."

The Bellagio Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

"You want another cosmopolitan?" Antonio asks Daisy as they sit together in the lavish casino at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino. They have been playing some slot machines and they both of their drink glasses are empty.

Daisy, with some glossy eyes, nods back to him. "I'd love one but I'm about to give up on this machine. I don't think I've even won a nickel!"

Antonio chuckles back to her. "Alright, you find a new machine and I'll head over to the bar to get another drink."

"You'll find me? This place is huge?"

"Of course I'll find you," Antonio winks back to her. "You're the most beautiful woman here, you'll be easy to track down. Be right back."

Daisy blushes at the comment before Antonio stands up and rushes off to the bar. Daisy collects her purse and stands up to look around, wondering which slot machine she wants to play next.

She sees some "Ellen" themed slot machines and starts moving towards them when a man in a suit approaches her.

"Good evening," he greets her with a flash of his smile. "Having a good time?"

"I am, yes," Daisy nods back to him. "This casino is incredible."

"It is, it is," the man replies to. "You know, it's even more incredible up in my hotel suite. Want to come and check it out?"

Daisy looks back at in him surprise. "I, uh, no, I'm waiting for my friend, I'm sorry."

Daisy scurries off leaving the man standing in the middle of the aisle. She sits down in front of a "Wheel of Fortune" machine and opens her purse and pulls out her compact, to touch up her face, as she feels some beads of sweat forming on her forehead. While the man was attractive, she doesn't feel like she is in the position to have an one night stand, especially since she is with Antonio.

"There you are," Antonio announces as he comes up to her with a drink. "Here's your martini."

Daisy grabs the drink and takes a healthy sip of it. "Hey, slow down tiger," he chuckles to her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Daisy nods back to him. "Some man just approached me and offered to go back to his room."

"And? What is the problem?" Antonio asks her.

"I…I don't know. I guess I'm not that kind of woman."

Antonio chuckles to her. "What if I told you that you could earn a lot of money by going to his room? Would that change your mind?"

"Excuse me?" a stunned Daisy replies to him, floored by what he just suggested.

"What?" Antonio asks her back. "What could be better? You have great sex and get paid to do it? Seems like a win, win, doesn't it? Anyways, if you're not interested, that's cool. Let's enjoy our drinks and play these machines, okay?"

The Riverbench Winery; Santa Barbara, California

"Well, looking in Frederick's old office didn't turn up any information on my missing child," Leah sighs to Jeff and Meggan as the three of them stand in the living room of the winery in Santa Barbara. The three of them arrived at the estate earlier in the day and immediately went to the office to see if they could find any information on Leah and Jeff's missing child. To their dismay, they didn't find anything, which has left Leah feeling like this trip might have been a waste of time. "Where else would Frederick have hid any information?"

"This place is huge," Meggan replies to her quickly. "There could many any number of places where Frederick has information."

"Meggan is right," Jeff tells Leah, trying to remain hopeful. "We can't give up when we just got here."

"I'm trying to stay positive," Leah tells them. "I am just desperate to find my child. And since Frederick hasn't given me any details, it feels like this trip is my last hope."

"We will find something, I promise," Jeff looks back at her. "We will find our child, I am sure of it."

"Oh my God!" Meggan squeals as Jeff and Leah turn and see a bookshelf opening to reveal a secret passage.

"What happened? What is this?" Leah asks her sister in confusion.

"I, I don't know," Meggan admits to them as she looks at her with worry on her face. "I found one of Frederick's journals and went to pull it out from the shelf, and the bookshelf started to move."

"It's like the Victors mansion," Jeff tells them. "This place has secret tunnels."

"Did you know about these secret passages?" Leah asks Meggan in concern.

"No, I had no idea," Meggan replies to them quickly. "But that's not something Frederick would just bring up in conversation."

"I suppose that's true," Leah nervously nods back to him. "So, what should we do?"

"The only thing we can do," Meggan looks back at her. "We are going into the tunnel to see what we find."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Natasha, what are you doing in my office?" Shane asks as he opens the door to his office at the hospital and sees his ex-wife waiting for him on the sofa.

Natasha stands up and looks over at Shane. "I had to see you," she tells him. "After what happened between us and Jacob, I wanted to see what you thought we should talk."

"Ah," Shane moves to his desk and sets some files down. "I didn't like that Cassie gave him that ultimatum; either he's in our corner or Carter's corner."

"That's so typical of that bitch," Natasha hisses back to him. "She is sinking her claws deeper and deeper into our son and it feels like there is nothing we can do about it."

"Well, he is Carter's father," Shane reminds her, as she rolls her eyes. "He should be in his son's life."

"I hate this," Natasha admits to him. "There has to be something that we can do to keep Cassie away from Jacob. The last thing that I want is for Jacob to be with that woman!"

"I know, me too," Shane tells her. "But what can we do?"

"I don't know," Natasha replies to him. "But I refuse to allow Cassie to be with my son. Hell will freeze over before I let that happen."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

"Well, Barbara," Felicia eagerly looks at her friend as they continue to stand in the living room of the Victors mansion. "What is it? What can I do for you?"

"Barbara" moves closer to her with a grin on her face. "I think there is a one real way for you to thank Frederick for saving me, Felicia."

"I still can't believe that he did that," Felicia shakes her head back to her. "The fact that you're here, alive and well, it's a miracle!"

Outside the living room, Victoria freezes when she sees "Barbara" and Felicia talking. Victoria gasps at the sight; the woman her alter killed at Raven's Meadow is alive and well. She arches her eyebrow, wondering how any of this is possible.

"Barbara Mills is alive and well?" Victoria whispers to herself, as she hides around the corner so the two women won't see her. "If that's possible, maybe Eva is here somewhere? I have to figure out what is going on here. "

"Yes," Barbara chuckles back to Felicia. "He did save me and it is a miracle. And now, the ultimate way for you to thank him is right in front of you."

Felicia arches her eyebrow back to her. "What are you asking me to do, Barbara? How can I thank Frederick?"

"You can thank him," Barbara looks at her friend as Felicia's eyes open wider in surprise. "By marrying him. Become Mrs. Frederick Richardson, Felicia, and do it today."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Victoria follows "Barbara"
- Will Felicia agree to marry Frederick?
- Leah, Jeff and Meggan stumble upon something of interest in the secret passage

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