Episode 912
Thinking of Simpler Times
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 26, 2022

Episode Theme song: "White Dress" Lana Del Rey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Felicia told Dominick that she saw Barbara at the gala, unaware that it was Eva wearing a mask that made her look like Barbara
- Leah demanded answers from Frederick about her paternity & her missing child
- Bryce lied to Victoria about keeping more secrets from her
- Helen had a random hook up in Mexico
- Robin went for a paternity test
- Max and Jacob quit Robertson Enterprises and got hired at Roboto

The Black House; Helen & Dawn's Home

"So, tell me everything," Dawn smiles over her mother, who has a glorious tan on her skin as Helen is freshly home from her trip to Cancun, Mexico. Dawn is eager to hear how her mother's trip was because the main reason for her having a vacation was to try to put her feelings for Adam behind her. Dawn knows that Helen has always been in love with Adam, so moving past him might be more difficult. "How was the resort? How was the food? Did you have a good time? You clearly got a lot of sun!"

Helen chuckles back to her daughter. "One question at a time," Helen tells her. "The resort was huge, I mean, I could get lost there every day. Thankfully, I found a spot by the pool that I loved and I kept going back every day. The food was alright; they sort of cater to everyone's desire's. And a lot of buffets. And yes, I had a very good time."

"I'm really glad to hear that Mom," Dawn smiles back to her. "Before you left, you had indicated that you had hoped to get past your feelings for Dad. Do you think that this vacation helped?"

Helen shuts her eyes for a moment and is instantly taken back to seeing Dale Cunningham thrust into her as they had sex with one another. His abs were glistening in sweat as she moaned out in pleasure.

"I definitely think that this was the perfect start to doing just that," Helen nods. "I will have a life after your father and this trip was just the start of just that."

The Pink Flamingo, at the River Rock Casino

Robin sits at a table near the window of the new restaurant that has opened in the casino. She has a sparkling water on the table while she types into her laptop, doing some work for Robertson Enterprises while she has a lunch by herself.

While she types, however, she can't help but think about the paternity test that she went to the hospital for the other day. She hasn't heard back from Madeline yet on the results and the waiting is killing her; she needs to know if Shane or Adam is the father of her unborn child. The sooner she knows, the sooner, she realizes, that she can start planning her future as Adam told her that if Shane is the father, they would be over. Adam wouldn't be able to handle Robin having another child with Shane, which scares Robin to her very core.

Across the restaurant, Antonio stops in his tracks when he sees Robin. Immediately, he feels is heart skip a beat at the beautiful woman in his restaurant. He was on his way to his office when she caught his eye. He can't help but think she is incredibly attractive. He watches her as she picks up her cell phone, which starts to ring.

"I don't know who you are, but I intend to find out," Antonio smirks to himself as he continues on his way towards his office.

Meanwhile, back at the table, Robin picks up her phone as it starts to ring. "Hello," she says. "Oh Madeline, hi, I've been hoping you'd call."

Robin pauses as she listens to the doctor on the other end. "I was hoping you'd tell me that the results are back," Robin gets a smile on her face. "I will come right now, thank you."

Robin takes a deep breath as she takes to pack up her belongings, thrilled that she is about to find out who the father of her baby is.


At another table, Kim and Greg sit across from one another in the new restaurant with a bottle of white wine in front of them.

"This place is pretty nice," Kim looks around the venue. "I didn't really get to see this the night of the ball, but it might give the Pampa Grill a run for its money."

Greg chuckles back to her. "It is nice to have another option in this this small town," he notes back to her. "I could see myself coming here again. I do have something I wanted to discuss with you, however."

Kim sets her wine glass down on the table and looks back at him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's fine," Greg nods back to her. "I happen to run into Robbie the other morning."

Kim sighs back to him. "Oh dear. How'd that go?"

"Not well," Greg chuckles. "He must have seen the kiss we shared the night of the gala. He was basically told me to stay away from you."

Kim shakes her head back to him. "I am sorry that he did that," she replies to him. "You know that I like our friendship."

"I told him that much," Greg informs her. "I don't think he liked it but he had to hear that it was your choice to file those divorce papers."

"He's stubborn," Kim tells him. "Bob was like that, so that's where Robbie, and Natasha, get it from. But thank you for defending me."

"I always will."

Kim smiles back to him. "But you know, about that kiss," she uneasily chuckles to him. "I did enjoy it, Greg, but I am not ready to jump into anything new so we have to be friends and if anything progresses, we have to go slowly."

"I completely understand," he replies to Kim. "I would never rush you into anything you weren't ready for. Just know that I am here, waiting in the wings for you."

"And I appreciate that more than you know," she purses her lips together before she takes another sip of her wine.


"I'll start working on those reports and get back to you if I have any questions," Jacob looks over at Natasha, who is sitting behind the desk in the main office of Roboto.

"Perfect," Natasha replies to him as he moves towards the door. She is still thrilled that Jacob came to her and asked to work at Roboto; after years of him working at Robertson Enterprises, she feels like he is finally where he belongs, at the family company. "And Jacob, if I hadn't made myself clear, I am so glad that you decided to come to work for your family company. It's where you belong."

"Thanks Mom," Jacob smiles to her before he leaves. He exists the office and starts to walk down the hallway towards his office. As he walks past the elevator, the door opens and Max appears.

"Jacob, what are you doing here?" Max asks him as he steps into the hallway.

Jacob turns and looks back at Max with an arched eyebrow, recalling how Tyler admitted to him that Max also left working at Robertson recently. "I am working here now, you hadn't heard?"

"Uh, no," Max sighs back to him. "You quit Robertson Enterprises? Why would you do that?"

"Why would you?" Jacob asks him back. "Probably for the same reasons Max; it was time that I left and had a new challenge. It made sense that I would get a job at my family company. What's your excuse?"

"Kim offered me a job the night of the ball once she heard that I had left Robertson," Max reveals to him. "It wasn't handed to me because of my last name."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Max huffs back to him. "I guess I was just hoping to leave the drama and mess with you and Paige back at Robertson Enterprises, that's all."

"Well don't worry," Jacob rolls his eyes back to him. "I have no intention of working closely with you here. We can stay out of each other's way."

"That sounds like music to my ears," Max uneasily nods back to him.


Meanwhile, back in the main office, Natasha stands up from behind the desk and moves towards the bar, where she pours herself a fresh cup of coffee. She takes a sip before she turns when she hears the door open.

"Do you already have questions?" Natasha asks, thinking that her son has returned. She freezes, however, when she sees Cassie standing in the office. "Cassie, what are you doing here?"

Cassie uneasily chuckles back to her. "Is that anyway to thank the woman who got your son to realize he should be working here?"

"Jacob did mention that it was your idea," Natasha replies to her. "So, I'd like to know what your angle is. Why did you suggest that? What's in it for you?"

"I don't have an agenda," Cassie defends herself. "I was trying to do something nice for Jacob."

Natasha almost chokes on her coffee. "Don't make me laugh," Natasha says. "You never do anything without an ulterior motive."

"I mean it Natasha," Cassie tells her. "I am just trying to make this transition as easy as possible; now that Jacob knows the truth about Carter, I want him to be happy and successful. It will help my son."

Immediately, Natasha recalls seeing Cassie and Jacob dancing together at the ball a few nights earlier. She wonders if Cassie is actually trying to have a relationship with her son again after all these years.

"I see exactly what you're doing," Natasha warns her rival. "And I won't let you get away with it."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"This is about Jacob," Natasha tells her. "You're trying to get him back, aren't you? Well, I won't let that happen. You mark my words, Cassie, I will keep you and Jacob away from one another, even if it is the last thing I ever do."

Robertson Enterprises

Leah paces back and forth in her office at Robertson Enterprises as she thinks back to earlier in the day when she, Meggan and Lukas confronted Frederick about where he has been all these months since they discovered that he was alive. After listening to some of his answers, Leah finally cut in and demanded some answers of her own; she demanded that Frederick reveal to her if he is her biological father and the location of the child that she gave birth too while she was in Santa Barbara all those years ago. Frederick, however, told her that he would give her more information when the time was right.

"He's so damn infuriating," she whispers to herself. "He only gives people the information we need when it is good for. Well, no more. It is time that I put an end to this. I will get my answers from him, even if it is the last thing I do."

She moves back to her desk and finds her purse. As she pulls out her phone to make a call, Cory appears in the doorway of her office.

"I can come back if this isn't a good time," he says, noticing that she is about to make a call.

Leah puts her phone down when she sees Cory standing there. The last time she saw him, Cory was proposing to her at the ball. Leah, stunned by his question, turned him down and rushed away from him. She turned him down because she never believed that marriage was in the cards for the two of them since they had discussed it when they first got together.

"Cory, hi," she finally replies to him. "I'm glad you came by. I … I wanted to try explain about the other night."

Cory uneasily smiles back to him as he closes the door to her office. "Good because I also have a few things that I'd like to say, Leah. The sooner we get this on the table, the better off we will ever be."

"I agree," Leah nods back to him. "So, you go first. What's on your mind? How are you feeling about the fact that I said no to marrying you?"

The Victors Estate; Frederick's Lair

Frederick paces back and forth in the living room of the Victors mansion as he thinks back to how he created a mask for Eva that made her look like Barbara; the night of the gala, Eva put the mask on and, then, spoke to Felicia. The plan worked perfectly because he overheard Felicia tell Dominick and Abby that she saw Barbara alive and well.

"Eva is about to carry out the next phase of the plan," he whispers to himself as he takes a sip of his sherry. "She will continue to help me with this because she is so desperate for me to help her regain her memory. But I won't do that until Felicia is in my life again. I won't stop until that happens."

He takes another sip of his drink as he thinks back to his meeting with Leah, Meggan and Lukas. He knows that he stalled Leah with some of the information that she was asking for within regards to her paternity and the whereabouts of her long lost child.

"I will give you some information when the time is right," he tells himself. "And in the meantime, I might need some assistance keeping you at bay. And that's where you can come into play," he says as he looks a picture of Bryce.

"Dr. Bryce," he says with a sly grin on his face ."You will still do my bidding because I know about that baby switch you arranged. Yes, you will help me Bryce. I just have to figure out what I need you to do."

The Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo

Bryce looks over at Victoria as they lay next to one another in the large king size bed that is in their main bedroom of the condo they shared. He looks at his wife and thinks back to how earlier in the day, she confronted him about all the horrible things he did to her and her family when Vinny was blackmailing him. Bryce was able to get Victoria to forgive her for his actions and the two ended up making love. Now, she is fast asleep, but Bryce can't forget the last part of their conversation.

"I need you to promise me that you aren't keeping any more secrets," Victoria asked him, which replays over and over in Bryce's mind.

Bryce, of course, lied and said that he isn't keeping anything else from her. He knows, however, that Vinny blackmailed him into switching Abby's baby with a dead baby; Abby believes her son is dead but in fact he is being raised by Lukas and Donovan. And, he knows that Eva is alive. This is the secret that is really weighting on his mind because Victoria would love to know that her mother is alive and well.

"I am just scared about what Frederick will do to me if I reveal his secrets," he whispers to himself. "Until I find that out, I have to keep this from you Victoria," he says as he looks at her sleeping. "I just hope that one day you will forgive me."

The Cemetery

Felicia slowly walks through the cemetery as she wraps her warm coat around her as the winter air is still chilly. As she moves up to the tombstone, she can read the words that are engraved on it; "Barbara Mills, wife, mother, pillar of the community".

"Barbara," Felicia says as she touches the tombstone and water fills her eyes. "I…I don't know what is happening to me but I thought I saw you the other night at the ball. I know that it is impossible because you are resting here."

She looks at the tombstone again before she takes a deep breath. "I was so sure that I saw you, that we spoke, that we hugged…but I must have had a dream because you're here. You're not alive after all."

"That's where you're wrong," a voice calls out from behind Felicia. Felicia slowly turns around and gasps at the sight: Barbara is standing behind her! She almost can't believe that this is happening again; but, Barbara is there in the flesh.

"Barbara," Felicia says as a tear falls down her cheek. "You've come back? You're really here?"

"I am here," Barbara nods back to her. "I need you to listen to me, Felicia. The man who saved me, he is a special man. I would love for you to meet him."

"Frederick?" Felicia asks her, recalling that Barbara told her that Frederick is the one who saved her. "You want me to meet him? I…I already know him."

"Then reach out to him," Barbara smiles. "I owe him my life. You owe him your best friend's life. What do you say Felicia, will you reach out to Frederick? For me?"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Cory gives Leah a piece of his mind
- Trenyce tells Chris that she wants to get married
- Donovan shocks Jasper

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