Episode 1047
We Can Both Pretend
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: April 24, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Reflections" Years & Years

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Adam & Helen agreed to take the jobs in Toronto after their wedding
- Robin accepted Antonio's marriage proposal
- Antonio blackmailed Daisy into staying at the casino by threatening to reveal that she was a hooker and Andrew's secret; she wondered what Andrew's secret was
- Andrew asked Trenyce if he is Albertinah's father, but she said no
- Eva was annoyed when Dominick wanted Abby to help him recover
- Robbie and Kim were horrified to learn that Madeline was suing them for 7 million dollars. Madeline, meanwhile, wondered if Tyler still had feelings for Kim

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

The smell of various breakfast items fills the Pink Flamingo as the morning rush is in full force at the restaurant. At a table in the middle of the restaurant, Adam and Helen sit across from Max and Dawn as they wanted to dine with their children this morning.

Adam picks up his coffee and looks over at Max and Dawn, who are taking bites of their French toast and omelette. "Helen and I, we wanted to talk to you kids about something, something pretty important," he finally breaks the silence at the table, other than the forks hitting the plates.

Max and Dawn look at one another before they look back at their father. "Uh, okay?" Max uneasily chuckles to him. "Does this have to do with the wedding?"

"In a way, yes it does," Helen puts her orange juice down. "But it is more than just the wedding. It is about our future, Adam's and mine."

"You're starting to scare me," Dawn admits to her mother. "What is going on?"

"There's no easy way to say this," Adam tells his daughter. "But, your mother and I, we've decided that we will leave Twin Peaks after the wedding."

"Leave town?" Dawn asks him, clearly taken aback by the news. "But why?"

"We both, happened, to get job offers at the University of Toronto," Helen explains to her daughter. "And we decided that we would take the positions. It…it could be a new adventure for us."

"This is exciting," Max smiles back to them. "It will be different not having you guys around here all the time, but I think this will be a good change for you both."

"Thanks son," Adam smiles back to him, as he notices Dawn putting her head down. "Hey kiddo, this isn't bad news, it's just different."

Dawn looks up at her parents with tears in her eyes. "I…I know…I just…I can't imagine not being so close to you guys and seeing you all the time."

"We will never leave you," Helen reaches over and grabs her hand. "And Toronto is very close, and we can facetime. You won't get rid of us."

Dawn wipes a tear from her cheek as she forces a smile on her face, still unable to comprehend living without her parents.


At the bar, Madeline finishes her coffee and is about to leave as she has a busy day planned at the hospital. In the back of her mind, however, she can't help but wonder how Robbie and Kim are reacting to the fact that she suing them for 7 million dollars because she was robbed of a divorce settlement because she agreed to annul her marriage to Robbie when he wanted to remarry Kim when she was on her deathbed. Of course, this is one of the things she is doing to get revenge on them because she wanted Robbie to come back to her.

"We keep running into one another," a voice says from behind her, causing Madeline to turn around and sees Tyler approaching her. Immediately she recalls how the previous day she ran into him, and suggested that he might still have feelings for Kim.

"Good morning Tyler," she smiles back to him. "Yes, we seem to be seeing a lot of one another lately."

"I'm not complaining, by the way," Tyler chuckles back to her.

"Good," she winks back to him. "By the way, I hope I didn't cross the line yesterday by saying those things about you and Kim."

"Nah," Tyler waves his hand in the air. "Besides, Kim and I, we've been over for a very long time."

Madeline moves closer to him and puts his hand on his chest. "Good, because some of us single girls like what they see," she purrs to him before she leans up and kisses him on the lips. "I need to get to the hospital, but maybe I'll see you around?"

Tyler nods his head, clearly liking the kiss they just shared. "Yea, I'd like that, a lot."


"Is Natasha here yet?" Kim asks as she opens the door to the main office at Roboto and sees Robbie sitting behind the desk, typing furiously into his laptop. Kim is hoping that they are alone because she has something very important to discuss with her husband.

"No, I think she and Shane were going to have breakfast together before she heads in," he responds to his wife. "Why? What's up?"

"We need to talk," Kim announces to him as she moves up to the desk and he looks up from his computer screen. "It's about Madeline Wilkins and this damn lawsuit."

"Ugh," Robbie groans back to her. "Do we have to talk about that, of all things?"

"Yes, we must!" Kim persists with him. "What are we going to do? 7 million dollars is a hell of a lot of money!"

"Madeline will not get a dime from me, from us," Robbie tells her as he stands up from the desk. "I'm going to hire a lawyer and fight her every step of the way."

Kim smiles back to him before she starts to chuckle. "What? What's so funny?"

"You're very sexy when you're determined," she tells him as she wraps her arms around his neck. "And for the record, I am here to help you fight that woman. We will stop her from ruining our happiness."

Robbie leans in and kisses her passionately. "That's why I love you so much, Kim."

"I love you too baby."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"I hope I'm not keeping you from patients or anything?" Eva asks Will as they sit across from one another in the cafeteria of the hospital. Eva came to see her former lover because she needed to talk to someone about Dominick, and Will has always been there for her.

"You know that I always have time for you," Will grins back to her. "You must be over the moon that Dominick is home again."

Eva sighs back to him. "Of course, yes, I am," she nods back to him. "He remembers though, Will. He remembers our affair."

"Oh? I thought he was having some memory issues?"

"Yes, he is," Eva tells him. "He doesn't remember probably the last couple of weeks before his stroke, but he remembers that I slept with you and that we were headed for a divorce. He…he still believes he is married to Abby."

"I'm sorry that you're going through this again," Will replies to her. "But do you want my honest opinion?"

"That's why I'm here," she purses her lips together. "You know I value your opinion."

Will chuckles back to her before he reaches over and grabs her hand. "This, to me, is just another sign that you and Dominick are over, and that you and I, we are meant to be. This could be our chance, Eva, to finally be together and to be happy. The only thing that is preventing that from happening is you."

Dominick's Townhouse

"Can I get you anything else, anything at all?" Abby asks Dominick as she picks up the breakfast tray from Dominick's bed and moves it to the dresser. She looks back at the man that she thought was her husband and can tell that he is getting stronger each and every day, which is relief. For so long, she never thought that he would wake up again, but now he is awake and improving health wise. The best part is that he, seemingly, doesn't remember the events leading up to his stroke.

"No, darling, that was delightful," Dominick replies to her. "You will have to thank the cook for me."

Abby chuckles back to him. "The staff, everyone, is just so happy that you're home and that you're awake. You have no idea how worried we were when you were in that coma."

"That's water under the bridge now," Dominick tells her. "Come sit with me?"

Abby moves closer to the bed and sits on the edge before she looks into his eyes. "Now, tell me what is going on? How are you?"

Abby chuckles back to him. "Oh, I suppose I am okay," she nods back to him. "There's a lot to fill you in on, I guess."

"Start from the beginning and don't leave anything out," Dominick tells her before he grabs her hand and squeezes it. "But before you do, give me a kiss?"

Abby leans in and kisses Dominick softly on the lips. At the door, Ethan stands frozen watching the kiss unfold. He had come to see his friend to see how she was doing, especially since he hasn't been able to stop thinking about the kiss that they recently shared, but now, he is seeing her kiss his grandfather.

The Tower's, The Penthouse; Robin's Home

"Would you like another cup of coffee?" Antonio asks Robin as he stands at the bar in the living room of the penthouse, pouring himself another cup of the java. Robin, meanwhile, is sitting on the sofa looking at her IPad, trying to get some wedding ideas for their upcoming ceremony.

"No, if I have another one, I will be on a caffeine high all day," she chuckles back to his fiance as he moves back towards her. "What do you think of these flowers for the floral arrangements?"

Antonio looks at the screen of her IPad and finds himself nodding. "I mean, they're great," he tells her. "If I am honest with you, I am perfectly happy with anything you want. You plan every detail to your heart's desire, and I will sign off on it."

Robin puts the tablet down and looks back at him. "You know, for most women, that would sound amazing," she chuckles to him. "But that means that I will be doing all the work! This should be a team effort, Antonio. After all, it is the first day of the rest of our lives together, I want your input on every detail."

Antonio leans and kisses her on the lips. "Alright, I like those flowers," he winks back to her. "What's next?"

The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home

"It was sweet of you to stop by for breakfast," Chris tells Cheresa as they move into the living room and see Trenyce on the ground playing with BJ and Albertinah. Trenyce stands up when her husband and daughter enter the room. "We love seeing you, Cheresa."

Cheresa moves some of her hair out of her face before she grins back to her parents. "You know, after the scare with Albertinah, I really want to make an effort to be here more to see you two, and my brother and sister."

Trenyce pulls Cheresa into a hug. "I love the sound of that," she tells her as they exit their embrace. "I know that we've had some rough times, but moving forward, I want us to be united as a family."

"That is what family should be," Chris nods back to her before he looks at Cheresa. "We should all be together and that's all that matters."

Cheresa pulls them into a group hug. "I love you guys," she chuckles to them. "Now, while you two go clean up from breakfast, I'm going to play with BJ and Tinah."

"That sounds like a plan," Trenyce chuckles back to her daughter, before she kisses Chris on the lips.

The River Rock Casino

Daisy urgently knocks on the door to Andrew's suite, desperate for him to open the door so she can talk to him. He finally opens the door, only a white towel is wrapped around his waist.

"Hey, sorry, I was in the shower," he says as she moves into the suite. "What brings you by? Or do I have to ask?" he winks to her, wondering if she wants to have sex with him.

"Keep the towel on," Daisy turns and looks at him as he closes the door. "We have to talk."

"Ah, okay? What's up?"

"I saw Antonio yesterday," Daisy reveals to him. "I told him that we have the money to pay off our loans and leave this place."

"Oh fantastic," Andrew grins back to her. "That means we can pack up and leave today."

"It's not that easy," Daisy stops him. "He's…he's blackmailing us."

"What?" Andrew gasps back to her. "What information is he trying to use against us?"

"Well, for me," Daisy sighs to him. "He threatened to tell everyone that I was a hooker at the casino."

"My God," Andrew shakes his head in disgust. "That man will stop at nothing to get what he wants! What did you say? Wait, what is he holding over my head?"

Daisy looks at him with intent. "That's what I want to know," she reveals to him. "He said that he knows your secret…what secret are you keeping Andrew? What are you hiding?"

Andrew looks back at her in surprise as he starts to rack his brain about what secret Antonio could be talking about. "A secret?" he asks her in confusion. "I…I have no idea."

"Well you better figure this out!" Daisy snaps at him. "Because our entire futures depend on this!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Dominick makes a request of Abby
- Natasha assigns Jacob & Isabelle some roles at Roboto
- Tyler and Madeline get closer

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