Episode 1032
Been Running on Stardust
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: March 03, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Wildflower Wildfire" Lana Del Rey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Cassie cryptically said goodbye to Jacob before she left town after being blackmailed by Isabelle
- Adam and Helen got engaged
- Trenyce tried to pass of Chris' concerns about Cheresa lying to them as nothing
- Daisy and Andrew learned that they could get money from Vinny's estate
- Will felt torn about helping Dominick coming out of his coma as he feared he would lose Eva
- Tyler offered to talk to Bryce and Ethan for Leah
- Bryce met Chantel as a part of his new project at the hospital and thought she looked familiar

The Black House; Helen & Dawn's Home

A scattering of wedding magazines are laid out on the coffee table in the living room of the Black house, while Adam and Helen sit next to one another on the sofa as they have started to plan their wedding. Helen looks back at Adam with a smile on her face as she, almost, can't believe that they are engaged and planning another wedding to one another. After everything that has happened, she never thought that they would be in this position again.

"Are you starting to feel overwhelmed with all the plans that we still have to make?" Adam chuckles over to his fiancé as he notices her looking at him.

"Not really," she admits to him. "I love this stuff, you know? Planning a day that our friends and family can celebrate the fact that we want to spend the rest of our lives together? I could do this all the time."

"You're a braver than I am," he winks back to her. "The most important thing is that we are back together and going to spend the rest of our lives together, Helen. I love you so much, I hope you know that."

"I do," Helen looks back at him. "You've made that perfectly clear, and you know what? I don't think it matters what we plan for our wedding, it will be the best day of our lives."

"I couldn't agree more."

Before Helen can respond to him, her cell phone starts to ring. She looks at the screen and realizes that it is the church calling her back. "Oh, it's St. Joseph's, this might be them confirming our date," she tells him before she answers her phone. "Helen speaking."

"Yes, I am still interested in that date," Helen says to the minister. "Oh really? Alright, and that can't be changed? I will get back to you as soon as possible."

Helen puts the phone down as the smile erases from her face. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Adam asks her, noticing that she seems depressed.

"The church," she looks back at him. "They are booked the day that we wanted. Our perfect day will have to be on another day altogether."

"Don't let this get you down," Adam tells her as he grabs his hand. "Whatever day that we decide, that works with the churches schedule, it will be fine, Helen. Our day will be perfect, no matter what."

Twin Peaks Law Courts

Andrew and Daisy slowly walk up towards Lois Kam's office doors at the law courts. Daisy had received a call earlier in the day from Lois asking them to come to her office as she has an update on Vinny's estate. Daisy and Andrew were eager to hear the update because they believe that if they can receive some of Vinny's estate, they will be able to pay off Antonio and leave the casino for good, which they both need desperately.

"Are you ready for this?" Daisy turns and looks at Andrew, who feels his palms sweating, as he can see two of Antonio's goons still follwoing them to trace their every move.

"As ready as I will ever be," he whispers back to her as they lock eyes. "I just hope that Lois has good news for us; we need money to get away from Antonio and that damn casino."

"I know," Daisy nods back to him. "I just hope that we get good news. We need something good to come our way."

"Only one way to find out," Andrew says as he knocks on the door.

They move inside the office after they hear Lois Kam say "come in". They see the lawyer sitting behind her desk, but she greets them with a warm smile. "Thank you for coming," she says as she gestures for them to sit across from her, which they do. "I have an update on Vinny Victors estate and wanted you both to hear the news."

Andrew and Daisy look at one another uneasily before they return their attention to Lois. "What did you learn about Vinny's estate?" Daisy asks the legal eagle quickly.

"The estate is wrapping everything up within the next couple of weeks," Lois reveals to them. "And that means that both of you will be receiving your inheritance."

Andrew and Daisy gasp before they look at one another with hope in their eyes. "A couple of weeks?" Andrew asks as Lois nods back to him. "In a couple of weeks our lives will change forever."

The Davenport House; Chris & Trenyce's Home

Chris collects some of this file folders and starts to place them in his briefcase. He was planning on heading to the Sugarbowl to do some work but his mind is still racing over the fact he overheard Dawn tell Trenyce that Cheresa hates lying; when he confronted Trenyce about what Cheresa is lying about, she claimed that he only heard half of the conversation and told him to drop it. He can't place it but he believes that something more is going on, he just doesn't know what it could be.

"I didn't realize you were going to work today," Trenyce says as she moves into the living room and sees her husband packing his bag.

"Yea, I have a few projects that I need to make some headway on," Chris replies to her. "Since I am in freelancing, if I can get these projects done well, they might extend my contract."

"You can bounce anything off me if you need too."

"Thanks," Chris nods back to her. "You know, I still don't like how we left things from earlier. I get the feeling that Cheresa is lying to us about something; I'm not sure why you are so keen for me to just drop it; if something is going on with our daughter, I want to know."

Trenyce gulps back to him quickly. "It was nothing, I promise you, Chris."

"I'm going to find out the truth," Chris looks back at her with intent. "I am not going to sit back and watch my family go through something and not know what is going on. So, it's your warning, Trey. If you know what's going on, you should come clean now because I will get to the bottom of this, one way or another."

The Calimo Mansion

Jacob moves into the living room of the Calimo mansion and makes a beeline for the bar, where he pours himself a vodka soda. He just got back to the mansion after having a strange run-in with Cassie at the Sugarbowl, where she said that he might not see her, or Carter, for a while. When he asked her about it, she said it didn't matter, but he has to wonder what she was talking about.

"It's early to be drinking, did you have a rough morning?" Isabelle asks him as she moves into the living room and sees him with the vodka in his hand.

"Not rough just odd," he tells her before he takes another sip of his drink. "How are you doing?"

Isabelle shrugs back to him as she moves her hand to stomach. "I guess I am still trying to realize that I'm not pregnant anymore. I…I was looking forward to being a mother."

"It will get easier with time," Jacob replies to her. "And there's always a chance for you to have another baby in the future."

"Maybe in time," Isabelle says back to him. "Right now, I am too focused on mourning and just putting my life back together."

"Anything you need, I'm here."

"I know, I appreciate that more than you know," Isabelle purses her lips together. "Now, tell me why your morning was so odd? What happened?"

"I saw Cassie and Carter," he reveals to her as Isabelle feels her heart skip a beat; she hopes that Cassie didn't expose her blackmail plan to get Cassie out of town. "She said I might not see them for a while."

"I see," Isabelle replies to him. "Did she say why?"

"No, that's why it was so weird," Jacob tells her. "I guess Cassie can be strange sometimes."

"You can say that again," Isabelle chuckles back to him. "I'd say, don't worry about it. Let Cassie play her games and you and I focus on us and getting back to normal, whatever that may be."

"That sounds like a plan," Jacob smiles back to her before he takes another sip of his vodka.

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Stephanie is in a meeting but she agreed to see me once she is done," Eva tells Will as they sit next to one another in the cafeteria of the hospital. Eva wanted to meet with Dr. Stephanie Clarke again to have a follow up on her suggestions on how to bring Dominick out of his coma; she needs to know what the likelihood of her methods will be a success.

"Alright, that gives us some time to talk," Will responds to her quickly. "I've been giving Stephanie's request some thought."

"You mean that you would help her during the rehabilitation process?" Eva asks him as he nods back to her. "I know you were concerned but I hope that you will take Stephanie up on her offer. You're a great nurse, and I know you could help Dominick."

Will looks back at her quickly. "You know, the reason I was apprehensive is because of you," Will admits to her. "I don't want to lose you, Eva. And if Dominick comes back, I don't know where our relationship will end up."

Eva uneasily smiles back to him and grabs his hand. "But, I will help Stephanie," Will informs her before she can respond. "I will do anything I can to help Dominick."

"Really? You will?" Eva asks with a smile on her face. "Oh Will, thank you, thank you so much!"


Meanwhile, Abby stands in Stephanie's office and paces back and forth. She is back at the hospital to see the specialist that believes that she can bring Dominick out of his coma; Abby knows that if Dominick does come out of his coma, he could remember everything that she did to prevent him from remembering that Eva was alive for months, including drugging him. He was confronting her about this when he suffered his stroke. While she would love for Dominick to come back to her, she is worried about what it means for her future.

"Abigail, this is a surprise," Stephanie announces as she moves into her office. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Sorry that I am waiting for you in your office," Abby tells the doctor. "But I had to see you about Dominick."

"I am still waiting to hear back from Will to see if he will help me with the rehab," Stephanie informs her. "But I can still answer any questions that you may have."

"Do you think that your methods will work?" Abby asks her quickly. "Do you think that you will be able to bring Dominick out of his coma?"

"I do," Stephanie confidently replies. "I believe that I will be able to wake Dominick up and he can be reunited with you and his entire family. Is that the answer you were looking for?"

Abby gulps heavily before she forces a smile on her face. "Of course it is," she lies to the doctor. "That's what we all want, for Dominick to open his eyes again."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

Bryce sits at a table in the back of the restaurant with a beer in front of him. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the previous day when he was at the hospital starting his new position; he met Cheresa and Chantel, the women he will be working with while they reorganize and update the file rooms. He hasn't been able to place it, but he knew Chantel from somewhere, he just doesn't know where. The fact that he can't remember has been eating away at him.

"You look a million miles away," a voice says at the head of his table. He looks up and sees Ethan standing in front of him. "Let me guess, you're thinking about our parents and how they continue to press us for a relationship?"

Bryce chuckles back to him. "Lucky guess," he says as Ethan sits across from him. "It's hard to think about anything else right now, huh?"

"You can say that again," Ethan nods back to him. "They seem like good people, for the most part. It's just weird that they keep pressing us so hard."

"That's because they care about you, about both of you," Tyler says as he moves up to the table. Ethan and Bryce look up and see their uncle standing in front of them. "Sorry to intrude, I saw you two together and wanted to come say hi and check in. I hope I'm not over stepping."

"It's all good," Ethan tells Tyler, who sits across from him. "We were just talking about this revelation. It really has been mind blowing."

"I get that," Tyler tells them. "Just remember that Leah and Jeff, they just want their children in their lives. They mean well, and before you ask, no they didn't send me here. I'm just speaking my honest truth."

"I appreciate that and know you wouldn't lie to me," Ethan tells his him.

"I'll let you guys get back to talking, but I am here if you need me," Tyler says as he stands up and walks away from the table.

"That was nice," Bryce tells Ethan.

"Yea, Tyler and I actually went to school together," Ethan reveals to him. "I think of him as a friend, not my uncle."

Bryce chuckles back to him. "Our relationships have all changed, I suppose."

"Yea, like mine with Abby and Paige."

"How so?"

"Paige left town after she signed our annulment papers and Abby and I, we kissed," Ethan reveals to him as Bryce looks back at him in surprise.

"You and Abby Lawson, huh?" Bryce asks him with grin on his face, as Ethan starts to respond to him. But Bryce doesn't hear a single thing that Ethan tells him because he is finally realizing who Chantel is: the woman that he switched Abby's baby with all those years ago. He feels the blood drain from his face realizing that Olly's biological mother is back in Twin Peaks and he is working with her.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Madeline tells Greg she wants revenge
- Lukas wonders if his marriage could work
- Trenyce confesses to Andrew

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