Episode 1010
Running Low on Love
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 27, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Scorpio Season" Charlotte Cardin

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Greg revealed to Cheresa and Robbie that Tara shot Kim. Kim, meanwhile, woke up on Christmas and learned that she remarried Robbie
- Donovan and Lukas learned from Antonio's contacts that there was a lead on Jasper and Olly in Puerto Vallarta
- Gordy wasn't pleased that Penny continued to help Cory
- Leah and Jeff were stunned to learn that Bryce was really Noah and that their long-lost son is Ethan
- Frederick came up with a new scheme

Robertson Enterprises

Tyler sits behind the large desk in the main office of Robertson Enterprises as he tries to salvage what is left of the marketing team. He knows that since Abby has taken control of the company, she has been mistreating people and mismanaging the organization; he just hopes now that Eva is alive that Abby can be thrown out since her marriage to Dominick should be proven invalid.

"And once that happens," Tyler whispers to himself. "I can regain control of the company and get it back on track. Abby must be stopped, I will make sure of that."

"And once Abby is out of the company," he sighs to himself. "I can focus on Mom and getting her away from Frederick. With Abby losing control, I should be able to get the restraining order reinstated against Frederick."

He pauses when he gets an alert on his phone. He picks it up and feels the blood drain from his face as he reads the headline from the Twin Peaks Sun, "Fire breaks out at Raven's Meadow hospital."

"Mom!" he stands up from the desk and rushes out of the office, hoping that someone will be able to put out the first before Felicia is injured, or worse.

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"Hey, thanks for agreeing to meet me," Abby announces as she approaches a table that's towards the back of the restaurant where Ethan is sitting with a whiskey sour in front of him. As soon as she learned that Eva was alive, Abby called her friend to meet, even though they had agreed to stay away from one another because people were assuming that they were having a torrid affair.

Ethan looks over at his friend as she sits across from him. "You made it seem important, what's up?"

"You won't believe this," Abby looks back at him. "Dominick's wife, Eva, she's alive. She's back in Twin Peaks."

Ethan looks back at her in confusion as he has only ever known Abby to be Dominick's wife. "I'm confused; I thought you were Dominick's wife."

"I…I am!' Abby says quickly back to him. "But you see, Dominick was married before we married. He and Eva, they were in the middle of a divorce when she was attacked by a serial killer, who turned out to be my mother. We all thought that Eva was dead."

Ethan tries to not chuckle back to her after listening to this story. "I think I follow along?"

"We all thought Eva was dead!" Abby tells him. "But she's alive! And because she and Dominick never finalized their divorce…"

"You think that your marriage is invalid?"

"I don't know," Abby admits to him. "That's why I wanted to see you. I…I may need your help with this, legally, speaking I mean. I can't lose everything because that woman didn't die!"

"This is might be complicated," Ethan reveals to her. "But I'm happy to look into it for you."

"Thanks Ethan," Abby smiles back to him. "I knew I could count on you."

"What the hell is going on here?" Paige asks as she rushes up to the table as Leah and Jeff follow behind her. "Ethan? Why are you with Abby? You said you were going to stay away from her?"

Ethan looks over at his wife and gulps before Abby looks at Paige. "Don't worry sweetheart, we were done here. You can have your bro…I mean husband, all to yourself," Abby smiles at her before she races off.

"Why did she almost say brother?" Ethan asks Paige, who gulps back to him.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," Paige tells him as she sits next to him while Leah and Jeff sit across the table from them. "We need to know about your parents; we need to know everything."

Twin Peaks International Airport

"Things seem…tense…between you and Donovan; is everything okay?" Meggan asks her brother as they sit next to one another in the airport as they are awaiting to board the private plane to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where Antonio told them that there might have been a sighting of Jasper, who they all still believed kidnaped Olly.

"I guess I should tell you," Lukas looks over at his sister before he looks over at Donovan, who is in line to grab a coffee. "I gave Donovan divorce papers; I told him that our marriage is over."

Meggan looks back at him in surprise. "I knew things were bad between you two, but divorce? Is that really what you want, Lukas?"

"We continue to blame each other for Olly's kidnapping," Lukas reveals to her. "We have become so toxic, I don't think there's any point in staying together, regardless of what happens."

"I am sorry to hear that," Meggan replies to him. "I know that you two have been through a lot together, but I hope you can still find a way to work together to save Olly."

"Don't worry about that," Lukas looks back at her. "The only thing Donovan and I agree on these days is that we want Olly back and we will do whatever we have to do to get our son back. This trip, it is the start of us tracking down Jasper and getting Olly back; I won't stop until we do."

Holdenville, Oklahoma

Cory slowly moves down the stairs in the small farmhouse that he has been staying in with Penny, as he thinks about the previous day when he heard her fiancé Gordy, admit that he wasn't too happy that Cory was going to be staying with them. Cory, then, heard Penny tell Gordy that she thinks of Cory as a miracle since he could have died in the plane crash that she saved him from; he can't help but feel the same way about her, since she saved his life.

He opens the door to the small kitchen and sees her pulling some fresh biscuits out of the oven. "Those smell delicious," he says, which causes Penny to smile as she sets the rack down on top of the oven.

"It was my Mama's recipe," she tells him. "I'll serve them with this lamb stew I'm making for dinner."

"I can't wait," he chuckles back to her. "Are we alone?"

"For the time being," she nods back to him. "Gordy is just out feeding some of the animals; he'll be back for dinner though."

"Alright, well I'm glad we have this time together Penny," Cory says as he moves closer to her. "I owe you a huge apology."

"An apology? Heavens, for what?"

"I couldn't help but overhear you and Gordy talking," Cory admits to her. "The last thing I want to do is cause problems for you guys. You've been so generous with me; I don't want to cause any issues for you."

"Don't you worry about that," Penny smiles back to him. "You're my guest and I want you to stay, at least until you get your memory back and you know where your home. Pay no attention to Gordy; he gets that way with any other male friends I have."

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive," Penny tells him. "Now sit down, and I'll get you some of this stew."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Greg opens the door to Kim's hospital room and moves inside. He immediately gets a grin on his face when he can see that she is awake and, seemingly, alert. For weeks now, they have been worried that Kim was going to die as a result of her being shot by Tara, so the fact that he can see that she is alert is a good sign.

"It is so nice to see you awake," he says as he moves closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Surprisingly better," Kim replies to him quickly. "I am still in a lot of pain, but I don't feel so groggy anymore."

Greg sits next to her and grabs her hand before he kisses it. "I am so relieved to hear that," he admits to her. "You have no idea how worried we have all been about you. The doctors, they didn't give you much hope."

"I am a fighter," Kim tells him quickly. "I…I have to ask you something."

"You can ask me anything," Greg tells her. "What's on your mind?"

"Robbie," Kim begins to tell him as they lock eyes. "He was here on Christmas Day and…I don't know if I heard him right, but he said that he and I were married. Is that…true?"

Greg sighs back to her as he finds himself nodding to her. "Yes, it's true. You and Robbie remarried."

"How? Why?"

"It's a long story," Greg tells her. "We all thought you were going to die, and Robbie wanted to be married to you before you left us; he thought that's what you would have wanted."

"But he was married to Madeline?" Kim asks still confused by the events that transpired.

"They had their marriage annulled," Greg continues to explain to her. "And then you two were married. Now that you're feeling better, I guess the question is, is that what you would have wanted before you died? Do you want to be Robbie's wife? Or can we go back to being engaged, Kim?"

Kim looks at him as she feels like her head spinning with the news that Greg just gave her. She forces a smile on her face as she looks down and sees the diamond ring on her finger; now she has to wonder what it is she really wants, Robbie or Greg.

Twin Peaks Police Station

Robbie arrives at the holding cell and clears his throat, causing Tara, who is inside the cell, to look up from the small cot that she is resting on. Tara rolls her eyes at the sight of the man that paid her all those months ago to kidnap Cheresa; she still believes that Robbie is the one that put all of these events into motion.

"Oh goody, another visitor," Tara smirks back to him as she moves closer to the bars of the cell that entrap her. "Let me guess, you're furious with me and you want me to rot in hell? Take a number because Cheresa was already here and told me that."

"You don't get it do you?" Robbie grits his teeth back to her. "You always go to the most extreme, Tara. I never paid you to kidnap Cheresa; I paid you to scare her. You took matters into your own hands! You did that, not me!"

"Are you finished now? My dinner is going to be served soon and I'd rather eat in peace."

"And then you what? Take the money that I gave you, have your face altered and then get hired at the Lawson estate? For what? What, exactly, were you trying to accomplish, Tara?" Robbie asks her.

"You," Tara glares back at him. "Ruined my life! I was a wanted criminal because of you! You did that to me! So, what did I want? I wanted revenge. I didn't know how or what I wanted to do but when the opportunity presented itself to shoot Kim, I jumped at the chance. I know how much you and Greg fawn over her, God only knows why."

"You leave Kim out of your mouth," Robbie warns her. "You almost killed her."

"I wish I had!"

Robbie looks back at her in shock. "You're a rotten human being," he spits back to her. "I'm not wasting my time with you anymore; Just know this, Tara, I will make sure you spend the rest of your miserable life in jail. You will not get away with what you've done, I promise you that."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"My parents?" Ethan asks Paige back before he looks over at Leah and Jeff. "What is this all about? What's going on?"

"We…we learned something," Leah looks back at him as she gulps to him. "We don't know if its true or not but we need to find out."

"What did you find out?" Ethan asks her in confusion.

"Years ago, there was an explosion in Lake Tahoe," Jeff looks back at the man. "Leah and I were married the day before the explosion and we all thought that she died."

"But she didn't die," Paige tells her husband. "She had amnesia and was at a winery in Santa Barbara; a winery that Frederick Richardson owned."

"So, Frederick kept you at this winery?" Ethan asks as Leah nods back to him.

"He's obsessed with my mother, Felicia," Leah tells him. "He thought that if he nursed me back to health, he could present me as a gift to Felicia."

"That's pretty twisted," Ethan replies to them. "I'm still not sure what this has to do with me or my parents?"

"While I was there," Leah continues to reveal to him. "I gave birth to a child; Frederick refused to tell me any information on the child, but we found one of his files."

"Okay?" Ethan nods back to them. "Did the file say who your child is or where they are?"

"The file, Ethan," Paige looks at him with intent. "Indicated that you are the missing child," she stuns him as he feels the blood drain from his face at the thought that he married his sister. "We believe that you are Leah and Jeff's child."

Raven's Meadow

Tyler opens the door to his SUV as he arrives in the parking lot of Raven's Meadow. Flashing red and blue lights surround him as police and fire vehicles surround the hospital, which is engulfed in flames. Tyler rushes closer to the hospital in shock and awe as the entire building is on fire.

"My God," he whispers to himself, realizing that everyone inside is in danger. "My mother is in there! Someone! Someone help! My mother is in the hospital!"

A fireman comes up to Tyler. "We are trying out best to put the fire out and see if there are any survivors, but it's not looking good."

"No," Tyler says as the red lights illuminate over his face. "My mother can't be dead! She can't be dead!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- It's New Year's Eve in Twin Peaks!
- Bryce asks Victoria a serious question
- Ethan and Paige worry about their marriage

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