Episode 1005
Edge of a Knife
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 10, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Feel Alright" Jojo

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Greg was stunned to learn that Tara shot Kim and was posing as Traci. Madeline, meanwhile, heard Robbie profess his love to Kim
- Andy was floored to learn the truth about Clayton's lawsuit, blackmail and Nicholas claim that he is a fraud
- Chris was worried when Trenyce had to have an emergency c-section to have their baby
- Jacob admitted to Sophie he didn't know what to do with Isabelle and Cassie once Natasha's plan was exposed
- Jeff and Leah made love again
- Meggan and Tyler had a run in
- Antonio hoped that Robin would turn to him while she grieved Cory

MW Investigations

Meggan sits behind her desk typing into her laptop as she continues to try to find another lead on Olly, who is still missing. She desperately wants to find her nephew so Lukas and Donovan can be reunited with him; she knows that the longer they go without finding Olly, the more likely they will never find him and it has already been weeks since Jasper took Olly.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," a voice calls out at the doorway of her office. Meggan looks up and sees Tyler standing at the entrance.

"Tyler? This is a surprise," she admits to him as she stands up and moves closer to him. "Please, come in."

"Thanks," Tyler replies to her as he moves into the office and Meggan closes the door behind him.

"What brings you by? Do you have a case or something that you need me to work on for you?"

Tyler shrugs his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't know why I am here," he admits to her. "I guess I was just thinking about our run in the other day and wanted to come see you about your Dad. Have you heard anything about Frederick treating my mother?"

Meggan sighs to him. "No, I am sorry," she replies to him quickly. "I have been so focused on finding my nephew; he is missing. So I haven't even contacted my father. Would you like me too?"

"Yea, I'd like that," Tyler nods back to her. "My life is such a mess right now, if I am honest with you Meggan. My mother is in Raven's Meadow and there's nothing I can do about it; my father is in a coma and the doctors say that he might never wake up and Abby is ruining my family company. So any help from you, would be really appreciated."

Meggan finds herself moving up to him and pulling him into a hug. "I am sorry that you're going through all of this," she tells him. "I'll see what I can do and get back to you, okay?"

They part ways from the hug and Tyler looks into her eyes before he caresses her face. "You're a beautiful woman, you know that?"

Meggan blushes back to him. "Are you flirting with me because I agreed to help you?"

"I'm flirting with you because you're a gorgeous woman," he winks back to her. "Am I allowed to do that?"

"Of course."

"Good," he licks his lips before he leans down and kisses her passionately. They part ways before he kisses her again. Without second thought, he lifts her up and lays her down on the desk, pushing her files to the ground in the process. "Are you sure?" he asks her quickly.

Meggan nods back to him thinking that having another man might be the best way to get over Jeff, since she recently turned down his marriage proposal.

"I am sure," she replies to him as she tugs on his jeans and pulls him closer to her, as their lips reconnect.

Robertson Enterprises

"What do you think these anonymous texts are about that Tyler, Abby and I got?" Leah asks Jeff as they stand in her office at Robertson Enterprises. Leah just finished telling her lover that earlier in the day she, Tyler and Abby got a cryptic text asking them to all meet at Dominick's townhouse; Tyler said he had an errand to run before he would go to the townhouse, and Leah is now just informing Jeff before she heads to her father's house. She has no idea what this could be about, or who sent the text, but it has peaked her curiosity.

"I wish I knew," Jeff replies to her quickly. "Whatever it is, it must be important for all three of you to get the same message?"

"That's what I thought," Leah admits to him. "It just feels … odd. I hope everything is okay."

"Only time will tell," Jeff tells her. "Do you want me to be there with you? I could come as support if you'd like."

Leah looks back at him with a smile on her face. "That's very sweet of you; I am not sure how that would look though, do you?"

"I don't care what people think about us, Leah," Jeff admits to her. "To be honest, I really like where we are right now. I don't know how you feel about things, but being back with you the way we have been, it feels like old times, doesn't it?"

"It does," Leah smiles back to him. "I just don't want to hurt Meggan; she's been through enough."

"She's the one that ended our relationship by saying she didn't want to marry me," Jeff reminds her. "So whatever happens, happens. We didn't set out to hurt anyone, Leah. This just…happened, like it always does. And because of that, I would like to support you with your family today."

"Alright," Leah nods back to him. "Come with me today. I would love your support while we deal with our family, Jeff. This family is as much yours as mine."

The Tower's, The Penthouse; Robin's Home

Robin slowly moves down the stairs of the penthouse as she just put Dominique and Oscar down for their morning naps. She is now waiting for her nanny to arrive because she must go to Dominick's townhouse as she also received one of the cryptic texts asking her to be there. She has no idea what the text is about or who sent it, but after discussing with her siblings, she realizes that she needs to be there.

Once she reaches the base of the stairs, the doorbell rings and she moves towards the door as she believes it is her nanny. She is surprised, however, when she sees Antonio standing on the other side of the door.

"Antonio," Robin looks at him. "This is a surprise, what brings you by?"

Antonio holds up a couple of boxes that are wrapped in Christmas paper. "I know it's early, but I brought the kids some presents," he chuckles to her as he moves inside. "Wait, you don't have your tree up yet?"

"I don't," Robin admits to him. "Between two young kids and Cory's passing, I haven't had time, or the energy, to put up the Christmas tree."

"Well, it is right around the corner," Antonio reminds her. "The kids would probably love having the tree up; it's such a magical time for children. If you'd like, I can take some time off from the casino and help you put the tree up?"

Robin smiles back to him. "That's very kind of you," she nods back to him. "I'd like that a lot, Antonio. I am trying to move on from Cory's passing, but it is hitting me harder than I thought but I don't want my children to suffer as a result."

Antonio moves up to her and pulls her into a hug. "I keep telling you that I am here for you," he whispers to her as he holds her. "It's time you start leaning on me because I'm not going anywhere."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Clayton's Home

"I am still floored by everything that has happened," Andy admits to Nicholas as they stand in the living room of the Young mansion. Andy just learned that Melissa told Nicholas that Clayton isn't a real Wilkins; if this is true, it means that he actually isn't the triplet brother of Madeline and Reese, which means he wouldn't have access to this clause in Olivia and Preston's will that he would get their money if he returned. Andy can't believe that Clayton used the clause in the will to blackmail Nicholas into marrying him; it is all so much to take in. "Clayton blackmailed you into marriage? That's why you didn't show up to our wedding?"

"He made it seem like if I didn't marry him, he would leave you, and Madeline, broke," Nicholas replies to him. "I don't know if I did the right thing by marrying him, but I didn't want to take the risk."

"And to think, he might not even be a Wilkins? My God, if that's true, then this entire nightmare just got even weirder. Like, why does he look like Reese then?"

"I wish I knew," Nicholas sighs back to him. "I just hope we get the DNA test back before this lawsuit goes to court."

"Wait," Andy looks back at him with intent. "Does Madeline know about any of this?"

Nicholas shakes his head back to him. "I don't think so," he admits to him. "She has been at the hospital dealing with the situation with your sister and Robbie. I haven't had time to tell her."

"We have to tell Madeline what's going on," Andy replies to him quickly. "She has to know that Clayton might be the biggest fraud we've all ever met."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"It is great news that Dawn is getting discharged," Andrew tells Cheresa as they stand together with Daisy and Chris in one of the waiting rooms of the hospital while they await news about Trenyce, who went into surgery as she required to have an emergency c-section to deliver her baby. While they are waiting, Cheresa has told her family that Dawn is getting discharged following her hit and run accident, and with Dale dead, it seems like this nightmare is finally over.

"It is the best news," Chersea smiles back to him. "After everything we have been through, we really needed some good news. And now, we are about to welcome another addition into our family; today is a really great day."

Chris sighs back to her. "I just wish we would hear something," he admits to her. "I don't like that this is taking so long."

Before anyone can respond, Shane reappears in the waiting room and moves towards the crowd.

"Doctor, how is Trenyce? How is the baby?" Daisy asks the doctor, hoping that her niece is doing okay.

"Both Trenyce and the baby are fine," Shane replies to the group, as they breathe a sigh of relief. "Trenyce had the baby, she is switched up and they are both resting now."

"Thank God," Chris tells him. "Can I see them? I am dying to see my wife?"

"You can," Shane replies to him. "Just make sure you don't wake her up; she needs her rest. And your daughter, she's in the nursery."

"Daughter?" Chris gasps back to her. "We had a little girl?"

"A beautiful, healthy baby girl, congratulations, if you need anything, I'm around, but otherwise, again, congratulations," Shane tells him before she turns and leaves the waiting room.

"A girl?" Chris says as he gets tears in his eyes, as Cheresa, Daisy and Andrew all pull him into a group hug. "I have a baby girl! I…I can't believe it!"

"Congratulations, man," Andrew tells him, as Cheresa uneasily looks over at the younger man that she knows her mother had an affair with. "You're going to be a great father!"


Jacob slowly moves up to the door to the main office at Roboto and peers inside. He sees Isabelle sitting on one of the sofa's looking over some prints of pictures that she recently had taken of her for an upcoming ad campaign. He looks at his wife for a moment and can't help but, still think that she is a beautiful woman; however, he feels incredibly torn right now since Cassie exposed Natasha's lie about dying from a rare blood disease. When he thought his mother was dying, he listened to her express that her last wish was for him to marry Isabelle, which he did, but in doing so, he left behind the relationship and family unit he was building with Cassie and Carter. Now, he has no idea what he is going to do.

"Hey," he announces as he opens the door to the office and moves inside causing Isabelle to look up from the portfolio on her lap. "It's been a few days, how have you been?"

"Jacob," she slowly stands up and looks at her husband. "Yea, sorry I haven't responded to your messages, my head has been spinning."

"I understand completely," he replies to her. "Mine has too. I…I still can't believe what my mother has done."

"Neither can I," she admits to him. "This all seems surreal to be honest."

"I know exactly how you feel. I am feeling like I don't know which way is up or down."

"But Jacob," Isabelle nervously looks over at him. "You have to figure something out. You married me and pushed Cassie away as a result. But did you only marry me because your mother wanted us together? Or do you have feelings for me? Or do you want to end our marriage and go back to Cassie?"

Jacob sighs back to her before he shrugs his shoulders back to her. "No, you don't get to do that," Isabelle stops him. "You have to tell me where we stand; I think I deserve that much, don't you?"

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Have you spoken to Jacob?" Natasha asks Shane as they stand in his office at the hospital, as he has finished giving the Davenport's an update on Trenyce. She knows that Jacob is not happy with her because of her scheme to keep him away from Cassie was exposed after he married Isabelle. She doesn't know how she will make it up to her son, but she knows that she has too do something. She is hoping that Jacob has reached out to Shane, even though he helped with her plan.

"Not recently," Shane admits to her. "He hasn't been very happy with me either."

"What are we going to do about this?" Natasha asks him quickly. "The holidays are right around the corner; the last thing I want is for us to be estranged over the holidays."

"You don't want to be estranged?" a voice calls out from behind them. Natasha and Shane turn and see Cassie moving into the office. "You should have thought about that before you came up with this pathetic plan!"

"Cassie, you shouldn't be in here," Shane looks back at her. "The last time you were here, you broke in and looked at a medical file which is against the law."

"I don't care," Cassie sneers at him. "What you two did, it's disgusting and I won't let you two get away with this!"

"Oh shut up," Natasha hisses back to her. "You got what you wanted, alright? You exposed the truth! Are you happy now? Of course not, because a bitch like you is never happy! I don't have time for this, I need to go see my brother. Shane, we'll be in touch. Cassie, rot in hell."

Natasha storms out of the office and once she is outside, she takes a deep breath as she knows that Cassie gets under her skin. She starts moving towards the hospital room where Kim is. She still can't believe that her sister-in-law was shot twice and is now on her death bed. She just hopes that Robbie is doing okay because she knows that he married her again so she could die happily.

"Robbie," she moves up to her brother, who is in the hallway outside of Kim's room. She pulls her brother into a hug. "I am sorry I haven't been here for you."

"It's okay," Robbie replies to her. "I heard about what happened; I am so glad that you're not dying. I don't agree with your methods, but the good news is you're healthy."

"I am," Natasha nods back to him as they exit their embrace. "Enough of that though, how are you? What is the latest on Kim?"

"No change, I'm afraid," he whispers back to her. "She is still expected to…die…any day now."

"I'm so sorry," Natasha grabs his hand and squeezes it, as Madeline appears behind them. Madeline freezes when she sees the siblings together as she recalls how she heard Robbie profess his love to Kim earlier. "How are you holding up? I know that, deep down, you never stopped loving Kim."

"I'm trying to stay strong," he admits to his sister. "But the truth is, this is the most difficult thing I've ever gone through. You're right, I do love Kim. I've realized she's the love of my life and I am just praying that she doesn't leave me."

Madeline lets a tear fall down her cheek as she turns and quickly walks away, having not been seen by the siblings. She doesn't know what is going to happen next, but she feels like a fool for marrying Robbie, and then annulling their marriage with the belief that he would come back to her.


Meanwhile, inside Kim's hospital room, Greg sits next to her hospital bed and looks at her as she sleeps. He is still reeling from everything that has happened; from finding Kim shot at his mansion, to Robbie annulling his marriage to Kim so he could marry her before she died, to finding out the Tara was posing as Traci, and she is the one who shot Kim.

"Kim," he whispers to her as she lays there sleeping. "It's me, Greg. I haven't left your side since this happened, I am hoping that you can hear me."

"You and I, we've been through a lot together," he chuckles while he gets tears in his eyes as he thinks about the many events they've experienced together over the years. "But from the moment that I met you, I felt something for you. And that feeling was love."

Greg wipes his eyes before he looks at Kim again. "I love you so much," he tells her. "So please don't die. Fight, I know you can do this! I know you can get better. Please don't leave me…."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas and Andy further rock Madeline's world
- Isabelle lays a bombshell on Jacob
- The Robertson's are stunned to see who is waiting for them at the townhouse

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