Episode 1002
Run with the Wolves
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 29, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Beautiful" Lana Del Rey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Clayton vowed to get back at Nicholas after his husband told him that they were over and that Nicholas and Andy had sex
- Simona told Helen and Adam that she will rule Dale's death an accident
- Paige and Ethan married in Las Vegas, unaware that they are brother and sister!
- Jeff and Leah made love again
- Bryce learned that his real name is Noah Claus
- Donovan went to Antonio for help in tracking down Olly
- While Robin grieved Cory, he turned up alive in Oklahoma

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Helen opens the door to Dawn's hospital room and rushes up to her daughter. It is the first time that she is seeing Dawn since she has come out of the medically induced coma that she was placed in after the hit and run. Helen gets tears in her eyes as she looks into her daughter's eyes. After everything that has happened, Helen feels so incredibly grateful that Dale didn't succeed in killing her, or Dawn.

"My beautiful girl," Helen says as a tear falls down her cheek. "It is so great to see you awake."

Dawn smiles back to her mother as Adam comes up behind Helen. "Mom," Dawn replies to her. "I've…I've missed you. It's nice to see you too."

"How are you feeling kiddo?" Adam asks his daughter.

"Like I am getting better each and every day," Dawn informs them. "I hope that, soon, I can go home and leave this place."

"All in time," Helen says back to her. "I want you to be as good as new when you leave here."

"Where were you?" Dawn asks her mother. "You hadn't come to see me for a couple of days?"

Helen breathes a sigh of relief back to her. "That doesn't matter right now," she whispers back to her. "What matters is that you're going to be okay, and your father and I, we will never leave your side again."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Clayton's Home

Nicholas moves down the stairs of the mansion that he is living in with his husband and moves into the living room. He hopes that today is the day that he can end his shame of marriage to Clayton as he has tried to get proof of Melissa's claim that Clayton isn't really a Wilkins after all. Once Nicholas gets the proof, he knows that he can throw Clayton out, and he won't be able to use the clause in Preston and Olivia's will that, could, leave Andy and Madeline broke. Nicholas looks over at Clayton, who is pouring himself a cup of coffee while whistling a tune. Nicholas arches his eyebrow, as he knows that the last time he saw Clayton, he was furious with him for telling him that he and Andy had sex and that their marriage was over.

"Someone is in a good mood?" Nicholas looks over at Clayton, who takes a sip of his coffee.

"I am," Clayton admits to him. "And I actually have you to thank for it."

"Me?" Nicholas asks him in surprise. "I am not sure what I did to put you in this mood but you're welcome?"

Clayton chuckles back to him. "After our last meeting, I made some decisions," he reveals to him. "You and Andy, you can be back together, but I, I am going to take every last penny that Andy and Madeline have. And that's, that's on you because I warned you what would happen, Nicholas."

Nicholas looks back at him in horror as Clayton passes him an envelope. "What is this?" Nicholas asks him quickly.

"It's a lawsuit," Clayton reveals to him. "I've seen a lawyer and he thinks that I have a very strong case considering my parents will has that clause. I'm about to be a very rich man and there's nothing you can do to stop this."

"We'll see about that," Nicholas grits his teeth back to him. "You won't get away with this, Clayton. I'll stop you, and I know just how."

Holdenville, Oklahoma

Penny opens the door to the barn that is on her large property and moves inside. She is holding a tray of food for Cory, who is still staying in her barn while he recovers from the plane crash. She knows that she would like to have him in the house, but her fiancé is jealous and wouldn't want her taking care of a strange man. That being said, she couldn't just let him die in the ruins of the crash. As she moves closer to the place where Cory sleeps, she wonders if the man that she has been taking care of will regain his memory as, since he awoke, he hasn't been able to recall anything about his life.

She peers into the small bedroom that she created for him and sees Cory tossing and turning while he sleeps. She watches him for a moment until he opens his eyes in what seems like a panic.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asks as she moves closer to him. "It looked like you were having a dream or something."

"I…I was," Cory nods back to her. "I was dreaming of my life, Penny."

"Here, have some of this tea," she tells him as she passes him a cup and he takes a drink. "You have to keep up your strength."

She watches him drink the tea before he sets the glass down. "Good, now, do you remember this dream? Do you remember anything about your life?"

"I do," Cory looks back at her. "My name, it's Cory."

Penny smiles back to him. "So, the stranger has a name," she chuckles back to him. "It's really nice to meet you, officially, Cory."

"Likewise, Penny. I owe you so much, I don't know how I will ever repay you."

"You don't need to worry about that," Penny replies to him. "I just want you to continue to get your memory back. Once you get more details in that head of yours, we can look at tracking down your family."

"I want that so much," he tells her. "I'm sure they are all worried about me."

"I am sure that they are," Penny nods back to him. "Look there, I made some chili. Why don't you eat something, it might help you with those memories?"

"It smells amazing, thanks," he says as he picks up the bowl and starts to eat, trying to think of anything else from his dream that could trigger his memories. He would like nothing more than to remember everything in his past, even though he does like being on the farm.

The Cemetery

Robin moves through the graveyard holding a bouquet of red roses. She takes a deep breath before she leaves the path and moves over towards a large black marbled tombstone. She reads the gold lettering on the tombstone as she kneels down, "Cory Calvin" and places the bouquet at the base of the tombstone.

"Cory," Robin whispers to the tombstone as tears fill her eyes. "I…I still can't believe that you're gone. We were just about to reunite and start our futures together, you were taken away from me."

She lets a tear fall down her cheek as she touches the tombstone. "I still love you, Cory, but … somehow, I must find a way to move on."

She looks up into the sky as she wipes her eyes dry. "I don't know how or when but I have to give myself the freedom to move on, I just have no idea how."

The River Rock Casino

Antonio stands up from being behind his desk when the door to his office opens and Lukas and Donovan walk inside. He had called his nephew and Lukas to his office because after Donovan asked Antonio to try to find Olly, who is still missing, he got right on the case.

"Thank you both for coming," Antonio says to the men as they close the office door behind themselves.

"Of course, Uncle," Donovan forces a smile on his face. "I hope this means that you have found a lead on Olly? Have you found our son?"

Antonio takes a deep breath. "Not exactly," he replies to him as the men feel their hearts sink in their chest. "But I did give Olly and Jasper's pictures to some of my contacts and there was a sighting of both of them in Mexico."

"Mexico?" Lukas asks in shock. "That doesn't make any sense. My sister and I tracked down a lead in Mexico City and it turned out to be a dead end."

"Yes, Donovan told me about that," Antonio nods back to him. "The most recent sighting, however, wasn't in Mexico City."

"Then where was it? Where did you see my son?" Donovan asks him quickly.

"It was in Puerto Vallarta," Antonio reveals to them men, who look at one another in surprise. "I believe Jasper found out that Lukas and Meggan were in Mexico City and he escaped before he could be caught."

"I need to go," Lukas says quickly. "I need to go to Puerto Vallarta to see if Olly is there, and this time, I won't leave without my son."

The Robertson House; Leah & Paige's Home

"I, uh, can't believe we did that again," Leah chuckles to Jeff as they stand facing one another in the house that they shared while they were married. Leah recalls how she told Jeff that one of the reasons that Meggan might have rejected his marriage proposal is because of their connection to each other. As they were talking, they reminisced about their children and marriage and then ended up having sex again. This is the second time they have fallen into bed with one another, since they made love while Meggan was also in Mexico City.

Jeff smirks back to her. "You're not complaining, are you?"

"I am not," she chuckles back to him. "You and I, we've always had a pull; it's just becoming more apparent again."

"I am starting to think that you were right; maybe Meggan did feel something between us and that's why she didn't want to marry me."

"Whatever the reason is, I just hope that you figure out your future holds and if that includes Meggan or…"

"Or you?" Jeff asks her as they lock eyes.

Before she can respond, they both hear the front door open. They look at the entrance of the living room and they see Paige move into the room with her suitcase, as she had been in Las Vegas.

"Mom, Dad, I didn't think you'd both be here," Paige explains to her parents as she sets her suitcase down and takes her jacket off. "Has something happened?"

"No, we were just talking," Leah replies to her daughter. "How are you? How was Vegas?"

"Yea, did you get the rest that you needed?" Jeff asks her next.

Paige nervously chuckles back to them as she thinks about how she married Ethan while she was in Vegas. After the ceremony, the got drunk to celebrate, and never made love in the aftermath, and they had to come home in the morning.

"It was…good, I had a good time," Paige tries to tell them. "Actually, I guess I have news that I can share with you two."

"Oh?" Jeff arches his eyebrow back to her. "What's going on?"

"I, uh," Paige gulps back to her parents. "I got married in Vegas. I am a married woman!" she announces as Leah and Jeff look at one another in absolute shock.

The Calimo Cabin

"This is all starting to make some sense," Eva paces back and forth in the small living room of the Calimo cabin while Victoria, Eva and Will stand close to her as they are all still reeling from the fact that Bryce read in one of Frederick's files that they stole from Raven's Meadow that Leah and Jeff's long-lost son is Ethan Alexander and Bryce's real name is Noah. They are horrified because Noah was hit by a car years ago and died; they are wondering if it is possible that Noah didn't die after all, but they have believed it was impossible.

"How so?" Victoria asks her mother. "How is any of this making sense to you?"

"I feel like my head is spinning," Bryce admits to them. "If this true, it means that Frederick is my, uh, grandfather?"

"If you think about it," Eva looks over at him. "Maybe Frederick wanted to hurt Leah in someway and that's why he faked your death all those years ago?"

"But if that's true, he made his other daughter, Meggan, think that she killed a boy?" Will explains, thinking about how Meggan was drunk when she hit Noah with her car.

"Maybe he wanted to make Meggan realize she had a drinking problem?" Victoria suggests. "I don't know; I am not sure what this means."

"I think," Will interjects to the group. "That we have to go back to Twin Peaks and tell Leah, Jeff and everyone else what we have learned. If this is all true, they deserve to know."

"And what about Frederick? What if he comes for us?" Victoria asks, still scared about how Frederick has tried to kill her.

"Power in numbers," Bryce nods back to his wife. "He can't kill everyone, right? I…I think Will is right. We must go back and tell everyone what we have learned. The sooner we get to the bottom of this, the better."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Madeline overhears Robbie make a confession
- Greg makes a demand of Simona
- Cheresa's news stuns Trenyce

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