Since 2002, the citizens of Twin Peaks have been caught up in love, romance, mystery, scandals, affairs, revenge, and most of all, drama. What is going to happen next? Only time will tell! Sit back and enjoy the latest, or previous, episodes of One Day at a Time...
Episode 1076 "Used to Bleed for Love"; July 24, 2024

"This, between you and me right now?" Donovan asks him again. "For months, you have blamed me for Jasper kidnapping Olly, and now, because I'm seeing someone new, someone who is honest, caring, and hot as hell, you are trying to reconnect with me? What gives?"

Lukas uneasily chuckles back to him. "Uh, well, I guess us working together in Mexico to save our son from our former nanny has made me realize that we are a good team, Donovan. Is it so bad that I want my husband?"


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