Episode 708
Take Over the Whole World
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 09, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Stay Long Love You" Mariah Carey

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Lukas withdrew money from Frederick's GIC's to pay off Craig so he would drop the rape charges
- Abby realized that she would have to tell her family sooner rather than later about the baby but admitted to Andrew that she was scared about becoming a mother
- Andy continued to hear a scratching noise in the Young mansion and thought it was haunted. Nicholas and Kim worried about him
- Cassie realized that she had to tell Dominick that Roboto's launch of the serum was coming quickly
- Paige was floored to learn about Leah and Cory's affair. Jacob tried to tell her that Leah was just living her life

The Cascade Apartments; Apartment 507; Craig's Home

Craig takes a sip of his coffee before he looks out the patio door window that is in his apartment. The sun is shining brightly as the morning is slowly turning into afternoon. Craig wonders when he will hear from Lukas about the money that he has agreed to give Craig so he will drop the rape charges that Craig filed against him once he got his memory back about what happened last fall in the cave on the mountain side after the avalanche. Once Craig got his memory back, he was furious with Lukas for violating him in such a way; when Lukas suggested that Craig name is price to make the charges go away, Craig randomly just blurted out that he wanted 10 million dollars. He never expected that Lukas could actually get that money; however, Lukas has told him that he should have the money any day now.

"I'm going to have more money than I'll know what to do with," Craig whispers to himself before he takes another sip of his coffee. "Which is why I will accept that job in London. There's no reason for me to stay in Twin Peaks, not after everything that has happened."

Before Craig can continue his trail of thought, he hears a knock on his front door. He turns and slowly walks to the door and when he opens it, he sees Lukas standing on the other side.

"Lukas, hi, what brings you by this morning?" Craig asks him as he moves to let his former lover into his apartment.

Lukas turns and faces him and holds up an envelope. "Your money is in this envelope."

Craig gets a huge smile on his face and reaches out to take the package from Lukas, but he moves his hands away so Craig doesn't get it. "Not so fast," Lukas looks back at him before. "Before I give you this certified cheque, the charges, you have to drop them."

Craig uneasily nods back to him. "Very well, I'll call Simona right now."

"Good, I'm going to wait here until I know for sure that he charges are dropped," Lukas tells him as he watches Craig pick up his cell phone and starts dialing a number, hoping that within a few minutes he will be a free man from all charges.

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Andy's Home

"Are you sure you're going to be okay while I'm away?" Nicholas asks Andy, who throws a suitcase onto the bed of the master bedroom in the mansion that he shares with his lover. Nicholas has been worried about Andy because he has been claiming to hear a weird noise coming from the closet in the bedroom, however, neither one has been able to see any sign of an animal or what the noise could be. Added with the fact that Andy has seemingly been late more than usual, Nicholas has had cause for concern. Now, with the One Day House having opened, Nicholas has to go away on a small business trip while he promotes the house to gain exposure, he is not sure if Andy should be alone or not in the house.

"Of course I'll be okay," Andy replies to him as he opens the closet for Nicholas. Andy starts looking at some of the shirts his lover has and pulls a couple of them out. "This shirt with this tie is a great combo," Andy tells him as he passes Nicholas the outfit.

"Andy," Nicholas grabs the shirt and tie and puts them on top of his suitcase. "I appreciate that you're helping me pack, but I am being serious … are you sure you'll be okay while I'm gone?"

Andy looks back at him and has large bags under his eyes as he knows that he hasn't been sleeping well since he moved into the house with Nicholas. He has heard the scratching noise more than he cares to admit and no one else seemingly has heard it; he has no idea what it could be or why it is happening to him but it is scary to him.

"I'm a big boy," Andy tries to put a smile on his face. "I'll be fine. In fact, maybe I'll sleep better since I'll have the entire bed to myself?"

"Very funny," Nicholas comes up to him and gives him a quick kiss. "I won't be gone too long but keep me posted if you hear the noise while I'm away? I spoke to Kim and she suggested we call an exterminator. That might help us solve this mystery once and for all?"

"So, you believe me? You think I am hearing the noise."

Nicholas nods back to him. "Of course I do," Nicholas tells him. "I believe you Andy, we just have to figure out what is going on here, that's all."

Andy pulls him into a hug. "Thank you for that," Andy bites his lip. "I was thinking that no one believed me and that was the worst feeling. I will miss you while you're gone, I hope you know that."

"I'll miss you too, but I won't be gone that long, I'll be back before you even know it!"

Robertson Enterprises; Dominick's Office

"Grandpa, I was hoping you could look at something with me…" Paige announces as she walks into Dominick's office but sees Leah standing behind his desk instead. She freezes as she didn't expect to see her mother in her grandfather's office; the last time she saw her mother was Cory's penthouse where she lashed at the couple for their affair. Paige still thinks it is unfair of Leah to tell her whom she can and can't see when Leah is seeing a man that will cause a lot of drama in the family. "Oh, sorry, I was hoping to see Granddad."

"He forgot something in his car," Leah looks over to her daughter. "He went to the park aide but will be back very soon. Are you here to see him about this top secret project he has on the go?"

Paige uneasily nods back to her. "I am, he asked me to go through the pictures we took in Paris and find the top five. I have them in this folder."

"I'm sure he will love the selections," Leah tells her, trying to keep the peace. The last thing Leah wants to do is have another fight.

"I'll leave them on his desk and head back to the studio."

"You don't have to rush out of here because I'm here Paige," Leah stops her daughter from leaving. "We could talk until he gets back."

"Talk? About what? You and Cory and your affair?"

Leah clears her throat. "I can see that you're still upset," Leah sighs back to her daughter. "I just wish you, I wish everyone, would realize that it just happened. Cory and I, we never meant to hurt anyone."

"I get that," Paige nods back to her. "And you know why I get it? Because Jacob gave me a different perspective. It's ironic, you know? The man you don't want me to date is championing you right now."

"Paige, this is completely different…"

"No, Mom, it's not," Paige cuts her off. "You don't want me with Jacob because of the history between our two families and same damn thing can be said for Cory. He was married to Jacob's mother; you were married to Jacob's uncle! If you can't see how this is a conflict, then you're blind."

"Paige wait," Leah calls out to her daughter, who races to her door.

"No, Mom, we can talk about this again when you're ready to stop ruining our family!" Paige yells back at her. "Tell Grandad I'm in the studio if he needs me."

Leah sighs and wonders if this blossoming romance with Cory is going to truly cost her everything she holds dear in her life.


Meanwhile, in the park aide Dominick moves up to a car that is in the guest parking stall. He looks around to ensure no one else is in the area and when he realizes that the cost is clear, he knocks on the window. The window slowly rolls down and Cassie's face is revealed to be in the driver's seat.

"We don't have much time," Dominick quickly tells her. "What is so urgent that you had to see me immediately?"

"Roboto, we are finishing the touches on the launch of the serum," Cassie immediately replies to him. She knows that she has been keeping him informed every step of the way so she could get back at the Calimo children; if Robertson Enterprises is able to beat Roboto to the shelves with a similar product, it would be music to Cassie's ears, even though the serum was her idea in the first place. "You have a couple of weeks left."

Dominick chuckles back to her. "That's perfect," Dominick tells her. "Because, I just got word today that my serum is complete. I am just finishing up the marketing and ad's for it."

"They've decided to name the serum Youth," Cassie purses her lips together. "Make sure that your product as a similar name, Dominick."

"Already on that," Dominick replies to her quickly. "Don't you worry about a thing, our plan is going to go off without a hitch!"

"Good, just make sure you drop your product before Roboto's launch," Cassie looks back at him. "We've worked far too hard for anything to wrong now."

The Lawson Estate; Brooke, Brad, Abby & Cheresa's Home

"When we were with Mom the other day," Cheresa says to Abby as she pours two club sodas at the bar and then turns to move to the sofa to sit with her sister. "She indicated that you weren't feeling well. I hadn't heard of this? What was going on?"

Abby takes the club soda and has a sip of it as she recalls how she was sick from morning sickness cause from her pregnancy. She knows that she has to tell her family sooner rather than later that she is carrying a child, she is just worried about their reaction, especially since she is now wondering if she wants the child. For so long, she had hoped that the baby would bring her and Andrew together, and it has done that, but now that she has had the time to think about being a mother, it scares her to her very core.

"You're not saying anything, I know something is going on with you now," Cheresa says back to her. "What's going on? And don't say nothing, cause I can tell that it's not nothing."

Abby looks over to her with intent realizing that she can't keep her secret forever. "You have to promise me that what I'm about to tell you will stay between us, Cheresa."

Cheresa arches her eyebrow back to Abby. "You're scaring me Abs, what's up?"

"Promise me!"

"Fine, fine, I promise, okay?" Cheresa uneasily chuckles back to her.

"Ugh, okay," Abby sits up and puts her club soda on the coffee table. "I'm…I'm pregnant."

"What?" Cheresa gasps back in shock to her. "How did this happen? Wait, don't answer that, I know how it happened. Who is the father?"

"Andrew," Abby bites her tongue as he hates lying to everyone, including her sister, but she knows that she can't tell anyone the truth that Max is the baby's father because then it would slowly get out. She knows that secrets have a way of coming out. "And, he knows about it. We have been much closer as a result."

"Why do I get the feeling there is a but coming on here?"

"Because," Abby sighs to her. "I was hoping that Andrew and I would be closer because of this baby and that's happened. But, Cheresa, I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother. I still feel like there's so much I want to do. Does that make me sound selfish?"

"Of course not," Cheresa grabs her sister's hand. "You do have options, you know that, right?"

Abby gets tears in her eyes. "Andrew first suggested I abort the child, but I can't do that. I can't kill my baby."

"Well then it seems pretty obvious what you can do with the baby, doesn't it?"

Abby looks back at her in surprise wondering what her sister is talking about. "What are you talking about? What do you mean?"

Cheresa chuckles back to her. "You can give the baby up for adoption," she tells her sister. "It's how Mom and Dad got me, well kinda, sorta, but you know? They tried and look what happened? I wouldn't change my family for anything."

Abby pulls her into a deep hug. "Neither would I. You're the best sister in the world, Cheresa," she tells her wondering if adoption is the road to go down with her child.

The Cascade Apartments; Apartment 507; Craig's Apartment

Lukas paces back and forth in the living room of Craig's apartment as he waits to hear the outcome from Craig's phone call with Simona Lopez. He hopes that when Craig hangs up the phone, this entire situation will be behind them because the rape charges will be dropped once and for all.

"Finally," Lukas turns and sees Craig setting his cell phone down. "So, its over the charges, they've been dropped?"

"I'm afraid not," Craig uneasily replies to him as he moves closer to Lukas. "Simona, she wants to see me before she will drop the charges."

"She wants to see you? Why?" a worried Lukas asks him back wondering what is going on. The last thing he needs is for Simona to figure out that he is paying Craig off so he will drop the charges; that is what Donovan was concerned about: if Simona learns the truth, they could all be in deeper trouble.

Craig shrugs his shoulders. "She said it's very uncommon for someone to want to drop this charges after so much time has passed. She wants to discuss it with me to make sure I understand what I'm doing."

Lukas uneasily nods back to him. "Great, so when are you going to the police station?"

"I'm not," Craig reveals to him. "She's coming here. She's on her way now."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Simona hears Craig out
- Paige and Max share a close moment
- Cassie continues to plot

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